Hard Times

Hello there! I am having a hard time even finishing day 1 lately. I lost 80 or a little more pounds, exercised a lot and enjoyed it. I gained 60 back, unhappy and KNOW I use food to comfort an array of different feelings. Anyone have any ideas how to deal with this or even get by to get myself on track.....even with a just for a day mentality. Im really struggling with this and not sticking to it is making me feel worse :/


  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    I'm afraid the only way is to get your stuff together & just don't eat crap. ;) It's not making you feel better at the end of the day, anyways, is it?
  • missyrussell81
    missyrussell81 Posts: 13 Member
    I went through the same thing. Lost 75, gained back 30, and felt miserable and lost. It took me telling myself off to get kicked back into gear. Just get tough with yourself and remember that food can't make you happy. Only you can. :)
  • jb1164
    jb1164 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome back. You've made a great start by reaching out for support, and having lost weight before, you know what lies ahead. Perhaps to get you motivated, you could try setting yourself some small, achievable goals, not necessarily 'diet' related, but that you can achieve. Have you got some little jobs that you know you should do, but just haven't got around to? Make yourself a list of 2-3 things to do TODAY... then do them, and tick them off! If you can log some exercise doing it, then that's a bonus!
    Any sense of achievement is powerful, and hopefully will boost your self-esteem a bit, too.

    I hope this helps. If you want to add me, feel free. I have shed loads of weight to go, so I'm going to be around, for ages...

    Jan :0)