I've hit the plateau!!!

I need advice. Since I started on MFP and Planet Fitness, I have lost 28 pounds in 13 weeks. Every week I would lose between 1 and 3 pounds. I have been very happy with my results and have been motivated to continue towards my goal of 50 pounds. However, the last two weeks I have stopped losing weight. I have been under my calorie count every day and over my exercise goal every week. I have actually gained 3 pounds. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but my hunger has been through the roof during this same time. Any suggestions to jumpstart myself again?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1) Make sure you are still logging as accurately and as honestly as you were when you started.

    2) Make sure you are still working out with the same intensity as you were when you started. As you progress, you'll likely need to lift heavier weights and run/bike/eliptical/whatever faster than when you started to maintain the same level of intensity.

    3) Weight loss isn't linear. Body weight fluctuations are normal, often times by ~5lbs or more per day. 2 weeks isn't really enough time to call it a plateau (even though it's plenty of time to get frustrated). If you're doing #1 and #2, then be patient and give it another couple of weeks.

  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Great advice given by Jackson, I would also add that 28 pounds in 13 weeks is a great loss and to not feel so defeated that it is more stagnant.

    Keep up the good work and good things will follow.
  • juliekins64
    juliekins64 Posts: 125 Member
    I added weight lifting when I hit a plateau, that changed everything. Also, changing your exercise once in a while seems to help. I went from endurance running to interval running (slow fast slow fast repeat) and that gave me more energy and seems to have leaned me out a little more.

    I also think you are doing great, give it time.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    I need advice. Since I started on MFP and Planet Fitness, I have lost 28 pounds in 13 weeks. Every week I would lose between 1 and 3 pounds. I have been very happy with my results and have been motivated to continue towards my goal of 50 pounds. However, the last two weeks I have stopped losing weight. I have been under my calorie count every day and over my exercise goal every week. I have actually gained 3 pounds. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but my hunger has been through the roof during this same time. Any suggestions to jumpstart myself again?

    Rick, I am going thru a similar situation. My goal is to lost 120-130 pounds. I started my weight loss healthy lifestyle about 85 days ago. For the first 70 or so,I was shredding pounds steadily,and had very little hunger. I lost 32 pounds. The last two weeks, I have lost a total of 2,and actually appear to have gained back a pound after the last couple days. Nothing has changed,I still am eating the same way I was while I was shedding weight,and still hitting the gym 4-5 days a week mixing cardio & weights. During this time my hunger has come back, and I am tempted to eat at night. I had hoped my body would continue to ride the wave and keep shedding pounds. Worst off, I got down to 319,and am hovering back at 320,and my short term goal is to get to 299,and I am stuck in neutral. I will try some different things and hope you get over your hump too
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    1) Make sure you are still logging as accurately and as honestly as you were when you started.

    2) Make sure you are still working out with the same intensity as you were when you started. As you progress, you'll likely need to lift heavier weights and run/bike/eliptical/whatever faster than when you started to maintain the same level of intensity.

    3) Weight loss isn't linear. Body weight fluctuations are normal, often times by ~5lbs or more per day. 2 weeks isn't really enough time to call it a plateau (even though it's plenty of time to get frustrated). If you're doing #1 and #2, then be patient and give it another couple of weeks.


    JACKSON, thanks for this advice
  • Charlyef
    Charlyef Posts: 7 Member
    I think this happens to everyone, what you need to do is stock you body...weird phrase but it works. Change up something that you are doing. Your body have gotten into a schedule of know what you're going to do. So rearrange a few things and you should start back seeing the pounds come off. Now as far as the hungriness you can never eat to much salads, fruits and veggies. Good jjob on the weight loss! :smile:
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    1) Make sure you are still logging as accurately and as honestly as you were when you started.

    2) Make sure you are still working out with the same intensity as you were when you started. As you progress, you'll likely need to lift heavier weights and run/bike/eliptical/whatever faster than when you started to maintain the same level of intensity.

    3) Weight loss isn't linear. Body weight fluctuations are normal, often times by ~5lbs or more per day. 2 weeks isn't really enough time to call it a plateau (even though it's plenty of time to get frustrated). If you're doing #1 and #2, then be patient and give it another couple of weeks.


    Really good advice here for you. #3 has happened to me multiple times. The longest time period I had with no drop has been 3 weeks, usually followed by an overnight loss of 2-5 pounds. It also usually has happened when I changed something about the way I was working out (different exercises, higher intensity, or whatever). If you're still doing the same stuff that has worked so far, just be patient while your body sorts itself out. :flowerforyou:
  • taylorwaters98
    taylorwaters98 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you doing a cheat meal/day? If you give your body one day a week of rest from intense excersise (walk instead of run, yoga instead of weight training) and have one meal of high carbs, protien, calories, and good sugars, your body won't think you're in the middle of the dessert running from zombies with no source of nutrition but a constant need for energy ie it won't store your weight. Famine mode does not only happen when you starve yourself, it happens any time there's a significant calorie deficit and intense exercise. Give your body a break, and let it know you haven't abandoned it. It will start to treat you nicely again.
  • dolphins10
    dolphins10 Posts: 7 Member
    Today, I went to see my personal trainer at the Gym and told him that I have hit a plateau, which is hard to break.
    His advice was " if doing the same thing isn't working then do something different. Change something about the way you are eating or exercising ( higher intensity, decrease/increase calories). If doing the same stuff is not working do/act differently!'
    I thought he hit the nail on the head! Good luck
  • jena813
    jena813 Posts: 29 Member
    Are you doing a cheat meal/day? If you give your body one day a week of rest from intense excersise (walk instead of run, yoga instead of weight training) and have one meal of high carbs, protien, calories, and good sugars, your body won't think you're in the middle of the dessert running from zombies with no source of nutrition but a constant need for energy ie it won't store your weight. Famine mode does not only happen when you starve yourself, it happens any time there's a significant calorie deficit and intense exercise. Give your body a break, and let it know you haven't abandoned it. It will start to treat you nicely again.

    That being said--the cheat day needs limits!! :)