Never introduced myself..

I've been a member for months and used to lurk quite often. I figured it was about time I introduced myself. I'm Joshua, hi! I'm from chicken fried Oklahoma. Been happily married to a beautiful girl for 11 months and we have 4 crazy kids, 2 older boys, my little girl and our newest as of two months ago baby boy. I've been on this journey about 7 months and life has definitely changed!

My story:
I wasn't always bigger. When I was young, I had a pretty normal life, was a pretty active kid. I played baseball. I sucked at it, but I played. I loved being outside, thankfully that has stuck with me. But, at one point in my younger years, something changed. I began eating more to try to become bigger, like those guys in the muscle magazines. I mistook what I as seeing as bigger muscles, instead of just getting big. When in junior high, I would come home from school, eat a huge plate of nachos and a bag of popcorn. Everything I ate came from a box or bag. Soda was a staple.

I started wrestling at one point and lost a ton of weight. But not in a healthy way. I just didn't eat, and burned a ton of calories in a very hot and humid room. I ended up getting very sick and quitting. I was too weak, and my confidence was shot. That was the last competitive sport I tried.

Fast forward to High School, girls, and money. The last two I had (well, one girl) and I showed her love by taking her out to eat.....ALOT. I put the weight back on, yada yada.

This went on for years. Even after meeting my wife, we would eat to celebrate anything. Include alcohol into the mix, and I spiked those insulin levels just right! Five years into our marriage, we decided to go to Maui for our five year anniversary, so we both started losing weight. I dropped from 190 lbs to 140 lbs using weight watchers and lots of stationary bike riding with a little weight lifting. But I wasn't eating enough and didn't really look fit like I wanted to, but I was happier. We went to Maui, we had a blast...AND WE ATE EVERYTHING! My weight didn't immediately go back up, but slowly, I started to put 20 lbs back on my 5 foot 3 inch frame.

2012...My wife and I were expecting another child, our 4th. This is normally a time when a man gains weight right along with, but carrying only a food baby. But this time, things were going to be different. I can't take all the credit, claiming it was my determination, iron will, or inner strength, was many things. Two of which were my wife and the baby she was carrying.

See, she came to me, desperate for the birth she had longed for. She wanted a home birth, both for her sake and our babies. I was reluctant at first, but no way could I tell her no, and in that, I began my journey to a healthier lifestyle. We hired a midwife, who instructed healthy eating, and lots of protein to ensure a healthy baby. More vegetables, whole grains, greek yogurts, nuts, fruits. Not only was it what she and the baby needed, but I did as well.

Combine that with determination, an awesome coach, a great team and God's grace, I started to see changes, gain strength, and grow my confidence in myself and my abilities. Though I still have mountains I want climb, Crane is still a thorn in my side, I have now completed 2 rounds of P90X, have taken up running and am ready for whatever is next! I can't wait to try insanity and hope to order it soon!

In cleaning up our eating, I made many steps towards a healthier lifestyle. I quit smokeless tobacco, soda is a rarity, and processed food is almost gone as well as we have moved on to whole foods and juicing. I've even signed up for a half marathon in November!


  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    nice to meet ya Joshua, sounds like you're doing it the right way this time! good luck on your journey!!
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    Nice to see a fellow Okie!!! Welcome :smile: