Weird way to get rid of belly fat



  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    You will lose inches but it's water, not fat.
    The second you drink a few glasses of water you'll gain them back. :)
    Save your money!
    Save your money and $1 plastic wrap?
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member

    Sweat is not a sign of the amount of calories you have burned. Sweating is just a body mechanism which it does to cool itself down, maintaining the temperature.

    However, the heart rate reading is a better and accurate indication of the amount of calories you have burnt. Muscles become sore when you start working out but again it does not indicate that you have worked out less or more or what is going to be the amount of weight loss.
  • newerme15
    newerme15 Posts: 128 Member
    all it does is make you lose water weight, the second you drink water your belly will be the same as before

    Exactly, it's pointless and you look stupid.

    Excuse me?

    I don't think this person was saying that you personally look stupid, I think they meant someone wearing saran wrap may look stupid!

    K cool just checkin' :smile:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Well it must do something as all the boxers at my gym turn up in 3 layers of clothes just to sweat more when they work out lol

    Boxers use sweating out water weight as a way to get into lower weight classes. It's not a permanent solution, and it's dangerous as well.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Yes, I know many people who have done this. Wrestlers did this in highschool to "cut" weight. The art of cutting weight was basically losing weight before weigh in so that they could reach a certain weight the day before they wrestled.

    They also spited into cups to get rid of saliva, and it work out trash bags and sleep in saran wrap.

    Of course they would gain all the weight back as soon as they stepped off the scale and started eating again.

    It is water weight.
  • Was interested re body wraps. Just found this which is interesting reading:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    all it does is make you lose water weight, the second you drink water your belly will be the same as before

    Exactly, it's pointless and you look stupid.

    Excuse me?
    I think she meant you'll looks stupid with plastic wrap round your waste....

    *giggle* And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why spelling is important. "Plastic wrap round your waste," would mean a saran wrapped poo.
    "Plastic wrap round your waist" conjures up a much different (and less offensive) image .
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    Cant lie I did that a few years ago. I believed it did something, its like diet pills, its a mind thing if you believe it works it does. It came back around, I read about it, now they add preparation H to the saran wrap, they say it removes inches temporarily. People pay good money to go in spa's and have that mess done, but it is mess. I just do sit ups now, lol.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    all it does is make you lose water weight, the second you drink water your belly will be the same as before

    Exactly, it's pointless and you look stupid.

    Excuse me?
    I think she meant you'll looks stupid with plastic wrap round your waste....

    *giggle* And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why spelling is important. "Plastic wrap round your waste," would mean a saran wrapped poo.
    "Plastic wrap round your waist" conjures up a much different (and less offensive) image .

    Nobody cares?

    anyway...its probably okay if you wanna squeeze into a dress or something but then you cant eat or drink anything all night.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Okay, I know this is going to soun really weird, but it's a true story. Back about a hundred and fifty years ago I trained show horses for a living. We'd get a bunch of yearlings in fresh off the range and try to tame down their manes and tails, slick up their coats, and teach them some manners (gently - no cruelty ever!) This one little filly came in and she was just gorgeous - except! She had the thickest neck ever!

    I was really new to the whole business and my boss taught me to wrap her neck. We didn't use plastic wrap, but it was a specially-made neck blanket specifically to sweat down the size. And it worked! Please understand, we left it on her all day every day for a couple of weeks, but the weather wasn't excessively hot (mountains of Colorado) and she wasn't in any discomfort.

    I guess I always remembered back to that when I heard about those people-wraps. If I hadn't had that experience, I wouldn't give the wraps a second thought. But thanks for the links and the conversation!

  • all it does is make you lose water weight, the second you drink water your belly will be the same as before

    Yup. Dehydrating an area for a while won't permanently get rid of the fat there. It'll plump right back up once you rehydrate.

    omg...i can't believe how many people have had this reply. "Water weight" doesn't actually come from drinking water. it has to do with your sodium intake (salts/ etc). That's why so many people drink gatorade to stay hydrated. it contains salt and an increased amout of sodium so when you can sweat and stay hydrated. another reason sweat is salty. and if you're not very active and you drink something like gatorade or powerade, you'll bloat because it has so much sodium and you're not sweating to balence the intake like the drink is intended to do. drinking a lot of water actually helps you lose weight because it doesn't contain things such as sugars and sodium and it helps keep your system clean and healthy. drinking ice water helps speed up your metabolism because your body temp goes down so your heart rate speeds up to bring it back to normal.
  • diavvia
    diavvia Posts: 1
    I use this with exercise and diet it works and is not pointless but alone without good eating habits and exercise its pointless and only temporary. Also good to use when done working out so that area continues to sweat it also creates curves for the body try it everyone different:smile:
  • Sucks. I was gonna try it. #lawl
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So I posted something here a while ago about getting rid of belly fat. I found an interesting article and it states:

    " When you're trying to lose fat in a specific area, there is a handy trick that personal trainers and instructors use. The hotter you get, the more you sweat and the higher your heart rate is. It takes a combination of both those things (sweat and heart rate) to burn fat. A very easy way to make yourself sweat more and heat up a bit more is to wrap cling film (glad wrap, plastic wrap) around the area you're targeting.
    In your case it is your stomach, some people will want to do it on their thighs or upper arms. The plastic wrap forces more sweat out of your body because you will get hotter as you exercise and you will get better results."

    Has anyone tried that? If yes, what were your results?

    Thanks, I needed a laugh this morning!