Share your little goals!

Hello guys!

Today I was thinking about the small goals I will like to acomplish. even if they seem small, they are inspiring:

1. I want to be able to wear my knee high boots.
2. I want to fit in my favorite black pants again
3. I want to finish the zumba class with more energy
4. I want to workout everyday at least 10 min! but something
5. I want to go to the gym 3 times a week.

Here I go!
Which are your goals?


  • yaya11
    yaya11 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for starting a great thread! My LITTLE goals are...

    1. Being able to go shopping in the "normal" people stores and being able to buy more than just the shirts.
    2. Listen to my body more when I'm on a diet/working out more.
    3. Do cardio at least 3 times a week.
    4. Decrease my Body fat%
  • ambersee
    ambersee Posts: 8
    1. I want to look cute in skinny jeans again!
    2. I want to wear a bikini next summer!
    3. I want to go to Jazzercise six days a week and push myself hard everytime!
    4. I want to eat more organic, home-cooked food!
    5. I wnat to have more energy!
  • Precious_Nissa

    well I have some small and to me petty ones as well.

    1. lose my 1st 20 lbs
    2. I want to be able to drop 2 sizes by end of summer
    3. I want to finish a 30 minute cardio workout without feeling like i'm dieing
    4. I want to slim my face to get rid of the double chin
    5. I want to lose a bra size
    6. I want to wear a pair of shorts without feeling disgusting....( i havent wore shorts, except for when i go swimming, in 7/8 years.)
    7. I want to be able to go around unhealthy food and not crave it to where i have to leave.
    8.. i want to get to where i feel comfortable joining a kickboxing class instead of only doing it in my house.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    1. Up my max bench from 225 to 250
    2. Be able to hit 2000 plus cals a day and not flounder around 1500.
    3. Continue to help ppl on MFP
    4. Conquer the world! BWAHAHAHA
    5. More defined chest.
  • pajamamama
    pajamamama Posts: 61
    Awesome thread! Here are my goals...

    1. I want to get to a healthy BMI (accomplished yesterday!)
    2. I want to run & finish our city's half marathon
    3. I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit
    4. I want to wear my size 6 jeans again
    5. I want to eat less processed foods
    6. I want to be a good example & teach my daughter to live a healthy life (that one probably isn't so little...)
  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    It is always so good to look at the little things! They can add up to something big! My mini goals are...

    1. To fit into my sexy heels again (who knew feet could get chubby?????)
    2. To actually want to go out w/ friends again and not feel like a *larger* shadow of my former self.
    3. To lose the firs 20 lbs and actually see that I CAN do this!
    4. To feel my pants loosening up... that will be the best day ever!
    5. To get myself back into the healthy BMI range rather than the overweight range (only 15 lbs to go for that!)

    Best of luck to all!

  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Yay I love this thread! Mine:
    -Complete Turbo Fire and after that ChaLEAN Extreme this year.
    -Get back into the jeans I was into in March.
    -Ultimately be smaller than I was last New Years Eve by this one!
    -Hopefully be into a bikini by New Years Eve, if not next summer!
    -Make fitness a PRIORITY every day.
    -Make progressively better food choices to a goal of little to none processed foods!
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    Awesome topic!

    1. I want to fit in all my size 8 jeans from college. Even at 120lbs I was still in a size 8 b/c of my curves:-)
    2. I want to throw on a shirt and not worry about whether or not it shows the little bit of belly I have left.
    3. I want to have muscle definition in my arms and thighs. I've never had that my entire life.
    4. I want to wear a bikini next summer!
    5. I want to exercise 5 days a week and maybe one day join a gym (too self-conscious right now!)
    6. I want to run a mile...I had to give up on C25K b/c of bad knee pains but one day, when I've lost more weight, I want to try again.
  • brandythixton
    What a great thread! Of course I have bigger goals, but my immediate small goals are...

    1.) I want to do Downward Facing Dog in Yoga without bending my knees.
    2.) I want to add weigh-lifting to my cardio workout.
    3.) I want to find a go-to snack/meal other than cereal.
    4.) I want to have more active fun with my kids (running, skipping, swimming, swinging).
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Never ever think of your goals as petty! Changing your outward appearance starts by changing the way you think of yourself. It took me a long time to learn it, and sometimes I have to re learn it :D

    My little goals ....Just one for now.... its kind of huge deal to me, I'm in that navy, and they require you to weigh a certain number or below, if you're above it you have to get measured and your body fat has to be below 33%. I have had to be measured since I became a mommy 5 years ago. My goal is to be 155 by October so I dont' have to get measured
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I have a few mini goals, some of them are sad to admit out loud...

    1. Get rid of or at least reduce the size of my love handles!!!
    2. Be proud of myself for what I already have accomplished! (this is the hardest one for me)
    3. Fit into my size 10 jeans (I know that's not small by any means, but I am so close, I just feel like they don't fit right just yet)
    4. Finish Chalean Extreme on schedule (done by mid-oct) and start Turbo Fire afterwards
    5. By my birthday (Nov 25) even if I don't get my goal weight, know that I am so much healthier than I ever have been and I should be happy with me, but hopefully I'm closer to my goal than I am as of now.
  • karoske
    karoske Posts: 38
    Mine probably seem so silly.. but a few of them are:
    1. feel proud of myself for the accomplishment of what I have done so far...
    2. be more active
    3. get my hubby and kids out from in front of the tv
    4. finish a whole work out video not just do it for a couple of weeks
    5. when I return to the gym in Sept. weigh 205. (20 lbs.)
  • 2daughtermom
    Wow, where to start!!!

    1. To be under 200 pounds for the first time in over 28 years (13 pounds to go).
    2. To exercise with Fit/tv for an hour instead of having to stopping at 30 minutes.
    3. To feel fabulous in my own skin.
    4. To not have my brother tell me I "stomp" when I walk across the room.
    5. To get off my HBP and diabetes medication.
    6. I'm too old for a bikini, but I would like to wear a one piece and it not have the extra firmness in the middle that holds my
    stomach in.

    There are plenty more, but that's enough.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I love this post!

    Here are mine (not really small but they are important to me):
    1. I want to be able to walk into normal sized clothing stores and find my size.
    2. I want to run a 5k and maybe even a 10k.
    3. I want to be able to play a whole rugby game and still be jogging at the end of the game. (I couldn't even do that in college.)
    4. I REALLY want to weigh less than my BF.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    My small/short term goals:

    1. Eat more fruits & veggies each day
    2. Lose 8-10 lbs by the end of July
    3. Hit the gym 5 days a week, every week
    4. Be kind to myself
    5. Bring my lunch & snacks for the day to work every day (eating out is dangerous calorie zone!)
  • mandikaye
    mandikaye Posts: 72 Member
    I've seen some great goals in this thread. Here are mind:

    -I want to be happy with the way I look and feel, regardless of the number on the scale.
    -I want to be confident in my own skin, regardless of the number on the scale.
    -I want to be able to wear clothes that aren't found in plus-sized stores.
    -I want to totally cut out my addiction to coke (the drink, not the drug - and I've only had it once since Friday)
  • MColette
    MColette Posts: 62
    Thanks a lot everybody for sharing your goals!

    I have one more goal I want to accomplish:

    I want to be Sailor Mars in Halloween! LOL So I better work hard huh?

    Good luck with your goals guys, keep it up with the hard work, and NEVER give up!
  • flygirl235
    What a great thread! Here are some of my little goals:

    1. To hit my next goal weight by my birthday - September 1.
    2. To run a 5k in under 30 minutes.
    3. To complete the 12 week Body for Life challenge (I'm on day 10!)

  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    What a great idea for a thread!!

    Here are some goals -

    1.To be a milf!! (I am a mom of 3 little ones)
    2.To fit in all my old clothes again (I am 1/2 way there! )
    3.To increase my Elliptical time from 30 min to 45 minutes
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    1. Get into size 10 jeans and be comfortable
    2. I want to be able to walk without my legs hurting (RA)
    3. I want to be able to keep up with my daughters and grandaughters...ALL of them...
    4. I want to feel good about myself.