I haven't had any weight loss in 1 week.. Help

How have I not lost any weight this last week with my diet and exercise? I have been very diligent about logging all items that I eat and my exercise and everyday I have been between 300-400 under my calorie goals for the day.. Im always under total fat goals and have cut down so Im under sugar also. Ive lost 4.8 lbs to date and until this week I was losing about 1 plus lbs a week.. I have updated my weight so my calorie goals have changed also and Ive been sticking to it.. HELP!


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    1) The body does not know the difference from one Sunday to the next. Weight loss in not linear. Some weeks you will lose absolutely nothing. This doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, it's just biology. It's about how it averages out monthly.


    2) What is your calorie goal? If you're burning that much and not eating enough, it will eventually hinder your weight loss.
  • mollyhediger
    My calorie goal for the day is 1520.. I usually burn about 350 on average with exercise and Im always between 300-400 under my calorie goal for the day? I just thought that being that much under would mean faster weight loss?
  • witchieboo
    witchieboo Posts: 43 Member
    You body need at least 1200 calories just for body functions. If you go to far below it your body goes in to starvation mode. You body does need a little fat about 3 teaspoons. You might be just having a slow week maybe next week will be better as your body adjust..
  • mollyhediger
    Ive been eating under my calorie goal with the exercise calories burned included too so I looked back my calorie intake averages between 1100 and 1400 net calories? Maybe Im doing this wrong?
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    Ive been eating under my calorie goal with the exercise calories burned included too so I looked back my calorie intake averages between 1100 and 1400 net calories? Maybe Im doing this wrong?

    you need to net 1520.

    relax. i haven't lost a pound since november.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member

    One week is not a plateau, and it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. Like people have said, weight loss is not linear. Maybe make some adjustments, but keep at your plan and you'll see things start moving again.

    Something I've had to learn: (and re-learn, and remind myself, and re-learn again...)

  • lhgalant
    lhgalant Posts: 101 Member
    I have currently been at the same weight for 4 weeks in a row; patience & knowing that what you are doing is still right for your body. hang in there.
  • JustDeke
    JustDeke Posts: 53 Member
    I plateaued for two weeks just recently. It freaked me out because it started at the same time I joined the gym. Then all of a sudden <Whoosh!> 10lbs came off in a week. I figure my body was just figuring out the new routine. Keep up the good habits and your body will catch up. :)
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    What others said...you need to NET 1520 calories a day. And also, being a female, hormones are going to mess you up! Be prepared to not see any loss some weeks or even gains even though you are doing the right thing. Just KEEP on doing the right thing.

    After losing the first 60 pounds or so pretty easily over about 11 months (I do subscribe to the slow, but steady/everything in moderation is good/I am not going to deprive myself when I want something plan), I only lost another 6 in the next 3 months (and half of that was just this week!). So Patience, my friend, is the most important thing you can learn. What I am doing may not take the weight off quickly, but the one thing I have noticed about my weight loss that has NEVER happened to me before is that it is not coming back. Since I am not depriving myself of anything, I am happy. I just make better decisions (like a serving of something instead of the whole bag). One week is nothing to worry about just as 3 months was nothing to worry about for me (a little frustrated, yes, but worried, no).

    Good luck! :smile:
  • ElizMurphy69
    ElizMurphy69 Posts: 61 Member
    Measure and photo journal everything!!!!! I would have been very frustrated if I had not done this. I have only lost 24 pounds...but I have lost 8 inches from my waist, 29 inches all over, and if you see my pics, it looks like I lost all 20 pounds from my cheeks :-)
    Be patient...it'll come off, just don't give up and don't pay attention to the scale as much as how you feel :-)
    You are a rock star....you got this!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Perfectly normal. Some weeks you'll even gain for no apparent reason. At any point in time, you have varying amounts of water in your tissues, food in your digestive trace, waste in your colon, etc You can still be losing fat and show a gain. Don't let it worry you. You should still average weight loss over time if you keep at it and don't give up (like I did).
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I noticed that when I plateaued, I was eating too many foods w/ sodium. I lowered it from 2000-3000+mg/day to 1500. I upped my working out to 1000 cal/day vs 300-400. Having too much sodium caused me to retain water=no weight loss. I also have upped my potassium, striving for 4000 mg/day, eating more fruits/veggies like avocados, spinach, potatoes, etc. Another thing I did was take a metabolic test @ my gym to find out where my fat burning zone is at. When I work out, I focus on staying in the zone & not go over, burning carbs-not fat. I continue to drink 160 oz of water a day, which is a little more than 1/2 my body weight in oz. Another thing I have started doing is going to bed a little hungry & making sure I get more than 8 hours of sleep. Something else I did was get a heart rate monitor & a fitbit, striving to walk more than 10k steps/day. Also, because, I am focused on my sodium & potassium levels & working off 1000 cal/day, I'm not so concerned about how many calories I eat/day. I feel stuffed, but I do make sure that I am around 1660-1800 cal/day on average.

    These are just a few things that have worked for me.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    I've spent 4 of the past 5 weeks gaining & losing & regaining & relosing the same single pound.

    Give your body some time.

    Also, make sure you actually hit your calorie goal. It's there for a reason. :)
  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    There was one week that I was super diligent with tracking my calories and exercised quite a bit more, hoping to see a big enough number to see my first 20lb landmark. I didn't lose ANY weight that week. I freaked out. A friend of mine pointed out that I had been stressing over it all week and it couldn't have helped my health. So, she said "Relax tonight. Have a damn slice if pizza and get back on that horse tomorrow." I followed her advice. Two days later 3 lb drop. So my advice is RELAX!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    One week is not a plateau, and it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. Like people have said, weight loss is not linear. Maybe make some adjustments, but keep at your plan and you'll see things start moving again.

    Something I've had to learn: (and re-learn, and remind myself, and re-learn again...)


    So true!
    Weight tends to come off faster in the beginning because you're losing water weight. After that, it might slow down a little bit. I went 3 weeks without really losing anything. It's frustrating, but that's just how the body works sometimes. Hormones can also play a role. As a female, my personal experience is that I have about two solid weeks of steady weight loss and the rest is unpredictable due to my cycle and any combination of a variety of factors.

    Also, you should be netting the calorie goal that MFP gives you. The site has already built the necessary deficit into your number, so there's really no need to add to it. It's called a goal for a reason. Meet your goal! :smile:

    Just be patient and give it time.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Drink more water...watch your sodium intake....increase your calories and/or eat back your exercise cals....and relax. Weight loss is NOT linear.

    I have had several weeks in the past 7 mos. where nothing showed on the scale, but I lost inches. I've also had weeks where nothing changed at all, then whammo...the following week I get amazing scale and measurement results. Patience.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Be patient, when I started dieting it took a few weeks before I really started losing weight. Sometimes your body just needs to get used to it-also losing weight at a slower pace means you're actually losing it, and not just losing water weight.
    But I agree that you should make sure you're netting enough.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Im always under total fat goals
    You body does need a little fat about 3 teaspoons.

    Sorry, couldn't ignore this. You need fat. Fat's important. It keeps your hair and skin healthy and your hormones in balance. 3 teaspoons of olive oil is less than a third of my required fat intake for the day. You should be treating your fat goal like a minimum, not a maximum. Keep healthy fats in your diet, and do your best to hit your fat and protein macros along with being close to your calorie goal. You'll lose weight and feel better in general.