Junk food!



  • I agree. When I weaken and pick up something either in the store or at my coworker's cubicle where she provides lots of free junk food snacks all the time, I am often able to tell myself 'Not now. I can have it later'. Then I put it in the freezer. Most of the time, it finally gets thrown out because of age and frostbite.
  • Unfortunately that "cheat" day turns into cheat week...month...etc... for some of us. We are talking about how it would be nice to be one of those who can have a cheat day and not derail the whole program. A cheat day has never worked for me and the same goes for many others. Some of us must avoid the junk completely. Protein has nothing to do with it, eating more often has nothing to do with it, drinking massive water also has nothing to do with it.

    I understand that. As I suggested, sometimes making alternative choices can satisfy the desire for junk food.

    Just making suggestions. :)
  • storm15918
    storm15918 Posts: 88 Member
    I found that by replacing my junk food with healthier home made versions I can still have the things I love but not ruin my diet because of it. Pizza and tacos were my two biggest downfalls, but now I make ground turkey taco salads and whole wheat, low fat pizzas. I found it helps me to not go buy Taco Bell or a large pizza from the local shop, since I have the same thing (basically) at home. And it's usually tastier if it's home made too! This doesn't work for everything, but it does help a lot. Next up on my list is healthy garlic knots!
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    "its easier to stop if you never start". This is true for me for some junk foods. Like many others on here I have trouble regulating my intake of certain foods, and its like my self control jumps out the window. I am eating a fairly natural diet (ie things with ingredients I recognize) and at the moment am not craving too much. I haven't been brave enough yet to buy butter or a big bag of potatoe chips because I'd rather not risk it yet