Hello everyone!

I am new to mfp, I have fought with my weight my entire adult life. I have had many ups and downs. I have within the last couple years realized that it has to be a lifestyle change. Losing weight for any reason has not worked for me. As soon as that reason is realized, the weight starts making its way back :( In may of 2010, I had reached my peak weight of 286. I am 5'7. I was wearing a size 26. I saw a picture of myself on Facebook and didn't recognize myself. Right then I decided to take control of my health. In 18 months I lost 94 pounds, but then I got sick. I started having what appeared to be seizures, and slowly the weight started building back up. This January I peaked at 242, and I decided enough is enough! I have been making very small changes, and waiting until I master one before adding another and am now down 24 pounds, I am looking to remove 68 more pounds. I came to this forum looking to make friends. My support system is good, but my family and friends tire of hearing me work through all the associated issues. I am hoping to find people in the same situation as myself that can offer motivation, support and understanding. Look forward to getting to know everyone!


    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP! I don't think you will be disappointed. People have been so kind and encouraging to me. Congratulations on getting yourself back on track! You can do this!!!!!
  • niccup
    niccup Posts: 32
    Hey there!

    I too have had my struggles throughout my entire childhood and now my adult life. My situation is different but a struggle still the same. I have an eating disorder called bindge eating and have been trying to conquer it for several years. Only recently have I made some progress in this but I still have a long way to go. I have about 30 lbs to lose to be in a healthy range. I know that may not seem like much to others but when you have this disorder it takes the same kind of dedication and motivation to get to that goal. I have realized that many of us have the same problem and that is a deep self hatred that ultimately stops us from getting to where we would like to be. Its a continuous conversation with yourself stating only positivity and love for yourself that makes changes happen and then the food and exercise come. I am doing well with my exercises each day and I am proud of that. Its the food that is the threat each and every day. If you would like to add me I would be happy to help motivate and could use the same. I have really great people on my MFP of all different kinds and all different weights. Some have lost 100lbs, some are athletes and some are just starting out. My name is niccup :) Add me if you would like. take Care!
  • MinterC1928
    MinterC1928 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello there,
    I am new so kinda intimidated here.
    Never done anything like this. Hell I don't even belong to Facebook or nothin.
    I suffer from Binge Eating...I hit pretty high on the scores too.
    Even now writing this I have a urge to eat...But I am not hungry...Especially at night I have to watch myself because I will keep eating and not stop until I feel like I will BUST or like I will puke at any second. I have always had this 'urge' especially at "that time of the month". I now realize I have a problem but it is a constant battle. I feel soooo bad in the morning and I tell myself NO MORE. TODAY I will stop....But my the evening...I go after food like I was fasting for two days.
    I guess knowing you have a problem is better than not knowing...doesn't help much though.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I promise you can do this. You have the right attitude so there is no reason why you can't succeed. Wishing you the best of luck! :)