I am doing what I am supposed to BUT...

I'm losing weight, eating healthy, staying under my calories and exercising like I am supposed to...so WHY do I feel so glum and bummed out? I am hoping this feeling will pass. I don't think it will discourage me or anything but it def makes it harder. Anyone else go through this?


  • msgbr
    msgbr Posts: 23 Member
    I have no degrees in anything but changing old habits are hard. So when you are sad allow yourself to be. Do something other than eat. I have been using a journal to record my thoughts and feelings during this process and it has been helpful. Try the journal thing, if you like and see how you feel afterward.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I have no degrees in anything but changing old habits are hard. So when you are sad allow yourself to be. Do something other than eat. I have been using a journal to record my thoughts and feelings during this process and it has been helpful. Try the journal thing, if you like and see how you feel afterward.

    Thank you. I will try that.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I definitely know the feeling and I've had those days (or weeks).

    Sometimes it has to do with the amount you're eating - it might not be enough.
    Or maybe the quality...

    Maybe buy yourself a new workout top - like an obnoxiously bright one so you'll be more cheerful while working out?
  • krissydawn16
    krissydawn16 Posts: 14 Member
    Being social helps me feel better about changing my habits. it can be hard to find friends who struggling with weight loss, but I find it a lot easier to find friends who are training for something or trying to improve their fitness somehow. I joined a yoga class and found a local race to train for -- then I learned that some of my friends (and a lot of my acquaintances) did those things, too, and I didn't know it! Now I have people to talk to about running, so I am more motivated to run, because I don't want to have to tell them I haven't been training. I'm more likely to go to yoga, because I know so-and-so will notice if I'm not there. It can be tough when you feel like you're doing it alone.
  • tmrasek
    tmrasek Posts: 3
    Everyone has ups and downs. Maybe mix it up a bit, different food, different exercise, a new outfit....
    Hang in there, focus on the good stuff
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I definitely know the feeling and I've had those days (or weeks).

    Sometimes it has to do with the amount you're eating - it might not be enough.
    Or maybe the quality...

    Maybe buy yourself a new workout top - like an obnoxiously bright one so you'll be more cheerful while working out?

    I think new workout clothes is a good idea. Now that I think about it all my clothes are pretty dark, lol.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I'm losing weight, eating healthy, staying under my calories and exercising like I am supposed to...so WHY do I feel so glum and bummed out? I am hoping this feeling will pass. I don't think it will discourage me or anything but it def makes it harder. Anyone else go through this?

    I go through this occasionally. For me, I think it's when I get to a point of being "tired" with all of it, the counting calories, exercising, etc. I know what I'm doing is good for me and I do feel better, but the realization of doing this day in and day out hits me now and then. Doesn't mean I'm going to quit, I just have to work through it mentally.

    Love the suggestion of keeping journal. I'm doing a modified version of that to track actual hunger levels, but end up jotting notes about my emotional state or stress level. It's been very helpful.

    Just look over the suggestions by the other (wonderful!) MFP members and find something that suits you and your lifestyle and give it a try! Hang in there... the feeling does pass! :flowerforyou:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Is it mental (sad, depressed, etc), or physical (tired, lethargic, etc)? If physical I'd look at your diet - are you eating enough and getting enough of the essential nutrients?
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    This will be an unpopular opinion but maybe eat a lil bit of chocolate? It'll release some endorphins and make you feel better. Are you feeling this way everyday? x
  • RobynDCrossman
    Get outside! Might be the weather. Might be the blues. Might be other circumstantial life crud.
    So often we eat for comfort.
    Taking that away is a big change!
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Sorry you're feeling under the weather. I think the gloominess of early spring can do that, too, along with everything else everyone already mentioned.

    I second the snazzy new workout outfit. :) Maybe do some fun exercises with friends? Like racquetball or tennis? Also, I like the post above me. A little chocolate sounds great (if it won't trigger any binges).
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm losing weight, eating healthy, staying under my calories and exercising like I am supposed to...so WHY do I feel so glum and bummed out? I am hoping this feeling will pass. I don't think it will discourage me or anything but it def makes it harder. Anyone else go through this?

    If it is a temporary thing, you may just be feeling blue...that happens to the best of us. If it's all the time, for a long period of time, you may want to see your doctor, as there may be an underlying problem. (((HUGS)))

    I do find that it helps to smile....as silly as it may sound :happy:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I kind of know what you're talking about (maybe). I got a little bummed out too when I really got going in this. Mine partly had to do with giving certain things up... not totally, but just not having/doing certain things as often. I think what I was missing was what certain things represented rather than the actual thing. For example, I didn't miss Burger King, I missed my hubby's and my tradition of going to Burger King for lunch after we finished all of our boring Saturday errands. I didn't miss Pizza Hut, I just missed the fun nights we'd have when we got pizza and then just hung out watching movies or playing video games. Once we started making new traditions (Subway instead of Burger King, cutting up fruit or having other healthy snacks instead of pizza), the sadness went away a little bit.

    Also, you don't necessarily have to cut all the things you like out of your diet... there's nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then. That kind of helps me stay on track actually... I'll have a Dr. Pepper over the weekend just to say, "Hey, great job this week."
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    I'm going through this now, too. It's happening, but slowly. And it is difficult. I just realized this week I am going to have to start doing a 30 minute commute to a larger gym if I want to meet some goals. It's depressing, but I'm trying to get back on track and in gear.
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    I noticed this happening to me as well when I started Month 2 of Insanity. I 100% believe it was due to not eating enough. I was crabby, irritated, easily annoyed and had a very short fuse. Originally I had my MFP goal set to 2lbs/week to see if it would work for me...and by Month 2 of Insanity, I proved to myself that it wasn't going to work. I've now changed my goal back to 1lb/week and am back to my normal personality as well as continuing to lose weight.

    Feel free to check out my food/exercise diary if you'd like.
  • rachaelnicole1719
    I go through that from time to time as well, I think what everyone is saying is a good idea. I actually have a work out buddy and she helps me but having friends around you that are going through the same thing even if it's not weight loss but they have a goal to reach can help keep you motivated. Hang in there you will start to feel different :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Have some cheese!