Quitting Smoking

karoske Posts: 38
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I was wondering what type of things people used to help them fight the cravings when they quit smoking. I quit I think 17 days ago and I am doing great... But in the evening.. I want to snack... I chew gum, suck on hard candies, but it is hard.. even with those not to over do it. gum is at least 5 cals x3 pieces each time and then my hard candies are 20 cals each and I can eat 10+ pieces sometimes.. when the cravings get out of control! It is playing havoc on my diet.. I find myself finally just breaking down and eating.. popcorn or ice cream, etc.. I have really started craving sweets for some reason when I quit smoking..
Any advice or personal experience or just support and encouragement would be greatly appreciated! :-)


  • karlowe
    karlowe Posts: 92 Member
    10 months as of 09/28/10. I use red hots...20pcs=60cals but I just pop 3 or 4 at a time throughout the day as I need them. a few calories and sugar out weigh the effects of smoking by far!!!!!! Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Congratulations! That's a hard one to quit, best of luck to you.....I quit about 10 yaers ago,
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I used Chantix and I really didn't have the cravings all that much.
    And when I did, instead of eating or smoking I did situps!
    You're cravings will go away a lot faster!
  • I quit smoking Feb 2009 it was hard, I found the sugar free nicotine gum the just plain sugar free gum was the way forward for me but not a day goes by that i don't want the next "cancer stick". But i really do not want to go back to day one again. So good luck and I hope it works out for you.
  • monkey191
    monkey191 Posts: 19
    Firstly well done on giving up for so long already, the fact that you have managed so long shows that you have the will power to do this for as long as you choose too.

    I personally gave up smoking just over 6 months ago and did it cold turkey with will power alone.

    In the past I have given up and always started again as I don't think i had really accepted in my head that I was never going to smoke again. This time is different I have accepted that I no longer want smoking to be a part of my life and I have had no cravings.

    I did think that i would replace the addiction with food, however on finding this site it has made me so much stronger as the support is fantastic!

    I know everybody is different, some of my friends found it really difficult to quit and either went for a walk or did some kind of excercise. I personally have found motivation in the money that I have saved from not smoking, so it could be that you get a jar and everyday place money in there that would have been spent on cigs and when you see it build up it will give you a sense of satisfaction.

    Hope this helps and I would be more than happy for you to add me as a friend and if there is any moral support I can offer, I will be there!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    every time I had the urge I would get up and do 10 jumping jacks. forcing yourself to think about other things and deep breathing can help the craving pass. so get up and move so you have to breath and do something you have to concentrate on like jumping. I hope that helps.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    First, congrats on quitting!
    Next, I did what a friend of my Moms did years ago. She cut a straw about the length of a cigarette. Then, she pinched the one end so not much air could come through the straw...much like a cigarette. She'd use that anytime she felt the urge.
    Sure, there's the nicotine addiction, but there's also the addiction of having something in your mouth and hand. That straw helped there.
    Also, what rjadams said, get up and do anything. Do anything to divert your attention. If you can't, sit on your hands. :)

    They say it takes about 21 days to break a habit...that make work for some, but anytime there's something really stressful, I still want that cigarette at times. If you try the straw, keep it handy for those moments. It may look silly to some, but it's a lot healthier. :)

    Good luck!!
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    If you need help and tips- call the American Cancer Society. They have a Quit For Life program that has helped millions of people quit smoking. Depending on your state, you might get counseling sessions (people are 50% more likely to stay quit with counseling) and/or free medications - Chantix- or the patch. It's all FREE.

    Worth a call, if you need some help, right?

    1-800-227-2345 24/7 365

    (I work there... lol... so don't mind the pitch!)

    congrats on decision to quit. GL!
  • vaz1097
    vaz1097 Posts: 2
    I used Nicorette lozenges and supplement with something like tic-tacs in between to help reduce cravings. Also, if you are having a really hard time, Wellbutrin can be prescribed for a period of time. I found when I was on wellbutrin, it helped with my cravings and appetite as well. Quitting smoking is def not easy. It's important to keep in mind when or if you slip not get down on yourself. Keep pressing forward.
  • karoske
    karoske Posts: 38
    Thank you all for the advice and tips! I went for a walk tonight... That seemed to help a lot! Now that I am home it is just about bed time so occupied my time.. I think I will try exercise in the evening if it is cool enough outside.. in Texas so it is a little hot to be outside during the day time. :-) I will try the tic-tacs as well. and the red-hots. I know that cinnamon works really good.
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