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Hiiii guys. I am a 22 year old college senior. I weigh 220 pounds. I have always been chunky. I'm tired of it. I want to be able to wear cute dresses and not look big in it. This is the first time I have ever admitted that. It's hard guys. I don't know where to begin really. Obviously I want to lose weight. I want to do it the right way though. I want to be healthy and fit. I really just need someone to do it with. It is sooo hard trying to lose it on your own. I am motivated but with school and work I always fall off track. Or always use the excuse that I don't have time. I really just need some motivation and a push. Be my support system that I need!! I need a diet plan and everything. Something that I can stick too that doesn't limit me to salads 24/7.


  • itsnowornevercici
    itsnowornevercici Posts: 27 Member
    hi hun

    the best thing you did was admit that there's a problem. the great thing is its something you can accomplish with no fear.

    i have 44lbs to loose but i have so much more to heal as well so i'm happy to take the journey with you :)
  • Hey, I may not be very good with diet plans, but feel free to add me. I am new, and looking for my A-team to keep each other motivated.
  • I have learned how hard it is to stay on a certain diet in college.. I'm still in my freshman year.. If you would like, you can add me for support (:
  • hayessd2
    hayessd2 Posts: 4
    Thanks guys! You make me feel like I can actually do this now!!
  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    you can melt that off if you are hard on yourself and stay motivated! you can add me as well!
  • RobinRayn
    RobinRayn Posts: 53 Member
    Well this sites all about cals. If theres something special you want just make sure you leave cals for it. Add me if youd like.
  • whitlisd
    whitlisd Posts: 85
    Let me tell you, you are starting at the right time. You weigh about what I did in my early 20's. I am now 41 and I am tipping the scales at almost 300 pounds. What happened with me is that I started dieting around the age of 16. I did weight watchers, jenny craig, you name it. I lost 60 lbs a couple of different times, but every time I fell off the wagon, the weight came back and then some. Every year, it crept up a little bit more. Now here I sit 20 years later wondering why it took me so long to realize that you can't just fix yourself with diet alone. It works for the short term, but read the statistics. There is less than a 5% chance that you will diet and actually keep the weight off for the long term. Not very good odds.

    The first thing, the VERY first thing you need to do is address the reasons why you are heavy in the first place. If I had realized 20 years ago that it was because I had a crappy childhood and didn't deal with the issues I had surrounding it, I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in now. Once you get on a path of eating for comfort, it's very hard to turn back. I became addicted to fast food at an early age as well which doesn't help.

    This website has been a huge help to me. I am also doing the Weight Wise program in Edmonton, AB to help me hopefully be a candidate for bariatric surgery. I will be the first to admit now, that I can't do this on my own. You need support yes, but counselling and meal planning will make things a whole lot easier for you.

    Good luck and please add me if you like!
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    Some tough love here but Only you can motivate yourself to do this! you can't lose weight and go back to your old lifestyle of eating ****. If you want it badly you need to prepare for a lifestyle change! Now Ive done stupid diets in the past and the reason most of these dont work is they're unsustainable over a long period of time...say the rest of your life.

    Do some research on TDEE and BMR learn these numbers and what they mean to you and how you can make it work.

    Everyone is different you need to find what works for you I eat 1800-2200 (on workout days) which is my TDEE- 20% calories in vs calories out which means i can still on occasion have that burger or steak when i go out with the family i just dont gorge on this stuff which led to my weight gain when i was on IR from AMerican football with torn ACL.

    Make you're workouts fun, do something you enjoy but remember this isn't a quick fix it's something thats going to take effort and patience, sometimes you're going to be disappointed or demotivated but you ned to push through it.

    also DITCH THE SCALES- When I started my plan where i am now getting results i was 220lbs but fairly active trained 2-3 times a week now i watch what i eat and am sensibly losing weight slowly but I want to lose BODY FAT% not WEIGHT as this can impact lean mass which when crash dieting and not getting enough calories can lead to muscle wasting away making you fatter and slowing your metabolism down making it easier to gain weight.

    No If you're thinking what a **** i'l prove him wrong then good, if you like what i've said and want to join me on this change in lifestyle. I would be more than happy to accept any friend requests to active members of MFP who like to give and receive motivation, diet and training tips.

    One last thing, Good luck :)
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    if, for example, a person has to lose 50 pounds. They can do two things.

    1.) look at that big number and think it will never happen so why try.
    2.) Put in the work to turn the number 50 into 49. And so on.
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    Add me if you like help with this is a great thing and motivation well we all need that. i have struggled a long time now it is my health that suffers because of it so enough is enough.. i joined a gym i go every day for about a hour and i log everything i eat on here .. drink lots of water.. one day at a time you can do it its a struggle but in the long run it is worth it. add me we can motivate each other..
  • amygeorge77
    amygeorge77 Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't always been big. I used to wear cute dresses, so it's hard to catch site of myself in a store window that I don't expect. It doesn't seem possible that the fat girl I see is me. I started Advocare's 24 day challenge to break the bad habits I've picked up in the last few years. In the first 48 hours the urges were gone. Today is the beginning of day 6, and I've lost 7 pounds!

  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    I am fantastic at falling off the wagon!! but I have been learning, starting with "Help" is great! so much better than "I'll just eat celery". It's already been said but I agree - find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) by using a simple calculator tool


    read the instructions and it will give you a good starting point; I have started from a point of little fitness and so I used the sedentary setting and I eat any exercise calories the MFP gives me when I log it (I log anything over pottering about the house or work) someone I'm sure will disagree.

    Don't beat yourself up. It takes time to safely lose weight. Falling down gives you a choice- stay down or GET UP.

    Love yourself (I read that on here) YOU have decided to change - love yourself for that. The big lass is doing it AND SHE CAN!!!

    Don't ban foods but realise that if you cannot help but supersize DON'T GO THERE at least until you have shown yourself that you can be in control.

    PLAN as much as you can.

    Start logging now, even if you keep it private and don't reduce calories today. By loggng what you have (or plan to have) you can get the truth infront of your face. I am sometimes amazed at just how many calories I eat when I'm "in that zone".

    Good luck xxx (add me if you like)
  • I understand how you feel. I finally decided to try to get healthy about a year and half ago. I just started out walking 5-6 days a week at only 1 ml. Then I started watching portion sizes and introduced more fruit and veggies into my diet. I have lost 25 lbs, and went from a size 22 to a size 14. Then I stopped losing weight. I found this website about 3 weeks ago and my husband is even doing it now. S o come on you can do it!!
  • Edlets
    Edlets Posts: 7
    Please add me, Im new here and could use the support too. It is my mission to get close to my goal ( 160lbs) or to drop at least 2 dress sizes by our Christmas party so that I can wear a dress (not a maxi dress) for the first time since school!!
    Im 33 with 2 kids and I always use the excuse that I dont have time to exercise because of the children and work, but now I am making sure I get up early to go for a walk before work!! I WILL DO THIS and you can too :)
  • Well done :) You've made the biggest step which acknowledging that you need help and actually asking for it.

    First thing I would say is get the terminology right in your head. Plenty of people will say you're on a diet but you're not. You're changing your lifestyle. Diets are for a set period of time, this is for life. And I don't mean that in a boring way :) you can still enjoy snacks, meals out and even the odd takeaway but it's about moderation :) having the terminology right is part of the mental battle. Your willpower can easily wane if you are thinking about all the things your "diet" is denying you.

    Focus on portion control and fresh food rather than processed. I study and work as well, and it's very easy to give in the ready meals but they have SOOOO much salt and other additives that you're better off whipping up a meal at home.

    Final tip I would say is don't go mental on the exercise front. I know you wanna lose weight and wanna see results soon but excessive exercise is not only difficult to maintain in the long run but also can cause injury as the body isn't used to it. Just start with a walk every day. Round the block or something. Make it a habit and part of your daily routine and it won't feel so much like a chore :)

    Good luck and if you wanna add me, feel free :)
  • Hi! You have to push yourself really hard and just do it. You are young enough now to start. I weighed a whopping 92 pounds before and after my first child, but boy did that change! It will creep up on you. Find some girlfriends that you have this in common with. Motivate each other. Hold each other accountable. Go out and force yourself to make new friends and get going. Do it now so you stay healthy.