I discovered something disgusting......

PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
my stomach. Ugh.

This probably sounds nuts but at 5'9" 175ish pounds I think I look ok with clothes on (size 12) and standing up. I knew I had a bit of an issue with too much belly when I sit down so I try to avoid pictures when I'm sitting. BUT, for some reason I never realized that when I lay down on my side I have a huge and gross amount of fat in my mid section. It's globby and wiggly and one hundred other nasty ways to describe it. I'm horrified. How did I not notice how bad it looked? I don't normally look at myself laying down and candtreally see my belly over my boobs I guess lol.

I've been here before. Done well, done terrible, done ok, given up completely. So here I am, again. With a somewhat renewed motivation because of my disgusting realization that I don't look nearly as ok as I thought I did.
I'll probably get some crap from the people who are all about health and not looks but at least i'm being honest. I don't like the way I look. Better health would be a great added benefit but I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror and that's not good for my mental health and overall opinion of myself.

I'm disgusted with myself for letting my body get to and stay in this shape for so long. No promises that I'll do any better this time but i'm here to give it another shot.

I could use some help. Friend me if you dare, lol. I'm not always this gloomy


  • saraedens
    saraedens Posts: 54
    Add Weights to your routine!! Tone up your body and you'll be happy with the out come!!! :)
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Yes. I need to add weights to my routine. But first I need to add a routine :smile:
    I tend to have an all or nothing mentality. Another bad habit I need to break out of.
  • rustyvicinie
    rustyvicinie Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome aboard and hope it helps get you to a new you. Feel free to add me if you want to help each other stay the course.

    Good luck.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Welcome back Penny!! You have a lot of support on this site. And believe me there are women out there in the same boat as you. I don't like the way I look either. And I'm the only one that can fix it, with the encouragement of friends of course. Hang in there girl, you can do this!!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    You just described what my belly looked like 10 weeks ago.

    With eating healthy, cardio, and strength training, it is getting better. I am not embarrassed now when my hubby sees my belly, its still a work in progress, but definitely better than when I started!
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    You just described what my belly looked like 10 weeks ago.

    With eating healthy, cardio, and strength training, it is getting better. I am not embarrassed now when my hubby sees my belly, its still a work in progress, but definitely better than when I started!

    10 Weeks and you've accomplished this much? I need to do whatever you are doing!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Join the plank a day challenge.
    I decided to super-size and do 1 plank per hour during my sit-on-my-butt-and-transcribe work day. That flabby mid-section should tighten up in no time!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Lots of ab exercises i'm afraid! I've found that even with a 'protruding' belly, toning it up makes it look a hell of a lot better! I really hate ab exercises, but you gotta do what you gotta do...
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Seriously girl, I don't do near as much as some of the folks here. When I compare my exercise log to some, I feel lazy. But all I have been doing is tracking my calorie intake and exercising regularly. I haven't worried so much about the other macros, except sodium. Sometimes I go over on fats and carbs, but since I am getting them from mostly healthy foods, I try to not stress over that.

    I have my calorie goal set at 1620, and do not eat back exercise calories, unless I am absolutely hungry, then I eat back maybe half or so.

    I have done 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels, Ripped in 30 (also Jillian), and am now doing the 30DS again. I have recently added her Fastfit Kickboxing Cardio workout also, as well as strength training with dumbbells. I swear by Jillian's DVDs. I love them and have lost plenty of inches and a few lbs.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I have 30DS but ive never done it consistently. When you use it, do you do the dvd every day for 30 days?
  • Maracuya77
    Don't feel disgusting..you're not disgusting. You're a perfect and beautiful image in the eyes of God. But for your health, and only for your health and longevity, work hard to improve your heart and lungs. Try to take away the idea that the scale reflects your worth. It doesn't. You're beautiful. Work out for your health. Work out to hike long trails and maybe even run a marathon. But never do it to 'look good'. The fat will melt away as you work on improving what matters..health.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    5'9" and carrying 190 lbs right now so I feel ya especially having gone through a full-term pregnancy and gaining about 50+ pounds. Tummy's a bit stretched and flabby but I've noticed a HUGE change once I added in weight training and core work (planks, push-ups, twisting crunches, etc).
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Every day. I do not take rest days from that, but if I am tired or sore or short on time, then I may not do the other cardio dvd with it. If I only have 30 minutes of time/energy, then I definitely do the shred. Keep a bottle/glass of water nearby for quick refreshment between moves.

    I have to plan it so that I do it on an empty stomach, if its too soon after eating, I feel sick to my stomach before I am finished with it. Also, she is a little short on stretches in the cool down. I was really sore doing only what she does, but when I started adding extra stretches to it, the soreness went away. I still get the "Man that was an awesome workout" sore, but not the "omg, I can't walk" sore.

    I actually do the stretches on this chart after I finish hers. Some of these are repetitive, but that's better than not doing enough. I hope this link works.


    ETA: When I begin my weight loss journey, I was not on MFP. I started out at 190 lbs, and I am shorter than you at 5'5". I did my own thing and lost quite a bit, but my body did not actually change shape. I was still flabby. It wasn't until I joined MFP and learned about actual fitness that I learned how to change my body shape.