Is the shred enough?

I am wondering if doing the shred alone will make enough of a difference? Because, I have done it for 10 days now and the only thing that I have noticed is a 1 1/2" is down off the hips. (Trust me they need it!) But I am wondering if anyone added another workout to their shredding and saw better results? I do have an elliptical at home but sometimes I just don't want to get on it.

I do want to at least finish the 30 days with the shred to see what it will actually do. Just wondering basically what everyone else has done. I have been trying to work out every day for the last two months because on the 17th I am going to a wedding with my fiance' which means I will be meeting friends that I haven't ever met. Plus I want him to feel a little better about going cause I guess his ex is going? I know it is kind of vain to be thinking this way but I don't want to look like the fat tub of lard next to my skinny mini fiance who can eat anything and doesn't gain an ounce! lol.

I have made some progress since april 2007 I lost 85 pounds to only gain 30 of it during the winter. So any tips, motivation and etc. would be greatly appreciated!



  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Hi! I've been doing the shred solely for the past two weeks and I've noticed the same amount of weight loss as when I'm doing intense cardio every day. I think it's enough - and you should see a bunch of inches lost.

    Here's to looking HOT at that upcoming wedding :)
  • forgiven4life
    I just started doing the Shred so I can't attest to the effectiveness of it alone. But I am adding extra cardio on the days I feel like doing more. Yesterday I did a 30 min walk & jog video after 30DS.
  • maviolette
    maviolette Posts: 27 Member
    I've done the shread 12 times now, but not in a row. I alternate with a 3-4 mile walk. I love it! Mostly notice a reduction in hips, thighs and belly. Down 19 lbs as of today!
  • Binki
    Binki Posts: 13
    I have been doing the shred since the end of April and I've seen more of a difference in inches than wieght. I sometimes double up on the the Shred and do 2 levels = 40 mins. I'll switch it up, depending on how I'm feeling. I'll do level 1 and 2 or Level 3 with walking a fast pace about 2 miles. I'm in a wedding in August, so I know the pressure you're feeling. :) Keep it up!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    "You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet",,, "Abs are made at the table",,, blah blah blah.

    The shred is great, good circuit training. If your main goal is fitness you can and probably should do more than just that. However, if your main goal is weight loss, calorie control is key, and that 20 mins of circuit training is just a fun little boost.

    It's all good,,,
  • stfuandrun
    stfuandrun Posts: 106 Member
    Last year I did the Shred for 30 days in a row and ran 25-30 miles a week. I lost zero weight but I lost a total of 12.75" total from various areas on my body. Just my experience.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I did the shred for the 30 days - 10 days on each and as I didn't really have a lot of weight to lose (just wanted to tone) I found it was brilliant in changing my body shape! It did help me drop a few lbs but I've also gained a lot of muscle mass.

    I do it usually every other day now, I mix it up with gym sessions and Tae Bo but always go back to the shred! I love it! And it is effective!

    Like Binki I often do 2 shreds in one go or all 3 at different times of the day :) I couldn't do that at the beginning though!

    It deffinately does work from my experience! I have already started converting my friends to Jillian lovers! Lol
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    Depends on what your goal is. I wanted to lose weight, inches, and become more fit, so the 30DS was a great jumping-off point for me. Some days, all I did was the 30DS. As I progressed, though, I found that I still had the energy for a long walk, or walk/jog intervals.

    Before the 30DS, the only regular exercise I did was walking. The Shred changed all that. Now my body is used to being worked more intensely, so if I go a day without exercise, I usually feel like I'm going stir-crazy. Now I actually LIKE to work hard, push it a little harder than last time, and sweat buckets! I still do the Shred in rotation with my other workouts. Right now I'm also doing No More Trouble Zones 3-4 times/week, taking long walks/hikes, and walking/jogging.

    Go with how you feel. If you feel like you want to do something extra, do it! If you are happy with where you are, don't worry about it! Good luck as you finish the Shred!
  • natspoiledbrat
    On the days that I do the Shred I try to get in a minimum of 30 minutes cardio. I usually do an hour of cardio without the shred. I think it kinda depends on what your goals are (as many others say as well). I typically burn between 200-250 calories with the shred and so that just isn't enough. I usually have to burn 500+ a day. If you are doing it to lose weight, I would suggest adding more cardio, but if you are just trying to maintain of improve overall fitness, I would think that it is enough. If you like it, you could also try her other videos. I have tried Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and it is similar to the Shred, but I think double in length, so from that video you can probably easily burn 500 calories or so................Good luck!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I think everyone is making good points. It really does depend on your goal and where you are in your journey.

    Right now I'm just a couple of pounds from my goal weight, so my focus is mainly on strengthening and not as much on weight loss. I'm getting the results I want without the added cardio. When I was focusing on losing weight I did 45-60 minutes of cardio a day (walking or elliptical).

    You'll be able to judge if your body can handle more.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been working the Shred into my other exercises that I like to do. I'll do the Shred a few times a week, but usually I'll do 2 levels now or do 1 level and something else. I only burn 230-250 calories during the Shred and I try to get my calorie burn over 400. Its a great quick workout though if I only have 30 minutes. I've also been going to the gym twice a week and running intervals, using the stationary bike and the elliptical. So the Shred isn't all I do, I like to keep my body guessing :)