Any Native American success stories?



  • h0rserunner
    h0rserunner Posts: 26 Member
    Hello. I am Shawnee/Cherokee and Irish. I started out Jan first of this year at 232 pounds. I barrel race and THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! I have been on the Atkins plan and now I am 205. I have much more to go but its a journey worth taking. not working
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member

    Biindige giizhigoque nindizhinikaaz. Giigoo dodem! So nice to meet you all!

    I am Aniishinabe from the Red River Valley of Manitoba, Canada, just north of Winnipeg.

    I love this thread! I have been a work in progress for many years to be a better athlete. I compete in adventure racing, paddling and biking events and want to be better, faster and basically less in pain during my marathon races. It tends to be easier to move when you don't weigh as much.

    Lots of photos in my profile, please feel free to add me. Good luck everyone!!
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Alaska Native here, story still being written..
  • king8747
    king8747 Posts: 24 Member
    Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe here in MN, You all look Great!! Keep it up, I am still a work in progress but here I am so far :)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Wow! So nice to hear about all the interesting athletic hobbies & weight loss journeys. É:so tsi ioiánere! (Very good!). I was beginning to think KittyViolet. & myself were the only natives here! lol

    Here are some more photos to keep the thread photo-happy:

    Team Warrior Sports Academy (A gym & youth training facility on the reserve) competing in the annual dragonboat races. I'm in the 2nd row next to the handsome young man :)

    My mom & I at my grad ceremony from Concordia University (Montreal). May 2012.

    My dad

    Me and a rising local hockey/lacrosse star! :)

    Representing our reserve in the Sian Bradwell Softball tournament (We tied for 1st place out of several teams in the Kirkland city area!)

    My dress that has sat in my closet for almost a year & hasn't been worn anywhere yet ;__;

    Me today!
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe here in MN, You all look Great!! Keep it up, I am still a work in progress but here I am so far :)

    Nice job! I'll repst here:
    Finally hit my goal of losing 100 lbs, actually surpassed it by -2lbs :) I started my lifestyle change on October 1st 2011 at 340 lbs and melted an incredible -50 lbs off in 28 days, yes I said 4 weeks to the day! I went on a extreme calorie reduction for the first week after a 4 day vacation in Vegas, honestly I couldn’t eat without my stomach hurting with excruciating pain - 4 days in Vegas on a liquid diet did a number on me :( , I then started eating healthy like Subway and watching my fat grams and eating small portions and started training for a 5k walk for work. The treadmill was tough for a big guy like me and I swear I sweated most of that 50lbs off just doing cardio, I made up my own weight lifting routine of lifting heavy straight off the treadmill when my heart rate was high. I maintained that loss for 9-10 months with just lifting a few times a week and no cardio but the main thing that kept it off was MFP and calorie counting, knowing what I was putting in my body. I logged most of my food and during my 5 day work week I was good, cheated on the weekends but hey I maintained.
    Six months ago I decided to get serious and step it up so I cleaned up my food intake again to include mostly Lean & Green and this time QUIT all alcohol intake - I enjoyed cocktails quite regularly. I started lifting heavy 3-4 times a week and voila another -52lbs gone.
    I am still very much a work in progress as I just weighed in on a body composition scale like 2 weeks ago and it said I still have 60lbs of fat on my frame, new goal is to shave another -40lbs off and hit "onederland" just to say I was there ha - then I plan on bulking on some muscle and getting back to being a semi big guy again as I currently feel small / lean and not myself despite my big gut which is probably a good portion of skin but that is a whole different story, time to get some AB work in I guess and find out for sure.
    Anyways just like I have read over and over "You can do anything You put Your Mind to, just commit and STOP with the Excuses!!" ~ Peace

    PS - First time posting pics so crossing my fingers lol

    2002-2004 Somewhere in there - HEAVY @ least 340lbs maybe more


    Aug 2011 - 340lbs


    Spring 2012 down -50lbs


    March 2013 down -102lbs #LikeaBoss



    Aeropostale Skinny Jeans LMAO - my kid took me shopping


    My Baby Guns - ha



    Currently sitting at 238lbs
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I'm 1/4 Blackfoot. It's been 14 years since I lost 23 pounds, and I'm very happy with where I'm at.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    No pics, but I've lost 105 lbs and 5-6 pants sizes, currently lifting and still losing..... I am Cherokee (from both parents), though i'm not full-blooded Native American. :)
  • 115Ib
    115Ib Posts: 4
    About 1/5 Cherokee .
    I'm just starting my journey :)
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am 1/4th Cherokee on my dad's side. All of the women in my family have small hips and no butt, and the first place we gain is in the stomach.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I figured out photo posting, so thought I would share here. Work in progress, halfway ish.

  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    I am 1/4th Cherokee on my dad's side. All of the women in my family have small hips and no butt, and the first place we gain is in the stomach.

    I have no Native American blood (100% Scottish), but one of my co-workers (who is Native American) calls me bannock butt. :angry:

    My figure is just like yours: a very traditional Native American figure.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I figured out photo posting, so thought I would share here. Work in progress, halfway ish.


    Good work!
  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    nice job! you can see the difference.
  • bonita071
    bonita071 Posts: 42 Member
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Potawatomi and Chickasaw, I've only lost 15 pounds so far but I plan on posting as soon as I get rid of my last 25:)
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    Wow, great job everyone!!! thanx for shring! Anishinabe here from Leech Lake, i am only about 1/4 of the way through my journey but nice to see others progress!! Feel free to add me for mutual support, motivation, maybe exchange ideas.
  • MommaSpunk
    MommaSpunk Posts: 113
    Part Creek ( Muscogee), but mainly a Heinz 57. Part Creek,Irish, Cherokee, and German. My journey is in progress, but my weight has been yo-yoing since I was about 22.. Once I stopped sports and dancing the pounds started pouring on! Everyone looks great!
  • grapewine09
    grapewine09 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. Full blooded Navajo here. I gained a lot of weight after my second son. I have lost 11 lbs, but gained 2 lbs. Big congratulation to all of you. Stay focused and determined.

    Feel free to add me. Looking for more MFP pals and motivation.
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