kinda new here, again?!

I started mfp maybe a year ago, i went from 236 to my lowest of 176. I decided to make a new mfp page b/c I felt that that one was just not getting me anywhere anymore and discouraging me because my numbers kept going up and up and now i'm up to 189:(
So, my philosphy, new page, new start.
I am starting my diet tomorrow, 7/8/10 and hopefully by 8/8/10, mine and my bfs one year anniversary, I will lose 30 lbs. i know, thats a lot but I am so determined and i want to get back to working out 5 to 6 days a week again and burning over 1000 calories a workout.
wish me luck!


  • sissytx
    sissytx Posts: 50
    Good luck. Fresh starts are always wonderful.
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Good luck! I'm kindof in the same boat. I joined "really" in November. Didn't do so well, then got really serious in January and to date have lost 23 pounds (10 before MFP). My goal is 50, so I'm almost half way! Anyway, for about 1-2 months I have been slacking like crazy. I'm busy all the time with my kids and ball so just was neglecting myself again. But I just made a commitment to get back on track for good this time. No more excuses. I just went out for a 2 mile walk outside and it was awesome. It may take some time, cause I've gained a couple back but I'm not going to stress over that anymore. Each day is a new day and new beginning.

    I will help support you...I need support too!

    Good luck and don't get burned out, that might be what happened to me. But, I'm going to give it my all!
  • m012192
    m012192 Posts: 45
    i have been slacking for about a month now. and i feel your stress too.
    i am starting this thing forreal again; glad you are too and great luck! i know u can do it!!:)