18lbs down BUT people are lying!

So I when I first weighed myself I was 14 stone 1lbs with this I felt huge anyway but knowing how much I actually weighed made me feel sick, so I did something about it. In 5 weeks I have lost 18lbs which isn't a huge amount but all of a sudden because I am on a diet every one around me is telling me how stunning and beautiful I am, I don't need false comments, when I get to my goal weight I want people to notice then not when I haven't even lost half the weight I want to lose. Basically I feel fed up and demotivated! Has anyone else had these types of problems? HELP!:grumble:


  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    So encouraging comments are demotivating you? I'd say you're losing weight too fast and it's messing with your head.
  • emleecharles13
    No, they notice I am on a diet and because they think they are helping they try and say how beautiful I am and that I don't need to lose weight. Then they make constant comments on what I am eating and how silly I am.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Oh sorry, i miss understood.

    It comes with the territory. People feel guilty that they aren't bettering themselves etc.......

    Just set yourself realistic goals and achieve them in a sensible way. Ignore everyone else.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    So encouraging comments are demotivating you? I'd say you're losing weight too fast and it's messing with your head.

    Believe it or not.. False complements are very demeaning!!

    I have the same problum OP. I lost about 20 lbs and got some honest complements. The next week I accidently went off track and gained about 10 lbs back (man that really sucked). And everyone kept commenting on how muh weight I had lost since the week before. I wanted to blow up!! But I bit my tongue and said thanks. (and no it wasnt muscle.. I couldnt really fit in my pants anymore.... ) it is really hard to accept any complements.. Especially when you feel so low.
  • emleecharles13
    lol thats okay!

    I have set the goals and have them laid out in my room, family have gone in my room being nosey and start commenting that I wil look horrible skinny etc just puts me in a bad frame of mind if that makes sense!
  • emleecharles13
    Believe it or not.. False complements are very demeaning!!

    I have the same problum OP. I lost about 20 lbs and got some honest complements. The next week I accidently went off track and gained about 10 lbs back (man that really sucked). And everyone kept commenting on how muh weight I had lost since the week before. I wanted to blow up!! But I bit my tongue and said thanks. (and no it wasnt muscle.. I couldnt really fit in my pants anymore.... ) it is really hard to accept any complements.. Especially when you feel so low.

    Thanks! I just felt like I was being over dramatic I don't want to lose my way!! :frown:
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    People just get all weird over it. People always make annoying comments if i scan a barcode to log my food, even though i do it very subtly.

    It's pure jealousy
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    This is why I didn't tell people... I wanted people to notice when they really noticed not just because they thought they should say something. Well done on your loss.

    By the way you probably do look a lot better than you think you do. Healthy eating leads to better looking skin, more confidence, etc, Well done :) x
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    Believe it or not.. False complements are very demeaning!!

    I have the same problum OP. I lost about 20 lbs and got some honest complements. The next week I accidently went off track and gained about 10 lbs back (man that really sucked). And everyone kept commenting on how muh weight I had lost since the week before. I wanted to blow up!! But I bit my tongue and said thanks. (and no it wasnt muscle.. I couldnt really fit in my pants anymore.... ) it is really hard to accept any complements.. Especially when you feel so low.

    Thanks! I just felt like I was being over dramatic I don't want to lose my way!! :frown:

    You are not being over dramatic lol. Just honest. :)
  • Emily_20x
    Emily_20x Posts: 175 Member
    My family do the same. They've just found out I've lost weight and they won't leave me alone about it. Its all "I can't believe how much you have lost" and "you look ao skinny". Its annoying because I don't think I look any different and I feel ao much fatter than when I started dieting in the first place.

    Just ignore the comments like I do and focus more on your goals :)
  • skinnyme444
    I know exactly what you mean! That's why I've told no-one but my boyfriend that I am trying to lose weight! Don't want people saying i've lost weight for the sake of it and then when they actually mean it you are paranoid and think they don't!
  • emleecharles13
    This is why I didn't tell people... I wanted people to notice when they really noticed not just because they thought they should say something. Well done on your loss.

    By the way you probably do look a lot better than you think you do. Healthy eating leads to better looking skin, more confidence, etc, Well done :) x

    Thank you!
  • emleecharles13
    I know exactly what you mean! That's why I've told no-one but my boyfriend that I am trying to lose weight! Don't want people saying i've lost weight for the sake of it and then when they actually mean it you are paranoid and think they don't!

    Well telling my boyfriend was probs the worst thing to do, he gets all angry when he doesn't think i have eaten enough. And when im at the gym he goes all crazy telling me what i need to do, little annoying lol! (hes a personal trainer)
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    18lb is a great achievement - just put your head down and try not to take too much notice of the comments. Keep working away!
  • paulbuxton
    paulbuxton Posts: 12 Member
    Bear in mind that 18lb is nearly 10% of your total body weight. This is a very noticeable difference! People may be exaggerating but it is probably only because they have noticed how much better you look. Try taking the compliments in the spirit in which they are intended and don't worry about them being exaggerated!

    Stick to your goals, but don't be afraid to re-evaluate them as you get closer to them. Being underweight is just as unhealthy as being overweight!
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    I know exactly what you mean! That's why I've told no-one but my boyfriend that I am trying to lose weight! Don't want people saying i've lost weight for the sake of it and then when they actually mean it you are paranoid and think they don't!

    Well telling my boyfriend was probs the worst thing to do, he gets all angry when he doesn't think i have eaten enough. And when im at the gym he goes all crazy telling me what i need to do, little annoying lol! (hes a personal trainer)

    Oh man!! That really has to suck. Having a Personal Trainer for a boyfriend has got to have some perks though. Better than a video gaming, eat anything, unsupportive one.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    Only you know how you truly feel! Stay the course and use MFP to trant and rave. I've given up talking to family and friends about my lifestyle change and post on here how i'm feeling or how well i am doing.

    I like to support those on here who support me we are like a family if you let people be.

    Just keep doing what you're doing and be happy that you're changing your life and those negative comments are peoples own insecurities and disappointment with themselves that they cant be as motivated and determined as you!
  • emleecharles13
    Only you know how you truly feel! Stay the course and use MFP to trant and rave. I've given up talking to family and friends about my lifestyle change and post on here how i'm feeling or how well i am doing.

    I like to support those on here who support me we are like a family if you let people be.

    Just keep doing what you're doing and be happy that you're changing your life and those negative comments are peoples own insecurities and disappointment with themselves that they cant be as motivated and determined as you!

    Thank you! Sounds like a great plan to me!
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I get loads of lovley genuinely nice comments from people about my loss and how different i look. I understand i should be thrilled and these comments should make me feel good, but honestly they have the opposite effect because it forces me to remind myself of how i used to look and feel. Some of the feelings of misery and unhappy come back when i even think about how i was. I am sure in time this will go away but i kinda feel like i wish people would just not comment at me right now till i deal with my demons. I still find myself going into shops and picking up size 20 clothes even tho i am a 12 now. Has anyone else had this?
  • emleecharles13
    I know exactly what you mean! That's why I've told no-one but my boyfriend that I am trying to lose weight! Don't want people saying i've lost weight for the sake of it and then when they actually mean it you are paranoid and think they don't!

    Well telling my boyfriend was probs the worst thing to do, he gets all angry when he doesn't think i have eaten enough. And when im at the gym he goes all crazy telling me what i need to do, little annoying lol! (hes a personal trainer)

    Oh man!! That really has to suck. Having a Personal Trainer for a boyfriend has got to have some perks though. Better than a video gaming, eat anything, unsupportive one.

    Can be but I am never allowed days off so i suppose it does work to my favour in that sense :)