
I am making no progress. I have been using MFP for 23 days now. My major accomplishment is that I have given up sodas (diet & regular). I have given up regular sodas before and substituted with diet sodas, but this time I decided to give up both. This is the longest I've ever been without sodas. With that being said, in the past when I have given up sodas I dropped weight quickly but that has not been the case this time. I am on a 1200 calorie limit and have been over about 6 days, under 9 and the others were either on target (within 50 calories) or I didn't record. The only exercise I get is walking approximately 3 times a day (1 mile each), 5 days a week. I had the flu a couple of weeks ago and lost 6 pounds but the scales now tell me that I have gained that back. I am drinking water like crazy and trying to make smarter choices. Any advice?


  • jaxx2011
    jaxx2011 Posts: 20 Member
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I am not really sure about that other than maybe you aren't eating enough? I am still fairly new to this "eat your exercise calories back" but I have noticed that I still see a weight loss when I do this.

    Good luck!
  • krrs1980
    krrs1980 Posts: 90 Member
    I would definitely give it more time before getting too frustrated. I know sodium plays a big part in my diet, not just the calories. How's your sodium intake? Also (just throwing this out there) Jillian Michael's 30 day shred has done wonders for me. Maybe try to switch up your exercise. Good luck!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hi there!

    Sorry you're so frustrated but you are doing Great by giving up soda! that is still one that I say I will do but don't commit and go back.

    Can't see your diary to have a better idea. is 1200 calories enough for you? depends on your height/weight, etc. you should figure out where you should be and cut 20%..... its possible your body is afraid of starvation so its holding back and you will have a 'whoosh' and some will drop.

    your body could still be a bit messed up from the flu too, so its holding on to everything you're giving it. Give it one more week!

    Also, I recommend taking measurements, and maybe even pictures of yourself. Over time the scale alone will not be able to tell you what is happening.

    Good luck !
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    giving up soda is a great start, just give it some more time and you will see the scale go down
  • jpaul93
    jpaul93 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't get discouraged! I would recommend switching up your workouts. Try doing some cardio a couple times a week that really get you sweating. Your body might just be too used to walking every day. Good luck!!
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Couple of things that might interest you.
    1. If your ticker is correct and you have lost 5 lbs. That's perfectly reasonable for 3 weeks.
    2. Set yourself up correctly and you'll be surprised at what you accomplish...use this thread IMO its the most accurate way of setting up your MFP.

    Post questions on his thread if you have any questions regarding the set of your goals and he will help you out.
    Good Luck
  • bethanyan2013
    bethanyan2013 Posts: 25 Member
    My ticket is wrong, I don't know how to go change my beginning weight. Its more like 1 lb. :mad: Thanks for the info. I'll go check it out.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    I understand your frustration, but be patient and be kind to yourself. You didn't put the weight on overnight, and it won't come off overnight either. Don't give up!
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Couple of things that might interest you.
    1. If your ticker is correct and you have lost 5 lbs. That's perfectly reasonable for 3 weeks.
    2. Set yourself up correctly and you'll be surprised at what you accomplish...use this thread IMO its the most accurate way of setting up your MFP.

    Post questions on his thread if you have any questions regarding the set of your goals and he will help you out.
    Good Luck

    Follow that thread. Also, open your diary so we can see what you're eating. Do you weigh your food? If not, you can be adding cals wrong and that works against you.
  • Try tracking your sugar intake - and mixing up your exercise - it will happen :smile:
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Try tracking your sugar intake - and mixing up your exercise - it will happen :smile:

    I wouldn't worry about sugar, unless you have medical reasons to.

    Prioritize calories then worry about protein, carbs and fat.
  • Cathyayotte27
    Cathyayotte27 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't mean this to be rude, but woman to woamn, how old are you? I'm 42 and doing the things I used to do even 3 or 4 years ago don't gut it, not even a little bit. I'm on the 1200 calorie diet and am making very slow progress but have just stared getting serious, serious about the exercise. Maybe the walking just isn't enough anymore, even if it used to be, I know that's frustrating, BELIEVE ME I KNOW ABOUT FRUSTRATION!!! but do you have time to even do a 30 minute video, hard core video, three times a week? I know sometimes those 30 minutes seem impossible to find but maybe that's the push you needt to get over this hump?
  • ftballmom9296
    ftballmom9296 Posts: 70 Member
    I am no expert but I think you should raise your calorie intake. I do not think you are eating enough and make sure you eat lots of protein this was a suggestion given to me and drink lots of water. Good luck and do not give up.
  • jaynie678
    jaynie678 Posts: 15 Member
    Add me and we can support each other, like you ive been counting calories now for nearly a month and have only lost 1lb ive been feeling so down today, ive been adviced to up my calories to 1350 as I think mybody is in starvation mode together we can do this :happy: :smile: