Not losing weight even when within calorie intake

Hi all. I am a newbee here. Everyday I am within my calorie goal, but I am not losing the desired 1lbs per week. My calorie intake is usually static and workouts mostly include household activities (washing dishes, cleaning etc). Sometimes I go for a 30 min walk. I weigh less one morning, but end up weighing the same the next day. Is there something wrong that I am doing. Should I make any improvements in my lifestyle and eating habits.


  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    How long have you been tracking it for? If you just started give it a few weeks. Also try boosting the excercise levels, maybe jog for a few minutes if you are able then go walk and alternate the two.
    Don't forget about the sneaky calories in alcohol and other beverages! Don't give up, give it time!
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    No, don't give up. Sounds like you just need to shake your metabolism up a little. You can do it!
  • Increase your water intake and try doing a little more cardio? I am in the same position with the scale. But I measure now instead and I am seeing the difference by tracking that over the scale. I wish you luck and don't give up!
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    You can lose weight with calorie counting. What kinds of foods are you eating? You want to make good, healthy choices, not just low calorie ones like a cheap burger and small fries. Instead, choose something healthier. Drink lots of water. I suggest doing more exercise than just household chores. Walk at a faster pace, try to jog a little here and there to get your heart rate going. Maybe add some squats and lunges and other exercises for more of a workout.
  • RosemarieSenpai
    RosemarieSenpai Posts: 85 Member
    I know how you feel :glasses: . I go to the bathroom before using my scale to make sure I feel like I weigh less just to see somewhat results. My weight is just going up and down up and down like crazy. I'm trying to push for simple goals that are reachable and obtainable now rather than jumping to the weight that I once was. :noway:

    My workout schedule is just out of whacked due to people always occupying the living room space and whatnot so all my routines are just bleh, out the window. :mad:

    I had to keep deleting and restarting new accounts when I bust my diet. I'm working hard on cutting back the calories and exercising within a budget that I can afford since I'm kinda drowning in debt this month. But I'm going to do whatever it takes to stick to my foundation.

    I enjoy working out and sweating it out but when I try pushing for 25+ hours a week and taking a couple hours to wind down after each work day, my rest is screaming for mercy. :frown: But there is hope!

    I normally record my fitness routines on Fitocracy and my food and other exercises on here. Just to keep up and compete with friends.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Your diary isn't open, so not much info to go on.

    How much do you weigh, what's your goal weight, how tall are you, how long have you been tracking, how many calories are you eating, etc?

    As far as improvements: I'd suggest not counting washing the dishes and other daily household activities as exercise. Find an actual exercise you enjoy and do that regularly. (walking is good, but if you can go for more, go for more. I don't know if you have any medical/physical barriers or what not)
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    Are you actually eating enough calories for your weight? When I did 1200 like MFP showed I would quit loosing weight because it was too little for my weight.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Your diary isn't open, so not much info to go on.

    How much do you weigh, what's your goal weight, how tall are you, how long have you been tracking, how many calories are you eating, etc?

    As far as improvements: I'd suggest not counting washing the dishes and other daily household activities as exercise. Find an actual exercise you enjoy and do that regularly. (walking is good, but if you can go for more, go for more. I don't know if you have any medical/physical barriers or what not)

    ^^^ What she said.
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    workouts mostly include household activities (washing dishes, cleaning etc). Sometimes I go for a 30 min walk.

    your workouts "include" washing dishes, or *are* washing dishes?

    how can you improve this?
    you could do some more serious workouts.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Your diary isn't open, so not much info to go on.

    How much do you weigh, what's your goal weight, how tall are you, how long have you been tracking, how many calories are you eating, etc?

    As far as improvements: I'd suggest not counting washing the dishes and other daily household activities as exercise. Find an actual exercise you enjoy and do that regularly. (walking is good, but if you can go for more, go for more. I don't know if you have any medical/physical barriers or what not)

    This.....I like horseback riding for exercise.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Your diary isn't open, so not much info to go on.

    How much do you weigh, what's your goal weight, how tall are you, how long have you been tracking, how many calories are you eating, etc?

    As far as improvements: I'd suggest not counting washing the dishes and other daily household activities as exercise. Find an actual exercise you enjoy and do that regularly. (walking is good, but if you can go for more, go for more. I don't know if you have any medical/physical barriers or what not)

    ^^^ What she said.


    Also, this stuff isn't don't lose .15 ounces per day to come out to 1 Lb per's not linear. You'll have weeks with no loss...weeks with little losses...weeks with little gains...weeks with bigger losses, etc. You really need to give it some time and be patient.

    It took me about 26 weeks to lose 32 Lbs...some weeks were awesome and I dropped a couple pounds...some weeks there was nothing...that's how this all's a general trend over a much longer period of time, not X Lbs exactly in 7 days.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    workouts mostly include household activities (washing dishes, cleaning etc). Sometimes I go for a 30 min walk.

    your workouts "include" washing dishes, or *are* washing dishes?

    how can you improve this?
    you could do some more serious workouts.

    This. If you're logging light cleaning as exercise and eating back those calories (that are grossly overestimated) it doesn't surprise me that you're not losing.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Open your diary.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    workouts mostly include household activities (washing dishes, cleaning etc). Sometimes I go for a 30 min walk.

    your workouts "include" washing dishes, or *are* washing dishes?

    how can you improve this?
    you could do some more serious workouts.

    This. If you're logging light cleaning as exercise and eating back those calories (that are grossly overestimated) it doesn't surprise me that you're not losing.

    Also isn't exercise...I run around and chase my 3 year old...clean...cook, etc. That isn't exercise. That's just life and I did all that stuff when I was obese and, well...I was obese.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    If you want to loose weight (without knowing your size) I suggest eating less than 2000 cals a day and uping the anty on exercise. Yes cleaning the house is activity but dont log that as exercise, if you really want to see pounds fall off keep up the activity but add in some real exercise, walk longer and faster..track that. Also not a good idea to eat back all of your workout calories
  • It takes 3500 calories BURNED to lose 1lb. for example:
    if you ate 2800 cal a day x7days = 19600 calories consumed a week
    if you burned 3200 cal a day x 7days = 22,400 calories burned a week
    22,400 -19600=2,800 net burned for the week it's not quite a lb lost but it's .8 lost

    How do you know what you burn a day? look up BMR and enter your body data. I know all the pills and stuff the world promotes sound great, none of them work, they only increase the amounts of calories burned a day by small amounts and supress your appetite, but if you don't know your basic calorie intake or your basic burn a day, nothing can help you manage the outcome. I explain this to say that I have lost 45lbs in 6 months and I work out roughly twice a week, but walk 3 miles 3 days a week in the summer............hope this helps.................:smile: STAY OF THE SCALE (ONCE A WEEK)
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Eating and drinking less calories than your body needs will result in weight loss. It is not linear. I have gone as much as 3 weeks not showing a loss and then a huge loss. Exercise to look and feel great. Eat and drink less calories than your body needs to lose weight. You can do it, just be honest with yourself and log everything that you eat and drink.
  • Thanks for the inputs. I would definately include exercises in my daily regime. Thanks again :)
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Pay attention to serving sizes. For instance my ice tea says 2 servings, but someone that is not paying attention might think that drinking the whole 16.9 fluid ounce is considered 1 serving, when it is actually 2 servings. Another thing is condiments, pay attention to barbecue sauce, ketchup, jams and jellies, butter, stuff like that. Try using measuring cups and spoons for accuracy. Try weighing yourself every 2 weeks, instead of every day.
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
    Lift weights and eat clean.