Cravings for sweets..

Hi everyone, I have major cravings for sweets out of nowhere. Does anyone know how to curb these cravings without actually eating something unhealthy? Fruit doesn't do it for me, and if I don't eat it, it is always on my mind. Thanks for the advice in advance!


  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I get the same problem sometimes and I have come to the conclusion that if all I can think about is a snickers bar...I need to eat a snickers bar. Not 2, 3 4 or buy a whole pack and eat them all week...just buy one and eat it.

    My husband eats oreos and milk late at night and I stop eating after 8pm...since I've been dieting I can usually find the willpower to avoid it, but if you deprive yourself, you become a slave to your diet and it may not work. Just dont go overboard, but eat a little somethin if you need to.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    For me sugar free candy works.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    You need to fix your metabolism, you need to feed it right and exercise, and you will find that you will no longer have cravings like those. When your body is provided with the nutrition that it needs along with exercise, the cravings are no longer an issue.
  • samdempsey38
    I am not sure if this will help, but for me its crisps ( or chips for our US friends) and I'll eat them knowing that I'll have to work them off the same day ( this is why i exercise first thing in the morning so I have some credit to play with if need be). Anyway good luck hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • softlyspoken68
    i choose 1 sweet to enjoy
    and i leave it at that....
    i don't overeat on it, i choose what i really want and enjoy it
    and savor it
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Options has lots of recipes for meals that you would swear were junk or sweets but are packed with protein and fiber and taste amazing.
  • HottMama
    HottMama Posts: 8
    Thanks ladies, I will try having one small sweet treat when the craving arises. I am still nursing so I'm not sure if it's hormonal or not. And I do exercise 5 days a week and mostly try to eat right so that part isn't an issue, I would just love to kick the sweets/processed foods out of my life.
  • Precious_Nissa
    what works for me is raisins and trail mix......honestly if i want a sweet, i get a sweet....i wanted a chocolate bar not too long ago and at first i felt so bad about eating it, but you know this is a lifestyle...i should be able to eat and what i did was i didnt go over the 200 calories mark that i put myself on for that chocolate bar....


    for those things that you cant stop or say no to,

    i use raisins, peanuts and trail mix....i have also started using 100 calorie popcorn which really really helps....
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks ladies, I will try having one small sweet treat when the craving arises. I am still nursing so I'm not sure if it's hormonal or not. And I do exercise 5 days a week and mostly try to eat right so that part isn't an issue, I would just love to kick the sweets/processed foods out of my life.

    hmmm, you mostly try to eat right...and you think it's not a nutrition issue?? i'm not saying you don't have proper nutrition, I haven't seen your food diary, but when I hear mostly and try, usually the food diary is a train wreck.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I agree with what others have said... if I can't get over the hurdle of a chocolate bar, I have something small (like one of those Halloween-size candies so there's some portion control there) and it usually helps. I also like fat-free yogurt (cherry flavour is my favourite) because it has enough protein to suppress the munchies and it's still sweet enough to really enjoy.

    Good luck with the cravings!
  • khillman77
    khillman77 Posts: 66
    try baked sweet potatoes :smile:
  • burtam
    burtam Posts: 42
    I eat 'em darlin! :smile: Just not real sugar! I try to use Stevia.... And I curb mine by drinking the new Crystal Light Pure Fitness Raspberry Lemonade and other teas... No artificial sweetener and I never have a sweet tooth! I may drink more than I should but o well - at least I am still on the downward spiral!! :)

    P.S. I delighted with joy the day I realized that a WHOLE HERSHEYS PLAIN CHOCOLATE BAR is ONLY 210 calories!! Do you know how many 5 calorie strawberries that a melted chocolate bar can cover? LOTS!!! (plus I feel kinda good - the strawberries are fruit!!) Eat half the bar one day and the other half another day... Viola! :happy:
  • sbarham
    sbarham Posts: 44 Member
    I crave sweets ALL the time!!! I've found some "loop holes" that seem to work for me though and eat at least one of these every day to help curb my sweet tooth and avoid eating a bunch of "bad" sweets: sugar-free jello cups, Atkins Carmel Nut Chew bars, and Full Bar (Cocoa Chip flavor). I love to eat, so I'm very motivated to work out longer and burn more calories if that means I get to eat more! LOL I just make sure to stay in my calorie alotment and I'm still losing! And at the end of the night if I still have a lot of calories left...I eat a small piece of "real" candy and just put it in my food journal. If I've worked out hard enough to have that many extra calories, I figure I've earned it. :) Hope that helps and good luck! Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • HottMama
    HottMama Posts: 8
    'Imagymrat' try not to judge others, I am a very healthy person also and my nutrition overall is great but like I said, I get sweet cravings. I think its the hormones from nursing b/c I didn't get these cravings before. Thank you all for the advice, I appreciate it.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    im not depriving myself at all. if i want it i count it and eat it and go on....
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    If I want something sweet, I eat it. I eat ice cream almost every night.

    Trick is not to go overboard. I fill a small cone with 1/2-3/4 cup full fat real ice cream and it really satisfies me.