Water intake?

Who else sucks at drinking water? Some days I have less than a bottle of water and around two or three cups of milk.

I always FORGET to drink water and it's crazy because water makes up such a high percentage of our body.

Is that why I feel like laying around all day? Having no energy? I always just feel tired. So tired. Or maybe just laziness got me in sleep mode.



  • ntlr
    ntlr Posts: 1
    I read that people should drink a gallon of water for maximum weight loss, but that sounds crazy... I feel so lazy I might try it though!
  • EqualLove
    EqualLove Posts: 14 Member
    I honestly hate drinking water it's such a hassle, I've started drinking 90 oz a day and I feel bloated all day but it helps me loose weight.
  • MAshleyB
    MAshleyB Posts: 76
    water is my fav! I just think that its cleaning out all the toxins out of your body (plus my boss always says its like the most natural fat loss pill) because it flushes everything out and helps you maintain healthy weight loss! try lemon water or mio (thats my fav) :)
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    I have a job where I have to talk a lot so I get about a gallon in between work and working out. It helps me if I just also have a bottle of water next to me, because then it's convenient.
  • jevill05
    jevill05 Posts: 5
    I had an in depth discussion with a friend at the gym about this very topic, then found a web site that really broke it down, because it is not a "one size fits all" if I drank a gallon of water, I would float away. based on your size and weight fullspike.com listed a water chart. for people 100lb-119 it is recommended 40 oz, for 120-139 it is 48oz, for people 140-159 it is 54oz. and so on.
  • military.com states that in order to get your metabolism operating and maximum burning capacity, you need a minimum of 100 oz of water. add yourself 28 more oz and you have drank a gallon for the day.

    I find the easiest way for me to drink all my water is to carry around a 1.5 liter bottle. It holds 50.7 ounces, so I just have to fill it up twice for the day and I have gotten all the water I need.

    You can also put fresh fruit in it to give it some flavor and viola! You have made organic natural vitamin water.

    You really need the water. It will give you more energy, your skin will look so much better and the fat will go go go!
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    thanks for the encouraging words.... I'm working on my water consumption vs too much coffee all day:drinker:
  • When u have a fruit or herbal tea (eg chamomile) does that count as water intake???
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    I used to hate drinking water and sometimes I'm not in the mood at all but there are ways around it.

    What works best for me is to not drink water with any meals and have some sort of zero calories drink, mainly diet iced tea (although many of these things can be loaded with aspartame so be careful). I drink most of my water in between meals and at the gym so I easily reach a gallon a day now.

    It definitely takes time to become adjusted to this change, hope this helps.
  • jevill05
    jevill05 Posts: 5
    thanks for the encouraging words.... I'm working on my water consumption vs too much coffee all day:drinker:

    I am right there with you!
  • luvinna
    luvinna Posts: 50 Member
    My cousin is a personal trainer and this is what he says about hydration in his blog:
    This is the first of a 3 part series on the subject. You can find links to the other two parts on the right side. The second one is where he gets into how much you need, and the third is tips for making it happen.

    I'm typically just short of a gallon a day. It's harder on the weekends though and I'm lucky to get in half a gallon on those days. That's what I'm working on.
  • AMoore33
    AMoore33 Posts: 26 Member
    I really hate water myself so drinking it tends to be a chore. I've found that not all water is created equal despite it all being H2O. I'm a huge tightwad when it comes to money but I splurge and buy 1L bottles of Evian. I'm drinking one right now, actually. (I'm an enviro engineer so I know that its not good for the environment despite the fact that I recycle the bottles...save your comments please.) I remind myself about every 20 minutes or so to take four or five big gulps. If I drink it while I'm reading or listening to something engaging, I feel like it goes down a bit more easily. Call it distracted drinking! I'm managing to choke down two liters a day that way.
  • Petwlkr
    Petwlkr Posts: 1
    I have to wonder about this question as well. I am in my mid 50's and very rarely, if ever drink water. I never have. I drink plenty of fluids mind you but only drink plain water if I am thirsty and nothing else is available. I don't know how others drink so much of the stuff, it's all I can do to gag it down. Does it really make that much difference? I was very active for most of my life and have only run into issues with my weight since I hit menapause. I used to consume an obscene amount of soda on a daily basis but gave that up a few years ago. Now I drink mostly juice, coffee and teas. My fave cold drink is the caffeine free, diet Arizona green tea. If I am drink 4 or 5 glasses of that a day in addition to the 2 cups of coffee and a glass of juice in the morning shouldn't that be sufficient?
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    OK so I'm sure all kinds of health nuts are going to hate this answer (and truly... as I'm trying to give up commercially processed foods/bevs I do a little too) but.... Vitamin Water / Fruit Waiter by Glaceau. SO GOOD. The Vit Water Zero and Fruit Water Zero (brand new) have no calories and you think you're drinking fruit juice (Fruit Water is carbonated so its like drinking soda)

    Best part, you get water. Yes, it does have citric acid which isn't great and it does have a sweetener... but if the alternative is drinking no water... its the better option.

    I strive for 96oz of water/day. Sometimes I just chug it to get it all in. The way it was explained to me by my nutritionist is that your body holds onto water if it isn't replaced everyday... so you retain water weight. Just like, if you eat lots of sodium packed crap, you will hold onto water weight. So... you need lots of water to flush out the salt... not to mention if you're working out you're losing alot of water that your body needs through sweat.

    And, females (like myself) tend to have urinary tract issues if they don't drink enough water.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Water is my beverage of choice. I have a few 24ounce stainless steel water bottles that I fill up each day. to keep track. It is always available to sip on... I generally just try to drink 3C in the morning, 3 C around mid day, and 3 C late afternoon, early evening. I never force myself to drink water or anything for that matter. Sometimes I drink a little more, sometimes a little less. the season and activity level affects it of course..... Developing a pattern or habit of drinking water is what helps the most. You can also increase water by blending it with vegetables in soup; blended ice in smoothies, etc....every effort you make to keep hydrated will help your skin and overall health....Yes!!!! You CAN get too much water if you force in unreasonable amounts. Learn to know your body, learn the signs of dehydration. Start making the consumption of water a daily habit.....You will feel and look much better! Experts say that by the time you feel thirsty you are already a little dehydrated.....Make water your friend!
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I bought a great workout water bottle by Contigo at Target. I love it- the straw is different and it feels like I can drink more quicker without tasting it. I am picky about gulping water too (not logical and I know that)- this prevents that so it makes me happy. They are 24 oz bottles so I do 3-4 plus all of my other beverages. I am use to drinking water though with pregnancy and nursing. If I am really sick of it, I will get crystal light. Can't do that daily, but sometimes I need a break.
  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    i bought a 64 oz plastic bottle with a straw and its bright red from CVS. i feel like drinking out of the straw makes it easier to drink more and the bright color catches my eye so i remember to drink it.....if i drink 2 ive had my gallon for the day!

    when i dont drink water i wake up bloated and see less definition..its helping me lose weight faster than all that stupid cardio!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Maybe try some selzter? Polar brand I beleive is all natural flavorings, no sodium, etc But since I received a sodastream for Christmas, I don't have to lug bottles and cans home any more. I love my soda stream, I fill up 4 bottes at a time and try to drink at least 2 at home each evening. There are soda flavorings, but I tend to like it plain, or with a bit of fruit flavors, lime, orange and lemon. I also have a fruit infuser pitcher that in the summertime I will stuff with cucumber, or strawberrys, or mint to flavor my water and keep it full in the frig.

    Water is my liquid of choice 99% of the time. I have a 16 oz glass that I always keep filled at my desk during the week. If I go out for a meal I may opt for an occasional diet soda.

    The more I drink it, it seems the more I crave it........
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I used to not think about water at all, and after a trip to the doctor for a follow-up after my millionth uti turned into a kidney infection and hospitalization.....turned out the one and only reason I was getting them was dehydration!

    Now I have no problem drinking loads of water only because I never want to feel that pain again! Plus it feels great in general.

    Get a big fun bottle or find a flavor you like- a lemon, a green tea bag, etc to help you enjoy it more!