What's the best thing to stop snacking?

Hey Guys,

Been on here a while now and may be dipping into a low point. I'm such a terrible snacker and wonder if there is a way to resit temptation or to make myself feel fuller?

Any tips or suggestions would be great.



  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Well, I don't think snacking in and of itself is that bad, it's what the snack is and how much of it and how often that makes a difference. So to offer you the best advice, tell us what time of day you snack, where you are when you snack (home, work, studying, what) , what you snack on and how much.
  • mrskeziawallace
    Snack on very low calorie snacks. Like sugar free Jelly, Celery, raw carrots, pickles, thinly sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Agree that snacking is not a bad thing - it's the quality of the snack that's important. I usually eat every 4 hours or so. I snack on healthy things like frozen grapes, greek yogurt, carrots,laughing cow cheese, etc. Use your snacks to keep you satisfied.
  • mrskeziawallace
    or frozen grapes in greek yogurt. mmmm :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Something that works for me is to firstly eat proper meals. Lots of non starchy vegetables and protein, at least 100g at every meal.

    Then protein snacks. I take to work: meatballs, boiled eggs, protein shake in case of emergency, nuts bagged into 30g serves, strawberries and Greek yoghurt, chicken sausages, little tins of tuna are great to have anywhere.

    Stay clear of sugary foods that just make you want more sugar.

    Oh, and drink lots of water.
  • Carbcounteronly
    I drink A LOT of water throughout the day, or I pop on a cup of tea when I feel a hunger pang.

    The trickiest thing to do is to figure out if you are actually hungry (in which case, you must eat!), or if you are board/emotionally eating :-).

    Otherwise, there are plenty of low cal yummy options like;
    - Veggie sticks
    - Veggie sticks w/ low fat dip or hummus
    - A piece of fruit
    - Cuppa Soup
    - Low fat jelly
    - Rice crackers
    - Corn things w/ cottage cheese
    - Apple with a little bit of peanut butter

    Yum yum! Happy snacking <3
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Snacking is good, it keeps your metabolism ticking over! Just eat healthy snacks, fruit, veggie sticks, oatcakes, humous, cottage cheese, ham salad roll ups, greek yoghurt, tuna, protein shake/bar.