I am a newbie, and I am fat.



  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Been there done that, this really has worked great for me. I do really like to exercise...now. That was not always the case, I had to force myself to go for quite some time before it became something I cherished. Honestly, I still don't care much for running, but there a ton of other things out there to do. Find something you enjoy and tough it out for a bit, you might be surprised some day, like I was and be more grumpy when you miss a workout.
  • I'm about the same height and weight as you are... If we gain 5 pounds, it looks like 10 because we are short. I also dislike exercise and I've used my last 3 surgeries as excuses to not exercise at all. But they're just excuses... I could do something, anything, to move more. So I totally relate to your post. You're a trooper for being so honest. And you motivated me by your honesty. Thank you!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    welcome to MFP. i guarantee (not 100% though...can't make any false claims) that soon enough, you'll start enjoying the feeling of what exercise can do for you beyond just the act of doing whatever it is you're doing. hope things go well for yOU :)
  • This topic title fits me too! I just joined MFP and also just joined a gym, so glad that there are people on here to encourage everyone! Good luck! I look forward to hearing about your progress.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Baby steps are great ..... every step gets you closer to your goal.

    Just change one habit at a time .... many people try to do everything at once & just get overwhelmed and burn out.

    Re: exercise ...... find something you like. Keep trying different things. My journey was like this. I exercised(hated) & dieted ... when I was "done" dieting I quit exercise and .... the weight came right back. Repeated that a couple times (doh!).

    I found I had to make permanent changes to keep the weight off. I got a subscription to Netflix (by mail) ..... and tried a new exercise video every week. Some videos I liked .... some I disliked .... but I found some I LIKED!

    Exercise can be a sport, hiking, hula hooping ..... lots of stuff qualifies .... just so your are moving.

  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    I was a lot heavier then you when I started I weighed 250 pounds. I am now 175 pounds. you can do this. I do agree with the lady who said you shouldn't consider yourself fat as that is negative thinking.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    your stats sound very similar to me; I am 33. I am 5'3". I have 2 young boys (3 and 6). I am currently doing South Beach (it does work for me, but it is the sticking to it that gets me). I am 183 pounds.

    With "dieting" you have to find the groove that works for you. You have to find the right combination of calories, fat and carbs that work for you. Once you find that you enjoy your new lifestyle, it should be easier to stick too :)

    Welcome the MFP!
  • Ridumcowgirl
    Ridumcowgirl Posts: 115 Member
    Feel free to add me! I feel like the more encouragement I get the better I do! You wil lLOVE MFP! You got this girl!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    you can do this.....I started out at 196...I'm now 122....I'm 5'3 and 45 years old
    You really need to look at this as a life time change not a diet...... there are NO dieters here, just a bunch of people changing there was of eating or should I say learning to feed there body's the right way.

    feel free to add me if you want

    and remember YOU GOT THIS
  • Starting out on the goal to loose 100! I know I can do it, but I know I need motivation. That's why I am here. Wish me luck.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Welcome and GOOD FOR YOU!

    Reading your post, it's like you and I were the same person!

    I tipped the scales at 184 in Aug 2011. I am 5'4 and I was FAT!

    I started by doing the gym 2 days a week after work, but I did change my eating habits. After a few weeks, i increased to 3 days a week, then 5..... I am up to 5 - 6 days a week now and have to say that I went from HATING the workouts to absolutely loving them. After a year and a half of changing my lifestyle, i am 43 lbs down and now at 140. I am also a mother, but of 2 boys, I work full time and am happily married (for almost 10 years now. i am 32. Believe me! if I can do this then so can you! The main thing is not looking at it as a DIET, this is not a fast fix, this is something that you have to incorporate into the everyday. this has to be your new lifestyle. You don't have to hit the workouts 5 or 6 days a week. you could do 3 days a week.......but you need to eat better and move, those in combination will take you so far!

    the best of luck to you! I hope you do amazingly well and please add me if you like.
  • eklafont
    eklafont Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone. :happy: I am definitely trying to change my attitude about exercise. I don't mind the bike. It's just making myself do it that is difficult, but I won that battle today.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm short (5'1"). I started out 164 and have gotten down to 148. Plan to get to 125 eventually. Remember this is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • LawRahB
    LawRahB Posts: 12
    I HATED exercise too. Like you, I used words such as "forced." I looked at working out as more of a chore than anything. Never got any sort of endorphin rush or high or anything that all those people talk about.

    I decided to integrate exercise into my life (yet again). And then one day, I realized I wasn't forcing myself anymore. I was doing it because I really wanted to! Just stick it out and you will get there too. Oh, and once you get past the hating it, you will get the endorphin rush and the sense of accomplishment too.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I just hit my wedding weight 2 weeks ago (41 pounds lost). It feels AMAZING! You can do this. I hated exercise too but the problem was I never found the right thing or stuck with it long enough to learn to like it. It took me about 6 months to get there but now I'm going to the gym 5 days a week and really enjoying it! My best advice, besides don't give up, is keep trying different things until you find that one thing that you can do every day and not hate it. Mine was C25K. I can't run right now so I'm doing it on the elliptical instead.

    Your statement about all the things those diets had in common is absolutely true - you are the only one that can make the decision every day to eat right and exercise. You're welcome to add me as a friend and I'll help give you support.
  • What all those diets had in common was that they are DIETS. No one can maintain a healthy lifestyle by remaining on a fad diet for the rest of their life. Nothing will get the weight off and keep it off better than taking a serious look on how to eat for nutrition and not for enjoyment. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a cheeseburger or piece of cake every now and then but your main diet has to be one filled with chicken, fish, fruits, nuts and vegetables. I will say that weight watchers is the best out there because of two things: they teach portion control and you are held accountable for every bite of food you put in your mouth.

    A big congratulations to you for getting on that bike and having the determination to continue! Exercise doesn't come easy to many but, I promise, the rewards will eventually come to you and you will crave moving around. If you feel so tired after just biking for a bit, you should add more lean protein to your diet. Drink lots of water!

    I say this as a former fat person myself and I've only got 13 pounds to go to my goal weight. I am not the same size I was at my wedding either. My wedding dress is now 3 sizes too big!
  • marcy82
    marcy82 Posts: 6 Member
    You can do it!! I started at 220 and now I am down to 173 and I am a pretty lazy person!! Add me as a friend if you want, the more support you have the easier it becomes. Remember this is not just a diet but a new healthier living.
  • patty7006
    patty7006 Posts: 35 Member
    I can completely relate! Feel free to add me as a buddy! Keeping connected and encouragement is a great benefit to your weight loss journey!!:smile: