any help with my plateau?

porter09 Posts: 31 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, can anyone give me any advice, i have lost 130lbs since jan 08 and since about feb this year i have been stuck on 185lbs no matter which diet i try or the exercise i do i cannot shift it, i just put on and lose the same 5lbs and i only want to lose another 20 to be where i want. My daily calories are usually 1200 or less as i have tried up to 1400 and it just seemed too much. i am just at a loss and so frustrated. would really appreciate anything anyone can offer. thanks


  • Congrats on losing 130lbs. Have you tried to up your exercise intensity? Here lately I've had to do that with my calorie intake at the same amount and it has worked for me. I hope it works for you.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hiya! How about trying the MFP lifestyle change? :flowerforyou:

    You need to make sure you are drinking half of your body weight in water! Also, anything less than 1200 is not good for the body and also not good for weight loss. Any calories you burn during exercise, you should aim to eat back some of these too! You are restricting your eating by going less than 1200 and I'm sure many others here will tell you the same.

    I would stick around...this truely is a great programme and excellent support forum! :flowerforyou:
  • porter09
    porter09 Posts: 31 Member
    thanks for replying guys, yeah i exercise every day at the least for 30 mins, i drink stupid amounts of water always needing the toilet every 15 mins lol, i will try upping my calories but i just feel so guilty like im eating to much, when i first started i dramatically decreased my calories as i was a chef and just didnt have time to eat so i think that has buggered me instead of doing it gradually, why does it have to be soo hard :sad: lol
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    You have to keep your body guessing and change things up a lot I find. Once my body gets used to a workout dvd, then i get on the elliptical, then i run the day after. I know everybody is different, but maybe try some new types of food and exercise. I'm thinkin your body is just used to it. To get over my plateau I changed my workout from 30 day shred to training for a half marathon to power yoga. Watch your portion sizes. Eat lots of veggies that are vibrant in color. You have lost so much weight that I feel like I should be asking YOU what to do.:laugh:

    Good fo you!!:flowerforyou: Keep truckin!
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310

    Add More Strength Training

    If you are not doing so already, start lifting weights now to boost your metabolism and burn fat! When you lift weights, your muscle fibers suffer tiny tears which causes you to experience soreness for a couple days; but that's normal. Changing the intensity of the workout helps a lot. Try to increase the amount of weights you lift, or try changing the number of repetitions. Whenever you change a workout routine your body responds by burning fat. Do not under-estimate the power of strength-training; in fact, lifting weights is the best way to conquer that plateau! Challenge your muscles with harder exercises or heavier weights (every 6 to 8 weeks), adding a set of risers during your step class, increasing the incline on the treadmill, the duration of your run/walk, etc… It might seem tough at first as your newly challenged muscles will have to work harder but you will burn more calories and build more lean muscle mass in the process. its always a good idea to do a combination of resistance machines and free-weights, as the latter can increase metabolic rate as high as 10% in one session!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Just don't get discouraged about what is left! You have lost SO MUCH weight! You deserve all our congratulations! You're our idol!!

    I totally agree with Jay_83 who says to mix it up and those who said to be careful not to eat too LITTLE. One other thing my diet counselor just pointed out to me. Be sure you aren't "fooling yourself." Do you actually measure out your food, and include every stupid little thing like the catsup on the burger or the oil you saute with? I knew a gal who used "I Can't Believe Its Not Butter" Spray like it was going out of style. Yes, it's 0 calories per squirt, but the first ingredient is OIL!!! When you use half a bottle per day, I guarantee it is not 0 calories!
  • porter09
    porter09 Posts: 31 Member
    i know, i love cooking and was eating alot of veggies and fruit, it just seemed like so many calories, the only thing that bothers me is sweet things like chocolate and deserts as im not a crisps or savoury lover, i really want to start running but just feel so self concious. haha i know people always ask how i did it but it was honestly easier losing the 130lbs than it is to lose the last 20 or so, and its hard when you have been used to losing that amount and then it slows down, it feels as if you are doing something wrong.
  • i know, i love cooking and was eating alot of veggies and fruit, it just seemed like so many calories, the only thing that bothers me is sweet things like chocolate and deserts as im not a crisps or savoury lover, i really want to start running but just feel so self concious. haha i know people always ask how i did it but it was honestly easier losing the 130lbs than it is to lose the last 20 or so, and its hard when you have been used to losing that amount and then it slows down, it feels as if you are doing something wrong.

    I really feel what you said here. I have lost almost 60 lbs. I lost 60 from August to February and then from Feb to May gained 10 and from May until now I have lost about 5 more so my next weight loss is about 55 lbs. I think it was so much easier to lose the 60 from Aug to Feb than it has been to maintain (or try to) and lose anymore weight. I cannot get out of this plateau. I started the Jillian Micheal's 30-Day Shred and am hoping that makes a difference (only on day 4). I also started taking my doggie on 1 1/2 mile walks daily. I am hoping these things will help me to lose the rest of the weight.

    On the other hand, I wish I had your problem of not being able to go over the 1200 calories. It is such a struggle for me to stay under my 1800 calories. I can't imagine having 1/3 less! Whatever you decide to do Good luck and know that you are an inspiration to us all! Congrats on your amazing weight loss!
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