really needing help...

I am 42 years old and have been heavy most of my adult life. I lose weight then gain it back. A few years ago arthritis in my hip took away my ability to move much. Now I am overweight and unable to exercise. After 5 years of suffering I seen a doctor who agreed to do a full hip replacement surgery. I now have a new lease on life. I want to lose some weight before the surgery but can't exercise. Once the surgery is done I intend to enjoy life and be healthier and make up for lost time.. I have no idea how to lose weight without being able to exercise....really need help and suggestions :(


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Can you move at all? If so, are you able to get to a pool? A pool is great exercise that is easy on the muscles and the joints.

    Weight loss can be done through diet alone. Eating right and eating the proper amounts can get you some losses before your surgery.

    Ultimately, do what you can. Move your arms for exercise (some gyms have the "bikes" but for arms).... head to a pool if you can. If you really can't exercise without hurting yourself more, make sure your diet is great.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    You most definitely can lose weight without exercise. Start making healthy choices. I count calories and try to eat healthy. No fast food with 1 cheat meal a week.
  • sammyantics
    sammyantics Posts: 191 Member
    You should look into low-impact options like water aerobics, yoga and tai chi. Just don't push yourself, take it slow and do what feels comfortable. Every little bit helps, but it can be tough if you're dealing with pain at the same time. You can do this though! Don't forget that. It'll be hard and you might feel like you can't do any of it, but start small and gradually step up your game.

    If you're worried about injury, consult with a physical therapist. I saw one about 6 months ago for my back pain and he not only helped me stretch out my muscles, but gave me a bunch of awesome lowimpact exercises to do on my own. I haven't had back problems since i started seeing him and i was able to start working out regularly (starting with yoga and working up to standard cardio/strength) within just a month or so.

    I may only be 25, but I do write about healthcare, dealing a lot with arthritis, joint problems and exercising, so I'm not just coming out of left field with this. I hope it helps and I wish you all the best.

  • I can move somewhat. I am on my feet all day at work and I have to take pain medication to do it. When I come home I am in so much pain that I really can't do very much. Swimming would work but I don't drive so I would have to walk to the pool...which is not an option. I am being very careful over what I eat and I am hoping that will work for now.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    This is a great site for trying can figure out how many calories you want to eat per day and then record things, and you'll quickly see what kind of food adds up to your calories.

    Studies have shown that weight comes off faster with a low-glycemic diet (basically, avoid processed carbs--actually, it's a good idea to minimize processed food.)

    Get your minimum five servings of fruits and veggies a day and make sure you get enough protein. You'll feel so healthy!

    When I started at the beginning of this year, I was having really bad back and hip problems, so I simply couldn't exercise much. The weight came off anyway. As another person said, do what you can...move your arms, or do some exercises in the pool. Rehabilitative yoga is terrific...let the yoga teacher know about your him so you'll be warned off anything that can hurt you. But you can do lots of core exercises without your hip. Luckily for me, it doesn't seem to be arthritis and the pain is drastically reduced, as it will be for you after your surgery. You have so much to look forward to! All my good wishes. and feel free to friend me if you like.
  • Thanks for the support Sammy :)
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    There are videos on YouTube for exercises you can do in a chair and even in bed! Look up The exercises are geared toward seniors, but I've done them. I have a bum hip, too. Not to the point of surgery, though.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I'm 49 and trying to lose the last 60 pounds.
  • peppytwist
    peppytwist Posts: 25 Member
    It is possible to lose weight without exercising. It all boils down to calories in vs. calories out. I am unable to exercise much due to some chronic health problems. A lack of exercise just means that I need to be more careful about how much I am eating. This website is WONDERFUL and has helped me so much. I am obsessive about tracking everything that goes in my mouth now, Seeing the numbers and being aware of how many calories are in each food item also helps me make healthier choices and limit amounts of not-so-healthy foods. I am still learning, working on eating healthier foods and changing bad habits. I just have to keep reminding myself that it took 30 years for me to gain this weight and develop these eating habits.

    I am going to repeat what everyone else has been saying. Be as active as you can be. The more you move the more calories are burned. I got myself a fitbit that tracks the steps I take on a daily basis. Seeing the numbers really helps motivate me to move more even on days when I might not be feeling all that well. It is important to listen to your body though, if something hurts don't keep doing it. Try something different. If there are days where you can't physically do anything, focus on what you eat instead. On my bad days I spend a lot of time researching healthier eating habits, evaluating my eating habits and thinking about ways I can improve them. It makes me feel like I am doing something productive that will help with my weight loss even if I can't exercise.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :) It sounds like we are on the same boat with the inability to exercise. I still have another hundred pounds to lose.
  • I am 30 years old and also have arthritis in my hip. I am always wondering at what age is it going to give out. These past four weeks I joined the local recreational center and starting doing water aerobics and water zumba. Let me tell you, never felt better! Most of the woman that takes those classes are overweight or may have medical conditions. It's very low impact and it is a helluva calorie burner. You should look to see if there is a local rec center or ymca in your area and they most likely have water aerobics classes. Good luck to you!
  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    I too had issues with my hip, in fact I had sciatic nerve pain bad.. I was going to the chiropractor 2-3 times a week for months, as I was losing my weight the pain started to diminsh you have to start losing the weight and exercising and I am sure you will feel better I am doing workouts that my chiropractor scratches his head at LOL ..good luck
  • putupurdukes
    putupurdukes Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with those saying that if you have access, a wonderful option is water aerobics or aqua zumba, etc. I know it's intimidating to go to a pool when you're out of shape but many times those taking these classes are in the same boat as you: needing exercise without a lot of impact and this form of exercise is really gentle - and yet, you're burning calories and taking the beginning steps to a healthier life. I started last June and was so nervous about it but it was great. As far as nutrition goes, try to take your lunch and eat home as much as possible: eating at restaurants is so hard when you are just starting out. Good luck!
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    I understand the limitations that type of pain causes and how it can consume you. The first thing I would do is determine what your daily calorie needs are and make a reduction so you have a deficit.

    It is really important to find things you can do, what movements do not create increased pain. I know all too well that when you have that type of pain you resist extra movement, but there are somethings you can do.

    What is your pain level in the morning? At night after a long day at work from being on your feet is probably not the best time to do try any strenuous exercise. I was always very stiff in the morning, but in less pain than any other time of the day. Can you walk around the living room for 10 minutes, put on some sweats and walk around the block a time or two?

    Grab some dumbbells and work your arms a little bit, or if those are not available do some jumping jacks from the waist up. Stand still and move your arms up and down, do some arm circles, stand up by the wall and do some push ups against the wall. I found there was very little hip strain with push ups against the wall. Get some resistance bands and while sitting use them to work your arms and legs. Leg lifts while sitting in a chair will work your quads and should not engage the hip enough to create more arthritic pain.

    Take it slow, a little at a time creates small improvements, and those small improvements lead to larger improvements. A year ago at this time I was making those small gains, I could hardly do a side leg lift, I walked with a cane and was in almost constant pain, and used my handicap permit to park as close as possible to wherever I am going. Last week I walked 2.5 miles up a mountain trail with a 1400 foot elevation climb. I started that climb thinking I was only going to make it part way with a goal to work myself to getting to the top.

    You will have some recovery time after your surgery, but if you can start making a few small improvements now will help afterwards. It is not easy, at times the pain can start to consume you, but I know from experience that taking it slow - can work and lead to improvements.

    I wrote a little about my challenges with my legs here:

    Feel free to add me to your FL, you can do this!
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    Yes...Yes...Yes to everyone saying you can lose weight without exercise! I have done it myself. Eat smart and make sure you log everything in your food diary, so that if you are making the wrong choices you can change it!! Just keeping track of everything I eat has always helped me :-) You can do this!!!! Friend request sent!
  • heidibitz9
    heidibitz9 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I lost 2.5 pounds in a week and did not exercise I tracked everything that I had to eat which the first day was a huge eye opener I was way eating beyond my needs for my body and I now understand that why I gained 20 pounds in a year we will be here to support each other and I will Pray for Gods healing touch from the tip top of your head to the bottom of your toes. By Your stripes Lord she is Healed Amen
  • These are some very great pointers. With a lot of good advice. I have a heart condition and have to modify my exercises as well. There are also som chair exercises that you can do. I have seen a few videos on those. They are good for people who may not be able to stand much. A lot of options have been mentioned. I wish you the best. Definitely take into account what has been said about the diets as well. WAtching calories, fat and sodium are good ways to get weight down. It is definitely a work in progress for me as well.
  • Amen at Heidi. By HIS stripes you are indeed healed. AMEN
  • SmileyC68
    SmileyC68 Posts: 13
    Hi - I put my pelvis out last October (very painful) normally quite an active person I quickly put the weight on and although to some people I wasn't hugely overweight for me it was! I started with the Harcombe diet which kick started my loss with 6 pounds but was not really sustainable so then I went onto the 5:2 and haven't looked back since. I see it as a way of life now and not a diet although by logging everything it does make you think about what you are eating. It really is quite simple just restrict your calories for 2 non consecutive days in the week and eat normally for 5. There are some groups and forums on here so take a look and feel free to add me as a friend and check out my food diary. I have lost 18 pounds now with just a couple to go to my target! The loss isn't quick but you do lose. I do walk every day with my dogs which helps with burning calories but apart from that I haven't started up any exercise yet as I still get twinges in my back. Good luck :smile: