
so my pal gave some p90x dvds for me.i know they work.
but how would you log those exercises to know how many cals you burn?:huh:
p.s p90x is crazy:tongue: tony is weird/nuts lol:wink:


  • brookekedd
    brookekedd Posts: 14
    I just started it last week and I wonder the same thing. I'd like to hear how others are logging too!
  • bchgrl
    bchgrl Posts: 10 Member
    Do you have a heart rate monitor? I have one and that's how I log my calories for all my exercise that I do. It's more accurate! Other than than I'm not sure. Maybe go by the intensity and minutes?
  • conflictedlikethe5thdimension
    im not logging stuff since i borrower it from a pal. does that matter?
  • conflictedlikethe5thdimension
    i should get one of those
  • conflictedlikethe5thdimension
    i may end up breaking down each routine though and find its best match
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    If you read the book that came with your p90x it tells you that each workout burns at least 600 cals.....so I just use the 600 and if its more thats just a bonus=)