
Help me stop thinking that "15 lbs overweight is that bad" or I've had 3 kids it could be worse, I swear I make so many excuses for myself and why I do not eat right.. I can't stand it anymore, I do not want to make excuses I want to lose this weight and look great and feel great, but everytime I make a bad decision, along with it comes a justifiable reason.... I just really would love to get in shape and I hate that I have no one but myself to blame for it!!


  • TaraArriola
    Don't think of it as 15 lbs. Think of it in smaller increments and it won't be so bad. I have a lot more than 15 pounds to lose; however, I am taking it 5 lbs at a time. Makes me feel better to see the weight shed off this way. This also helps with some of the bad decisions. If you think about it 5 lbs is easier to gain or lose than 15 lbs.:bigsmile:
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    It sounds like YOU need to tell yourself!! It is harder to shed the pounds though, when you have only a little to lose. I am down to my last 11lbs and it's tough right now, so I hear ya!! I was naughty this past weekend with the holiday and all and I made a few justifications of my own, but the scale reflected those "excuses:noway: , so.......back to the grind, gotta behave! Make sure you do it for yourself and realize that you ARE worth it!! Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • InsanityLover
    i use to be the same EXACT way!!! but i have found out that you just NEED to find something or someone that REALLY REALLY MOTIVATES YOU. well for me, it as that way. i use to tell myself that i want to have a great body like beyonce or rihanna but that wasnt a good enough motivation. when i found out that this lady (i use to go to church with) lost over 150 lbs, i was like "omg ... if she can lose that much, i can too" ... from there on she was my motivation. everytime i think about giving up, i think about her and how harder it must've been for her when she was trying to also get in shape.

    and i use to think dietting meant more salads, fruits, and vegies. BUT I WAS SOOOO WRONG ... i realized that i can eat the same things i use to eat, just not as much.

    it took me about 3 years to finally stop making excuses for myself and just DO IT (meaning exercise) ... and what halp me do that was the lady from church. from march 2010 till now, im proud to say that im glad i found that motivation because without that, i dont think i would be where i am with my body right now. i lose 22 lbs, lost 4in. off my waist & chest & thighs, 2.5in off my arms, 6in. off my hips, went from a 22.2% to a 14.4% body fat, and from a size 16 pants to a size 7.

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    You are not alone! I do the same thing. I wake up every morning and try to convince myself that "this is going to be a good day", BUT, life gets in the way. And I always make an excuse as to why I ate that or I didn't work as hard at the gym. I do the same thing when I snack on sweets or chips...there's always an excuse. I'm learning everyday to handle life's situations without food. I agree with what another poster said; find something or someone that TRULY motivates you. However, the real motivation should come from within yourself!! You CAN do this!!!