intake levels - please help

Hi everyone. I'm hoping somebody can help me. First let me explain. My dietician put me on a meal plan which is:

16 oz water after waking up
(7 am breakfast) - 1 cup green tea, 1 cup skim milk, 1 serving oatmea with cinnimonl no salt or sugar, and 1 whole fruit.
(9 am snack) - 1 whole fruit and water
(12 noon lunch) - 1 slice whole wheat bread, 3 cups veggies or 1 cup veggie and 1 serving salad with lite red wine vinegar olive oil dressing and water.
(3 pm snack) - 1 whole fruit and water. Sometimes I will also eat popcorn or nuts with this snack
(6 pm dinner) - 1 slice whole wheat bread or 1/2 cup rice no salt or butter, 4 oz fish or chicken, 2 cups veggies and water.
(9 pm snack) -1 fat free yogurt and water.

Here is my problem; I've noticed that my sugar and protein totals are over everyday. My doc told me I'm pre-diabetic and I'm wondering will this push me ovrr into diabetes. I'm also wondering what will happen from eating too much protein. Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it. I would really appreciate it because I'm stressing myself out.


  • nmaxie
    nmaxie Posts: 12
    Options anyone there. I could really use help with this. Please
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm hoping somebody can help me. First let me explain. My dietician put me on a meal plan which is:

    16 oz water after waking up
    (7 am breakfast) - 1 cup green tea, 1 cup skim milk, 1 serving oatmea with cinnimonl no salt or sugar, and 1 whole fruit.
    (9 am snack) - 1 whole fruit and water
    (12 noon lunch) - 1 slice whole wheat bread, 3 cups veggies or 1 cup veggie and 1 serving salad with lite red wine vinegar olive oil dressing and water.
    (3 pm snack) - 1 whole fruit and water. Sometimes I will also eat popcorn or nuts with this snack
    (6 pm dinner) - 1 slice whole wheat bread or 1/2 cup rice no salt or butter, 4 oz fish or chicken, 2 cups veggies and water.
    (9 pm snack) -1 fat free yogurt and water.

    Here is my problem; I've noticed that my sugar and protein totals are over everyday. My doc told me I'm pre-diabetic and I'm wondering will this push me ovrr into diabetes. I'm also wondering what will happen from eating too much protein. Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it. I would really appreciate it because I'm stressing myself out.

    Did your dietician give you specific protein and sugar goals and you're going over those, or are you going over MFP preset limits?

    How many calories is this meal plan and do you have to eat it every day?

    The best thing you can do first for your pre-diabetes is lose weight. I would assume since your dietitcian put you on this plan, they feel it's the best way to achieve this and it is safe, though I would talk to your doctor about the specifics.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Lots of bread in that diet..

    Is there a reason why this is the diet you were put on? Did you tell her you aer pre-diabetic?

    I think i'd starve with that little food.. lol although the dinner sounds good :~)

    Where's the protein? and you will go over in sugars with that much fruit.
  • jhstroebel
    jhstroebel Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm hoping somebody can help me. First let me explain. My dietician put me on a meal plan which is:

    16 oz water after waking up
    (7 am breakfast) - 1 cup green tea, 1 cup skim milk, 1 serving oatmea with cinnimonl no salt or sugar, and 1 whole fruit.
    (9 am snack) - 1 whole fruit and water
    (12 noon lunch) - 1 slice whole wheat bread, 3 cups veggies or 1 cup veggie and 1 serving salad with lite red wine vinegar olive oil dressing and water.
    (3 pm snack) - 1 whole fruit and water. Sometimes I will also eat popcorn or nuts with this snack
    (6 pm dinner) - 1 slice whole wheat bread or 1/2 cup rice no salt or butter, 4 oz fish or chicken, 2 cups veggies and water.
    (9 pm snack) -1 fat free yogurt and water.

    Here is my problem; I've noticed that my sugar and protein totals are over everyday. My doc told me I'm pre-diabetic and I'm wondering will this push me ovrr into diabetes. I'm also wondering what will happen from eating too much protein. Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it. I would really appreciate it because I'm stressing myself out.

    Also assuming the goal here is weight loss to help with avoiding diabetes... This seems to be a pretty simplistic diet, and probably very low in calories. That would be my bigger concern that you are eating at a huge deficit from what your body needs, not so much on the protein (although it might help slow down the breakdown of muscle that this high deficit diet will surely cause). You might consult your primary care physician about your pre-diabetic concerns and the sugar intake (I assume due to the large amount of fruit you are consuming).

    Overall, I wouldn't worry about it. I would assume the dietician's advice for you (based on your specific dietary needs and concerns) is better than a general prescriptive approach provided by MFP or any other online source
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I would remove the wheat. Also, the fat free yogurt is no good. You need a little fat. I think she is telling you to eat an awful lot of fruit. and not much protein. While dieticians can be a good source of advice, I have seen some who gave out really bad advice. They tend to get into a box and stay there. The same meal plan may not be good for everyone.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    My grandmother was Type 2 Diabetic and she was allowed as much fruit as she wanted. Eating a large amount of fruit will certainly put you well over the daily sugar limit set by MFP. Sugar from fruit is NOT the same as refined sugars like you would get from cookies, cake, soda, etc. Being on the verge of becoming Diabetic myself I have cut refined sugars drastically. I still eat all the fruit I want. I look at it like this, if it's man made I avoid it as much as possible. If it's land made I eat what I want.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Maybe you should open your diary so we can see what your full intake is and give you an answer.
  • nmaxie
    nmaxie Posts: 12
    Did your dietician give you specific protein and sugar goals and you're going over those, or are you going over MFP preset limits?

    How many calories is this meal plan and do you have to eat it every day?

    The best thing you can do first for your pre-diabetes is lose weight. I would assume since your dietitcian put you on this plan, they feel it's the best way to achieve this and it is safe, though I would talk to your doctor about the specifics.

    She didnt give me specific sugar and protein levels but I do have a calorie limit of 1800 and I have to stick to it daily even though today I fell way off.
  • nmaxie
    nmaxie Posts: 12
    Lots of bread in that diet..

    Is there a reason why this is the diet you were put on? Did you tell her you aer pre-diabetic?

    I think i'd starve with that little food.. lol although the dinner sounds good :~)

    Where's the protein? and you will go over in sugars with that much fruit.

    I wss put on this diet along with an appetite suppressor, b vitamin injections, and a fat burner injection. I've noticed the protein basically comes from the veggies and meat. Should I cut back on the fruit? I thought I was eating the right number of servings a day.