18lbs down BUT people are lying!



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You're insecure,
    Don't know what for,
    You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
    Don't need make-up,
    To cover up,
    Being the way that you are is enough,

    Everyone else in the room can see it,
    Everyone else but you....

    Don't hate me. I'm in rehab for my 1D addiction...

    I am embarassed for you, my friend! :embarassed:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    You're insecure,
    Don't know what for,
    You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
    Don't need make-up,
    To cover up,
    Being the way that you are is enough,

    Everyone else in the room can see it,
    Everyone else but you....

    Don't hate me. I'm in rehab for my 1D addiction...

    I am embarassed for you, my friend! :embarassed:

    I'm embarrassed for myself.

    Zane is my favourite though!
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    If what's recorded in your food diary is a true record of what you're eating then it's not surprising that your family are concerned. Sorry to say this, but you are just not eating enough. You may want to loose more weight but you really need to eat the correct nutrition to be healthy. Eating too little can actually hinder weight loss as your body will be trying to save what calories it does get rather than using them and you will not feel great!

    If you have a low self image and lack of trust in your own family and friends then I worry for your general health and happiness. Please try and read up on what you should be eating for the sake of your own health, and please try to accept and value the compliments that people give you. As others have said, they are not likely to be false compliments as you are beautiful and have already lost a lot of weight.

    There are many people on MFP who have managed to loose weight healthily and who feel good about it so there should be plenty of support and inspiration for you here.
  • lell22
    lell22 Posts: 13
    Guys i have 1 stone (14lbs) to lose in 1 month, do you think it is possible? i currently work out for 1 hour 3 times a week and try to eat 1200, do i need to work out more? i'm really upset, all help appreciated x

    I think trying to lose a stone in a month is going to be really hard, you cannot eat less than 1200 cals or your body will start storing the food that you do actually eat. I am on the same plan and i've been losing 7lbs a month - but that is being strict and rarely falling off the wagon, so to speak.

    Try upping to 4 gym sessions and do classes as i always feel i work out harder as i get a loil competitive and dont want to look like the fat girl in the class taht cant keep up ... Oh and plenty of water, i have 3x 75cl bottles of water a day minimum as helps curb the hunger as you feel fuller ... You'll only pee non-stop for the first 2-3days :tongue:

    Good luck
  • marzoh
    marzoh Posts: 9
    How did you do it in 5 weeks... do tell pleeeaassseeee :sad:
  • marzoh
    marzoh Posts: 9
    Thank you :-)
  • emleecharles13
    How did you do it in 5 weeks... do tell pleeeaassseeee :sad:

    Thanks for everyones comments, and for people who think im digging for compliments well im moaning about receiving them so how you figured that out i cant understand.

    How i lost my weight is through me being a very lucky girl, my partner is a personal trainer and he gave me specific meals to eat and specific times and we also go to the gym, swim, badminton, squash and golf together so he really pushes me on the exercise side of things. He has given me specific routines to do from home so if you need some workouts that do not require a gym or specific equipment add me and i will pop it in an e-mail for you :)
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Hey well done 18lbs is definitely something to be proud of.

    I didnt tell anyone I was trying to lose weight apart from my fiance, I only was open about things with other people friends etc when they noticed id dropped 20lbs. I think when your determined to better yourself and others arn't doing the same in thier lives they make flippent comments etc or make no comments at all.

    Just be strong in your own mind and concentrate on your goals.

    The amount of time |I have to turn down beer & food from friends, the inlaws work colleagues etc ive lost count.