Can't decide...

kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
I am having a hard time deciding if I should get a Polar FT4 or a Fitbit Zip. I want something that is going to be best for the type of working out that I am doing. I know that neither will be 100% accurate, but a rough estimate would be nice.

I do the elliptical every day, as well as Jillian Michael's 30 DS (going into week 3). Some sort of dvd such as Jillian Michaels or P90X will be part of my workout routine for the foreseeable future.. I am also starting to incorporate running into my routine, and will be starting heavy weight training in the next couple of months.

If anyone could let me know which of these two would best suit my needs, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a ton!

Edited to add I breastfeed so knowing calorie burn is important since I eat back majority of my exercise calories to keep my supply up.


  • heatmack
    heatmack Posts: 29
    I have a fitbit one and a HRM, I use the fitbit for tracking my 'everyday' activities and calories burned, and I use my HRM for exercising because it is more accurate and I can track my heart rate,