How do I lose 20 pounds in 3 months?



  • lauramcconnell7535
    lauramcconnell7535 Posts: 33 Member
    It will work, you just have to be diligent and honest with entering your food and I started in mid January and I have lost 25 lbs. You can do it, good luck
  • I'm on a very similar mission - My flatmate and I have signed up to a 12 week challenge at my local gym to keep me on track. So I have the support of my flatmate and gym trainer, plus I have people keeping an eye on me and my progress. I find this keeps me on track more than doing things on my own.

    Sensible eating (clean, and regular protein), regular excersize, and keeping up your motivation will get you there. I have a rewards system - a small weekly reward for going to bootcamp every week, and larger rewards for keeping on track. I'm rewarding myself with things like manicures, jewellery, clothing, SHOES, things that give me a boost in confidence. Use MFP too - the people on here can be super supportive and can offer you great advice. Make as many MFP friends as poss. You can do it!!!
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 21 pounds between Feb 6th to yesterday April 9th . I just ate up to my calories I have set for the day and working out doing taebo, leslie sanson 3 mile walking workout, Tiffany Rothe workouts on youtube. When I get stuck with the weight loss I just mix up my workout some and that helps.
  • ThisOtherGirl
    ThisOtherGirl Posts: 56 Member
    I know this is super greedy, but I actually want to lose 20 pounds in 4-6 weeks time! Actually, being big and all, I can probably drop 7 pounds the first week alone! I've done it before (was younger though)! And I also have to admit that I exercised twice as hard!
  • nursecat1
    nursecat1 Posts: 18 Member
    :happy: Make an "action plan"--Goal #1: Snacking. Goal #2:Activity. I wrote out everything on paper and carry it around the house. So far,so good.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member

    Dr. Weird - How to lose weight in seconds (Youtube)

    (obviously, my comment is a humorous approach)


    i actually watched him yesterday (not by choice...was in a waiting room all day), but he showed us how to lose 20 pounds in 28 days!!! Dr. OZ is full of miracles!!! (and no, I am so not serious....he is crazy in the head).
    Edited by LEM_hmrthwr1407 on Wed 04/10/13 04:37 PM


    Haha...yeah, you didn't watch the video...

    I was joking about an Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode...the video is animated and clearly an over-dramatization. :o)

    Just wanted to clarify - NOT Dr. OZ or anything even close to that, haha.

    haha..i saw dr. weird and associated it with dr. bad...i don't watch tv all that much.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    it will also depend on where that 20 lbs are... I was certain when I started losing that I would lose 20 lbs quickly... I'm down 23 lbs now in something like 7 weeks... if I didn't have 50 to go at the beginning, that would actually be considered a concern! If it's your last 20 lbs, or you aren't overweight, then it's a little harder to get lbs off... especially if you sculpt your body in the process.
    I had to join weight watchers and quit the gym for my last 10 lbs last time (bad move, ultimately my skinny closet's demise) because a clean diet and exercise just weren't cutting it
    Why was WW and quitting the gym bad, did you gain?

    no I lost the last ten lbs, then I lost my metabolism, then I got sick, then I gained
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I see people do it and if I lose 2 pounds a week that's 24 pounds in three months but hooow? Just eating in my macros and working out? Will that really work? How do I stick to it?

    The easy answer is to create a 750 calorie deficit everyday. Either through diet, exercise, or both. I was only doing diet for about 5 months I actually had to lose some weight before I was healthy enough to exercise. I got the go ahead to exercise just a few weeks ago and it's going actually better than I thought possible just 4 weeks ago. So anyway if you can exercise go for it.

    I have some questions as well.

    1. Do you have an exercise buddy either human or pet? I am going to walk my dog at least once a day, cuz she needs to lose weight to.

    2. About how much do you need to lose? If you have 100+ losing that much shouldn't be too hard. If you only have 20 to lose it's going to be harder and maybe a smaller goal would be better, I am not saying don't do it, but realistically it might be a lot more doable to lose 10 lbs just saying.

    3. Are you trying to lose for a specific event? If so consider not pushing so hard just for vanity. I know I know it's hard to think that you won't be at goal. But, if you are only 10 lbs overweight for this event is that really so bad? IMO it's better to think of this as a lifestyle change to become healthier and it's a lot easier to focus on that and just learn to eat more fruits, veggies, and less a lot less processed foods and move more. You can burn hundreds of calories a day by taking an hour walk, I don't know how much for you cuz I don't have your stats. But, an hour walk plus cutting down a couple hundred calories a day will work and you will lose weight.

    I don't think in general there is anything wrong with your goal. Some people might think it's too fast. I think that it really depends a whole lot on your situation if it is or isn't. What I think is important though is your mind set. If you are thinking short term then it could end up putting you into the yo-yo syndrome and that is a really bad place to go. IMO it would be better to make an effort to eat less processed foods, concentrate on whole foods especially be aware of fiber and hitting that goal (there are side effects if you aren't used to fiber foods) and move more. So in a nutshell three things

    1. Log everything food and exercise

    2. More fiber, less processed foods.

    3. Move more
  • SA_80_2012
    SA_80_2012 Posts: 45 Member
    Everyone has given you, thus far their pearls of wisdom, great advice and insight.

    Bottom line is........
    Stay focused;
    Stay motivated;
    Push yourself to the brink and then that little bit more when working out (though make sure to do the exercises correctly in order to prevent injuries or unncessary pain!);
    Don't deprive yourself too much of what you want to have - smaller portions help with cravings, as well as alternatives to the good old calorie rich stuff. Example: I drink fizzy/soda water instead of Coke or those sweet fizzy/soda drinks.

    Don't beat yourself up if your go over your calorie count - aim not to obviously, but remember that if you are going to go over the calorie count you need to be on to get to your goal, you can counter-balance that intake by going for a 30min brisk walk, or doing 15 mins on the elliptical machine @ an intense pace.

    Whether you are aiming to reach your goal weight within a short time frame for a special reason or not, why not consider this as a turning point in your life, and use these first 3 months as a guide to a healthier, better, cleaner lifestyle that you could maintain for the rest of your life? ... Because let's face it, diets are like band-aid remedies to temporarily "deal" with the issue at hand. Like a band-aid, once it's off and if we keep banging the same spot, we will only make the sore come back... That's basically the same result a diet will offer, once you are off it. The weight may come back on, and maybe with some additional pounds.

    Good luck in however you decide to tackle your weight loss challenge, but whatever you do, don't give up and don't give in :-)
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    I lost 20 lbs in 3 months, so yes, it can be done. I basically just ate healthy -- NO junk food whatsoever. No "cheat" days. I made that mistake in the past and ended up gaining back all the weight I had lost. Change your frame of mind. Ask yourself if eating the bad stuff (whatever your weaknesses are i.e. sweets, salty snacks, fast food, etc.) is really going to benefit your life at this point. I cut out alcohol because it usually led to me wanting salty snacks along with it. I've stuff to the MFP calorie intake and am exercising at least 4 times per week. It has been hard work, but I don't feel like I've been depriving myself at all because I'm seeing the results and feeling so much better! Good luck to you!
  • Eat healthy, exercise, drink more water - simple. Good luck :)
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    It depends where you are on your weightloss journey to be fair. If you are just starting out and have over 50lbs to lose, then I would say it could be done. If it's the last 20lbs before you reach your goal, then I would have to say that I don't think so, at least not healthily.
  • hope643
    hope643 Posts: 10 Member
    I see people do it and if I lose 2 pounds a week that's 24 pounds in three months but hooow? Just eating in my macros and working out? Will that really work? How do I stick to it?
    1. You stick with it by not trying to stick with it (forget about wight loss and expectations)
    2. You can/should only lose 2lbs a week if you're heavy.

    So if you're not obese don't even try to do it. Focus on your calories and get the results you get. You can't tell your body how fast to lose weight, it's not up to you. So forget about that.

    This is so true! Your body is going to acclimate to the changes you make at the pace that it wants to. I've realized when I STOP focusing on calories and blah blah blah I actually lose weight!(at a slow pace but it's better than nothing. It's better than obsessing over numbers, freaking myself out, and remaining at the same weight or gaining!) When I focus on eating healthy and working out because it's GOOD for me and makes me feel good, my body responds to that in a positive way. I know it's different for everyone but I just wanted to say that I agree with this completely and I need to remember that trying to strategically lose X number of pounds will not bring me one step closer to my goals, but eating healthy because it's good for my body will. Even if I think this won't lead to any actual weight loss because I'm not "trying", it actually does! Crazy how this stuff works. :-) lol
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    eat low fat.. reduce carbs and work out. it will be a hard road..but it can be done.. I lost about that much in three months before.
  • kellyj0729
    kellyj0729 Posts: 44 Member
    I have lost 21 lbs since 2/3....It can be done. I have only missed 2 or 3 days of working out in 3 months and stick to clean diet. It's a commitment but can be done. Good luck!
  • I lost 20 pounds in three months by using my fitness pal with a Jawbone (a step counter). I gave up sodas and in the first month and I lost six pounds. I started my goal with 10,000 steps and now I am up to seven miles. I lowered my calories to 1200 and I gave up fast foods (Mc Donald's, Burger King and Taco Bell) I eat chicken and fish daily and eat red meat once a week. Fresh veggies and fruit daily. If you input everything you have eaten...and reach the end of the day with surplus calories you will be on the right track. I never thought I could lose weight but now I feel that my life has finally changed for the better. Stick to your goals...if you want it bad enough YOU can do it. I have another 50 pounds to lose...I am so excited!
  • It can be done, but I takes me 6 months to lose 12 pounds..I have lost and regained those 12 pounds 10 its taking me a month to lose a pound..because I go up and down weekly. Its maddening. You can lose 20 pounds in 3 months, plenty of people do..I would be happy with 15 in 3...5 pounds a month..thats all I have to lose and it does not want to come off.

    From your username I take it you are vegetarian? Have you tried eating more fish and fats as a % of your diet? I tried losing weight by being a vegetarian, didn't work, I worked out a ton. I switched more to a primal diet and ate some carbs but excercised less did yoga, cut out salt and sugar, and the weight started pouring off, 205 to 185 lbs. in 3 months (I'm 6'0 and male).

    Our bodies are designed to eat meat and fat, fat doesn't make you fat, sugar makes you fat, salt and water retention make you bloated and lazy.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I see people do it and if I lose 2 pounds a week that's 24 pounds in three months but hooow? Just eating in my macros and working out? Will that really work? How do I stick to it?

    You want results bad enough, you'll stick to it.