Same calories everyday, but varying macros. Is this ok?

Short and simple. I take in the same amount of calories every day. I am good at making sure I hit that number fairly accurately. However, my macro's are sometimes all over the place (except for protein, I always make sure that is on point). I try my best to hit 55/185/150 everyday. However, would it be a big deal if say I ate 55/150/185? or 45/160/150? Would it make a big difference in the long run?

my goal is fat loss by the way


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Agreed. Not a problem at all.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Which of those numbers is your protein? I ask because if it's the first, you may want to consider bumping that up a little. If it's one of the other numbers, then rock on.

    And yeah, I agree with these guys^, not a problem to keep calories constant each day but vary the macros somewhat.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Mine can vary significantly depending on how much chocolate I feel Iike eating that day (trying to increase my sat fat intake).
  • bryann9182
    bryann9182 Posts: 22 Member
    Which of those numbers is your protein? I ask because if it's the first, you may want to consider bumping that up a little. If it's one of the other numbers, then rock on.

    And yeah, I agree with these guys^, not a problem to keep calories constant each day but vary the macros somewhat.

    150 is protein. I weigh 141lbs currently so I try and do around 140g of protein if I eat higher carbs and 150+ depending on how low my carbs are for that day.

    Also thanks to everyone who posted, I will check out that link provided in post 2. Appreciate the responses.