Staying motivated at the beginning?!

kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
How do yall stay motivated after first starting a weight loss journey?
I always find myself slacking after about two weeks. I think maybe I push to hard at first and should ease into it? Idk.

What do you do to stay motivated during the first month or before working out becomes a habit?


  • ang3li
    ang3li Posts: 69 Member
    Hey there
    When i first started my weight loss journey, i was determined to stop feeling bad about myself.. Do you know what way you feel when you are overweight? Uncomfortable in your own skin, frumpy, sad..?
    I never wanted to feel like that anymore, so i pushed and pushed until I was happy with myself.. That kept me motivated in the first month and then working out and healthy eating became a habit..

    Now that it has been a few years, I sign up to various challenges.. Right now I am in a 12 week challenge with a bunch of girls on Facebook.. We have a group called "Help For Fitness 12 Week Challenge" (Feel free to join) and we just pick a workout program and stick with it for 12 weeks.. We eat healthy and we motivate each other and push each other.. we count the weeks too and that really helps..
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    For me it is difficult after my weight loss slows. I just take each day as it comes and do my best to make smart and healthy choices. Also, having a workout plan helps. I'm doing C25K right now and that gives me a reason to go work out...for the next 9 weeks or so...and then I'll have to find a new challenge. The awesome support of my friends here helps too :D
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    Well one of my motivations is if I go to the gym I get to eat more!

    It's working lost 96 lbs. :)
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Well, recently when I haven't wanted to work out, for example, I'd log on, post that I was going to begin a workout and that I'd update when finished. Considering I'm a person who keeps her word, I felt compelled to do it. Then after the first five minutes, I was good to go. Instead, when I feel the food urges coming on, I track my calories and post before I even hit the kitchen, so I'm forced to stay within that range.

    Anyway, with a good group of MFP friends, you should have someone, somewhere in the world at any time ready to yell at you or cheer you on. Good luck! If you need another friend, feel free to add me.
  • mcw1984
    mcw1984 Posts: 4 Member

    I do exactly the same thing. I push really hard the first few weeks then really relax after and seem to loose all motivation.

    I am going to do Race for life 10k in June and i have also booked a holiday for July. This is really keeping me motivated at the moment and reading everyone's success stories on this site is giving me that extra push that i need.

    x x x
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! :)
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