And so we meet again

I've tried this app numerous times. Every time it has worked for me. I keep coming back, but my problem is I need to stick with it. Life always gets in the way and I need to stop letting that happen. I've closed my eyes to my flaws for long enough. Now it's time I focusing on change! Life is an adventure! I want to travel and enjoy everything, not be held back by my fears and insecurities. I'd like to go to a waterpark this summer, and not feel ashamed for being in a bathing suit!

I guess we all just need a little encouragement and perseverance!


  • andieellengreen
    andieellengreen Posts: 65 Member
    Im the same, do this app every time and it works but cant seem to stick with it, this time I am determined to stay on track :) will send a request
  • bracertj
    bracertj Posts: 13 Member
    I'm kind of the same way. I've used the app/site off and on for about two years. It's a great tool, use it as such. Let it be a tool, not necessarily THE tool though. There are lots of great resources out there and each has it's pros and cons. The only thing that can help you stick with your goals is the person in the mirror. I wish you nothing but success!!
  • Lucky2bA
    Lucky2bA Posts: 2
    I've used similar apps, but new to MFP. Hoping to really get into the message boards and hold myself more accountable. My main prob has been jumping from "diet" to diet. Looking for a longer term solution! Slow and steady wins the race?
  • gypsybeke
    gypsybeke Posts: 12
    I do the exact same thing. Time for round 3...or is it 4? :)
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Hoping this time I will create CHANGE not diet, that this WILL be a life style that I am willing to live with, not something I am doing for 4 months, 6 months or a year. No, I don't want to need to log my food the rest of my life, no I don't want to have to be aware of my daily calories. BUT...its one small step at a time. I'm actually craving veggies and missing them when they aren't's a start.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    The key is to add friends so that they encourage you and you, them. When I joined initially it was for my sister-in-law, I never thought I would log on myself. Then I thought I'm at my goal weight and if I can encourage one person, hey it's worth it. Over a year later I'm still here and don't plan on leaving anytime soon. MFP is better than Facebook IMO.