Not Splurging on the Weekends

So, I'm pretty good about eating better during the week while I'm at work. I have my breakfast every morning, my lunch, and all my little snacks inbetween, and usually a pretty good dinner around 6:30-7:00 once I am home with my familiy. But on the weekends I'm noticing that I'm not doing as well. I'm not really splurging and over eating, but I'm so busy with my son and birthday parties to going to the park, or helping family move, and going to church and doing housework, that all of a sudden its time for bed and I've maybe eaten once the whole day. I never get breakfast since my 1 yr old is up with the sun and doesnt slow down until its nap time around 1. Does anyone else find themselves doing this unintentionally? I'm just curious, since it seems most people have the opposite problem.


  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Bump? Anybody?
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    I have the opposite problem. There are weekends when I am really busy. Since you seem to keep on track during the week. Maybe try to think of small meals that you can eat on the goal. Planning out those meals with some flexibility might help as well. This helps me from eatting junkie fast food when I don’t have time. Good luck!
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    Weekends are so, so hard. I find I am the same way. I do so good during the week and then sometimes just go wild on the weekends! But I am trying really, really hard this time around to keep it all in check... especially with alcohol consumption :drinker:
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    Weekends used to be my break from exercise and logging calories, so in turn, I found myself wallowing in regret over the damage I did come Sunday night. About 2 months ago, I started working out on the weekends, not nearly as intense as M-F, but 30 minute of something, and I now log food on the weekends as well. While I still sometimes go over calories, I do not have the regret and guilt because I am seeing what I'm eating and burning extra calories to even things out.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Like someone said before… I have the opposite problem. I don’t have my routine down like at work when I know the times I should be eating or I’m hungry and have only the food I should eat with me. At home on the weekends…nothing is set and I have whatever I want In front of me.
    Sundays are usually the worst because we wake up late (9am or so)… eat breakfast then… do whatever until swimming lessons at 1 and we don’t eat lunch before bc 1 we aren’t hungry and 2 swimming lessons lol… So when it hits 2-2:30p we are STARVING and will eat whatever we can. Lol
    Trying to find a solution to this problem now…. lol
  • mdraper60
    mdraper60 Posts: 101 Member
    I have also been struggling on the weekends, but the opposite of you. I over-indulge because I don't have time to track or I am busy running around so fast food is my option. What I have been doing this week is making extras of meals that I can store in the proper portion sizes in my fridge so they are ready to go when I need them on the weekends. At most, I will need to heat something up so that I can have a healthy meal. I have also been preparing snack food in the same way. Berries all ready to go in a container or cut up veggies in a container that are pre-portioned so that I can just grab them on my way out the door or whatever the case may be. It is a little bit more work during the week but I'm hoping that it will work out for me this coming weekend.
  • finallydetermined
    finallydetermined Posts: 70 Member
    I had problems getting enough food in (at the right times) on weekends until I started planning better to accomodate what I had planned for the days. During the week I'd always pack enough food because I knew I'd be stuck at my desk and the options of stuff that is available at work if I didn't plan ahead are BAD. The first several Saturdays since I became serious about weight loss were hard to manage - I'd get to the point where I had worked out for 2 hours and was running errands after and realize that the little breakfast I had before heading to the gym was not enough to keep my body fueled and I didn't have things handy so I delayed my post workout snack even further. ANYWAY - I started planning my weekend meals like I did during the week and it helped a ton. I still have to remember to eat (trying to eat every 3 hours or so) but when I do remember there is something healthy available.
  • hfester
    hfester Posts: 114 Member
    The part of your post that stood out to me was the bit about your child being up so early and you not having enough time to eat because of him. I have two little guys and I know all about how demanding toddlers can be!

    We have this routine on weeknights when as SOON as we get home, my kids are like "Mommy, can I have some juice? Mommy, can I have a snack?" Last night, I started to open a juice box for one of them and then went "Wait. No. You will wait. You will not starve because Mommy needs to go potty and change clothes first."

    I have to remind myself to take care of myself, too. They get their snack at the same time I get my snack. Maybe your little one can learn that there are times in the morning when we stop and eat together.

    Not judging at all, just throwing it out there because I've been there.
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    I have such a hard time on weekends! Especially when its nice outside! Sun to me=lots of fatty BBQ and beer lol!
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    I am a teacher and had spring break last week. I was surprised how few calories I ate being off work. There were some days I only consumed triple digit calories by evening and had to go looking for some peanut butter or other high calorie options just to pump me up for the day. I was still trying to eat healthy and I was so busy around the house, going to the park, visiting with friends and family that I just forgot to eat.

    For me, a schedule is important to remain on track. When at work, there is a lunch time. Breakfast and dinner generally happen around the same time every day and it always falls into a schedule. Is there a way you can develop your own schedule for weekends?
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    One thing that does keep me in check on the weekends, though, is doing an intense a.m. working on Saturday. It moves my whole day and weekend in a different direction. And I usually take Sundays off.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I plan as much of my weekends ahead of time as i can. I do pretty good with food, unless ihave a date.. then it all goes out the window. lol

    i dont' track beer/alochol though.. so.. i'm over a lot on the weekends due to this. but I also work out both days.. so I'm sure i end up around maintenance calories..