Snacking Help????

Ok so i'm fairly new on this website but I really am trying to make an effort however my biggest downfall is snacking. I find it really hard to just eat 3 meals a day, and when i do i end up snacking in between anyway and eating as more than usual! I am just wondering if anyone has any easy/different (not celery!) snacking ideas that might help me reaching my daily calorie target? thanks=)


  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Eat however is the most intuitve for you. Studies show that it isn't the number of meals you eat that matter, but the total number of calories consumed in a 24-hour-period.

    Some people prefer to skip breakfast, that's fine.

    Some people eat six times a day

    Makes no difference to your metabolism.

    Some snacks I like are Greek yogurt, cottage cheese with crackers, and beef jerky.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    apple with string cheese
    plain greek yogurt with fresh fruit
    Kind or Luna bars
    Air-popped popcorn
    hard-boiled eggs
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Almonds, almonds, and more almonds. Get some dark chocolate covered ones if you care more for sweet than salty.


  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I eat 2-3 snacks a day. Usually things like fruit or nuts or yogurt. Sometimes my snacks are items that would normally be the component of a meal, like a cup of soup or a composed salad. Other times they're something indulgent like cookies or cake. I recently made three batches or dried fruit and nut bars that are around 200 calories each.

    ETA: I forgot some other favorite snack items! Hard boiled eggs are nice because they're portable and high in protein, and popcorn's great because it's easy to make and very satisfying.
  • Alena3883
    Alena3883 Posts: 14 Member
    I think it just depends on what you are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am going to start planning my meals to include snack too. Today, I am snacking on some 6 triscuits and a tablespoon of chunky peanut butter with a drizzle of honey and an Anjou Pear. I would suggest fruit, yogurt, nuts, whole grain crackers, peanut butter, veggies apples and cheddar cheese or even a little slice of brie. What ever you do just make sure you adjust your main meals.
  • dgage8
    dgage8 Posts: 28 Member
    a stick of gum doesn't help at all with actual hunger, but if you are eating out of habit/ boredom/ stress, it can help.
    popcorn, as long as it's not loaded with butter or cheese, is a good option.
    definitely stay away from raisins, craisins, or any type of dried fruit, as they do little for hunger and are packed with calories.
    also, if there is something you are craving, eat a small portion of it, rather than trying to eat something else to fill the void. If 3 marshmallows and a teaspoon of nutella will make me happy, I go straight to it instead of snacking on "healthier" things first, just to feel unsatisfied and miserable, and eventually go for the marshmallows and nutella anwyay.
    also, I LOVE pomegranates. Getting those little seeds out takes time, gives me something to do, and I really enjoy the little crunch!
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    I eat 3-4 small meals a day, definitely with breakfast and a snack at night. Unless I have long breaks inbetween meals due to long classes or work. In that case I have granny smith apple slices (80 calories for one apple) and all natural peanut butter (190 calories for 2 tbsp)/carrots (35 cals per serving) and peanut butter, granola bars (90-100 calories), 100 calorie popcorns, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (150 cals), tuna (no mayo) (60 calories for 2.5 ounces) on wheat thins (140 cals for 16 crackers), special K snacks (100 cals), cuties mandarine oranges (2 for 72 calories), or string cheese (80 cals).

    Theres lots to choose from!!! :bigsmile:
  • JoeRod23
    JoeRod23 Posts: 1 Member
    In my should never just eat 3 meals a day. It should be more like 5-6 small meals. This keeps your blood sugar stable and keeps your metabolism up. Depending on your calorie allotment, I would do Breakfast, Lunch and dinner for 300 calories and then three 100 calorie snacks in between. That gets you to 1200 calories. If you are "allowed" more then up the meals for snack calories. Hope this helps!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Almonds, almonds, and more almonds. Get some dark chocolate covered ones if you care more for sweet than salty.



    This! Almonds are a life saver for me...i love the wasabi and soy, the habanero bbq, and the dark chocolate diamond has a huge variety of almonds...and they are soooo good for you...also i like to have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn in the evening before get alot of bang for your buck...lots of crunch and it takes a while to eat it.
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    I had the same problem. Im a grazer, I like to snack on things throughout the day. I hardly go 4 hours without munching on something.

    I eat around 1500 calories a day, so I break my meals up so I eat about 6 times a day.
    200 breakfast, 200 snack, 300 lunch, 200 snack, 300 dinner, 200 snack.. it varies, but you get the point.

    Satisfying for my need to chew, and fulfilling so Im never hungry :)

    Apples, fruit, peanut butter, greek yogurt, nuts, salads, veggies and hummus, turkey meat, etc.. It doesn't have to be a "snack" food, just eat a small amount of whatever you want that's good for you.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Sounds like you need to plan for snacks between meals. Or divide your meals into 6 for the day.

    The best snacks combine all 3 macro nutrients (carb, pro, fat).
    An ounce of chicken or turkey on 2 or 3 crackers
    Big lettuce leaf rolled around tuna with a little mayo.
    Fruit with almonds or walnuts for some crunch or nut butter...thin it a bit with water and dip the fruit slices.
    Plain yogurt with fruit
    Cup of milk with a few pieces of dried fruit.
    Smoothie made with a cup of frozen fruit, 6 TBS All Whites, and half cup of almond milk.

    Get familiar with the calorie count of vaarious food you like by entering them in the food diary...if you don't eat them you can delete them.

    If you want to divide your 3 big meals into 6 small ones go ahead but be sure you're not eating more this way. For example...if you normally had a sandwich with soup or salad and a fruit for lunch...have the soup and half sandwich at noon, then the other half plus the fruit at 3pm.

    You can use the "search" tab on Community and put in "healthy snacks" and you'll pages to read from previous snack discussions.
  • laackmannk
    you should most definetly eat more often than 3 times a day.
    I do a smoothie at breakfast and maybe some toast with peanut butter if i'm working out in the AM.
    then a mid morning snack
    followed by a salad or heathly sandwich at lunch
    afternoon snack
    then dinner!

    your main meals should be smaller than what your used to because you have been snacking during the day.
    some snacks I like are:
    apples with almond butter or all natural peanut butter
    a laughing cow wedge with crackers
    berries(whatever is in season) with plain greek yogurt
    almonds are always a good choice, but make sure you don't eat to many!
    any kind of raw veggie; carrots, cellery, broccoli, sugar snap peas! and if you don't like them plain you can pair them with hummus

    It helps when I pre-bag my snacks after going to the grocery store. that way I don't have to worry about making it all up the night before or the morning of and running out the door with nothing.

    Good luck!
  • teammaryterry
    Im still learning everyone but thank you all. for all the advice its much appreciated and most helpful. so agian thanks...teammaryterry.:flowerforyou:
  • jenii80
    jenii80 Posts: 2 Member
    thanks so much! there are so may great ideas here i haven't thought of! im terribly uneventful with my food so this has been a great help!=)
  • Wilbur_NOLA
    Wilbur_NOLA Posts: 120 Member
    Almonds and turkey jerky
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    thanks so much! there are so may great ideas here i haven't thought of! im terribly uneventful with my food so this has been a great help!=)

    If you are craving something super sweet I cant stress how sweet frozen red seedless grapes are lol I am still in shock when I put them to freeze they were reg grapes like always cute and sweet but when I grabbed then to snack on because I was feeling hungry between meals I couldnt believe I was eating grapes.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I find if my meals are heavier in protein and healthy fats, I'll snack less.

    Also, sometimes I'll just snack all day (healthily) instead of having actual meals.
  • chkn_WANG_Train
    i love snacking too!

    string cheese
    apple with peanut butter (or other nut butter if you are inclined)
    handful of raw nuts, i usually skip the ones with raisins to save on sugar, but also really love it with raisins :)
    banana with cashew nut butter
    greek yogurt with a scoop of honey
    celery it's that terrible with peanut butter :)
    hard boiled egg
    carrots and hummus
    red seedless grapes
    cauliflower with cottage cheese
    and some grass fed beef jerky if I can find it.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    I eat 3 meals/3 snacks a day. I have myself set up on a schedule & I stick to it as close as possible. I do bfast at 930, snack at 1130, lunch at 1 or 130 depending on the day, snack at 4pm, supper at 630 & my last snack of the day is between 9-930pm whenever the kids are in bed. Since I don't go to bed til midnight on week days my last snack being at 9ish works for me & is certainly better then the snack I use to have at 11pm every night before I started this. However I know alot of people who don't do the last snack if they go to bed around 10ish. If I didn't do this, I would snack all day long anyways, I find my cravings are always more intense & I am starved by meal time. There has been the occasional time that I missed a snack for one reason or another & then eating my next meal wasn't enough because I really did need that snack.

    My snacks are mostly fruit, I keep a wide variety here but I also like Fibre 1 bars (20% of daily fibre in one bar), Other snack ideas could be baby carrots/dip, yogurt, frozen yogurt, broccoli, low cal popcorn (this is our new fav & its replaced chips for us. We could one that is only 150cals for half a bag so my husband & I will share a bag while watching a movie, it tastes great, just like theatre popcorn). Its not about denying yourself because most of us then will tend to over indulge, its about setting yourself up for a successful day :-)
  • Uhhhlexxxis
    Uhhhlexxxis Posts: 39 Member
    I love snacking, so I make sure I have extra calories left over from my meals each day to enjoy a snack. I still mostly eat cheese and crackers: I weigh out an ounce or 2 of cheese and count my crackers. If I'm really looking for a low cal snack, I eat cucumber and carrot slices with tzatziki sauce or hummus. Nut Thins are about 160 calories for 16 crackers and they are delicious! There are also veggie chips that are about 130 calories for like 32 crackers. You can definitely find tasty chips and crackers that fit into your calories if you look beyond the usuals :)