Please help any advice

Hi I really need some advice guys, ive been sticking to 1200 calories as adviced for nearly 4 weeks now and ive only lost 1lb.... im so disheartened any suggestions on where im going wrong..:sad:


  • kerrieanne1976
    Are you exercising as well? If you are remember muscle weighs more than fat, so although you haven't lost any weight you will have toned up and lost inches. Please don't give up x
  • emaurelli
    emaurelli Posts: 5 Member
    I had the same problem. It pissed me off royally. Then someone suggested that I take body measurements once a week. So I did. I've been working out 3 weeks and have only lost 7 lbs, but in one week I've seen that I lost a total of 7 1/2 inches between the combined areas that I measured (chest, waist, hips, and thighs). That made me a much happier woman.
  • jaynie678
    jaynie678 Posts: 15 Member
    Ive been doing light exercise 3 times a week but suffer with a bad back, I must admit I feel alittle more toned on my tummy area but I just thought it was all in my head, been feeling pretty down in the dumps today... yes I would love to do this with you together need all the support I can get :smile:
  • anarjackson
    anarjackson Posts: 79 Member
    You should probally up your calorie intake to maybe 1400 calories and see if that helps? Maybe your body is in starvation mode at 1200 calories? MFP suggested I eat 1200 but I uped mine to 1340 then 1400 and that helped alot. Also are you eating clean?
  • jaynie678
    jaynie678 Posts: 15 Member
    What does eating clean mean ?? you may be right im proberly eating less than 1200 a day maybe if I up it slightly that may help
  • anarjackson
    anarjackson Posts: 79 Member
    Sorry just saw your question. Eating clean means eating less processed foods, cooking your own meals, try to eat more veggies, fruits, less sugar. bad carbs. Try eating 5-6 small meals a day to speed up your metabolisim. How is everything going for you?