How often do you weigh yourself?

Just wondering how often everyone here steps on the scale. I plan to only weigh myself every Sunday, even though I have the urge to weigh more often. I just don't want to discourage myself if I don't lose any weight mid-week.


  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    My official weigh-in is monthly, but I do weigh myself every day to monitor for any water retention. I can easily change 2 - 3 pounds a day due to water. If I see the scale jump, I double my water intake for the day to purge the system of excess sodium.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I weigh twice a week - Monday & Friday... Monday to gauge how I did over the weekend. This past week I was up a couple pounds because I didn't drink enough water and definitely went over on sodium so that's just a little reminder for me to drink more water so I can be down for Friday's weigh in! Friday is really my "official" weigh in but since I do weigh on Mondays as well, if I were to lose on Monday, I'd log it.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I usually weigh myself every 35 minutes! Lol jk. I weigh myself on Wednesdays and Sundays usually. :-)
  • angelascott919
    My official weigh in day is Sunday but sometimes I do weigh during the week just to gauge how I am doing and to check for water weight gain. I don't own a scale, I use the one that is in the Kroger down the road from my house (not all Krogers have them, only this one that I know of). I used to be really bad about weighing everyday sometimes twice a day (obsessive I guess), but I found it didn't help me lose, only made me worry that I wasn't going to lose.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    If I see the scale jump, I double my water intake for the day to purge the system of excess sodium.

    Ah...I should do that.... especially this weekend...

    Hosting a BBQ this weekend...I MUST remember to make sure I drink plenty of water (and to somehow not overeat) :drinker: Oh it will be difficult to resist all the yummy dishes!

    I weigh myself everyday too but only log it once a week or every other.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i do everyday and i i understand that it can fluctuate. i usually drop 2lbs and then gain 1 and stay there a couple days and then back down 2 again. it's weird but it still make me happy to see where i'm at now. i spent my entire adult life in the 300s so now that i'm not there, it's refreshing to see it daily.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    My "official" weigh-in (which is me, my scale, in my bathroom) is on Thursday mornings before I shower. But I do tend to "peek" at the scale throughout the week sometimes to see how I'm doing. Sometimes it's just the boost I need to give my workouts a little extra "umph" or control myself when walking past the vending machines.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    I weigh twice a week, Monday & Friday... Friday's weigh-in will keep me honest throughout the weekend and Monday's weigh-in is to see just how well behaved I was over the weekend. Monday's number is the number I use as my "official weight".
  • jdsouthernbelle
    My official weigh-in day is Friday morning at 7am.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I weigh in every Monday morning. I don't allow myself to weigh more often than that or I get obsessed.
  • jennifer_elizabeth
    I weigh in once a week only. Understanding that weight can fluctuate anywhere up to 5 lbs in a day can be daunting to look at. I weigh in every Friday morning, and allow myself a cheat day for a job well done! Water intake is always key, so be sure to get your 8 daily glasses in if you can :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    I weigh myself on Thursday morning. I try not to weigh myself any more than that or it can get discouraging.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    My official day is Wed morning. I weigh every morning though to keep me from over eating and see which foods or changes in my diet show on the scale right away.

    I like Wednesdays, because if give me a few days to get rid of the aftermath of the weekend if it was a bad one.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I weigh in several times a week, but always at the same time of morning (within 30 minutes) and always before eating/showering. I use the Wii gaming system, so it asks for a daily body test when you use it. I never weigh in twice in a day, because I am always higher later in the day. I usually see a small loss every day or a very small gain if I missed on the water the day before. The scale is really accurate and weighs to tenths of a pound, so you see the small differences and stay motivated!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    So far I've been weighin in every day. And that will probably continue - I did that when I was doing WW after my first daughter was born even though it was a "no no". Like previous posters I just like to monitor knowing it can fluctuate. But it does help motivate me to keep on track and keep up with my water. I always weigh first thing in the morning right before I get in the shower. Its just part of my routine now.
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I used to weigh myself daily but I've stopped and I'm weighing weekly now. First thing on a friday morning :)
  • 3dogsand1
    3dogsand1 Posts: 13
    I weigh myself every other day - but thinking of doing it once a week as it can become discouraging. Going to up my water intake to see if that will help.

    SW 177
    CW 175.4
    GW 155
  • 6todds
    6todds Posts: 13
    I weigh myself everyday. For me, if I am up a little it helps keep me on track. If I am down it is nice to see the rewards of my hard work. If you do weigh yourself every day you just have to constantly keep in mind that if the scale is up a little it doesn't mean that you are not loosing it just means that weight fluctuates.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Chronic weigher, here ;)

    When I was losing serious weight, I only weighed in once a week, Tues. mornings & as soon as I woke up before eating/drinking anything. Now that I'm on the maintaining train, I tend to peek more often, to make sure I'm staying down. Doing so keeps me accountable, but also stresses me out, and having it in the bathroom makes it so accessible! lol

    I read an article in women's health talking about the pro's & con's of weighing in often, & the general consensus was that doing it daily will ultimately keep your numbers down. I'm sure that's true, b/c who wants to over-eat after seeing an unpleasant number, ya know?!
  • sbarham
    sbarham Posts: 44 Member
    I really resist the urge to weigh in more than once a week. It helps some people, but for me it only ends up discouraging me since my weight can fluctuate so much. I try to use only the same scale at the gym (it's like tone in doctor's offices) and I weigh first thing in the mornging before I've really had much to eat. I always try to make sure I drink lots and lots of water the day before I weight to counteract any weight from water retention. It's important to find what works best for you. Good luck and stay connected!!!!!