How to get past mind games?

I have been trying sooo hard to incorporate exercise into my weight loss, because I don't just want to lose the weight, I want to become fit as well. I have some of the Biggest Loser DVDs and they are a great workout, but my problem is that once I start to really feel the workout burning, my mind tells me that I am too tired , it hurts too much, and I can't continue! It's so frustrating! Anyone have any tips on how to overcome mind games?


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Your body is programmed to do that to protect its fat stores. So, when your mind tries to get you to stop, it's because your body is about to burn some fat. Embrace the fatigue - it's what you're looking for in your workout. Scale back just a bit so you can continue but don't stop.
  • butterfly3703
    Tip: Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're DONE. You have a choice ... be uncomfortable for 30 minutes a day or be uncomfortable every second, every day for the rest of your life. Decide you WANT IT.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Success (or discipline) is the difference between what I want now (I'm tired, I hurt, I wanna quit) and what I want most (to be healthy and fit).

    What do you want most?

    Or another favorite motivation - You can be sore tomorrow or you can be sorry. You choose.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    Tip: Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're DONE. You have a choice ... be uncomfortable for 30 minutes a day or be uncomfortable every second, every day for the rest of your life. Decide you WANT IT.

    ^^^ Really Good Advice ^^^

    Remember, muscle burn is nothing more than the sensation of weakness leaving the body.
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    You're using a lot of muscles that you wouldn't normally use during a typical day while using those DVDs. My girlfriend has the same mindset as you and resists going up in level, even though I try to push her.

    It's just like running. Don't try to do a 10 minute mile your first time. Ease into it and challenge yourself to do a little better the next time. Take the advice of those above and don't overexert yourself or you'll get burned out after not seeing yourself improve.

    Baby steps, grasshopper.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Tell it to SHUT UP ...... that's what I do :laugh:
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    I always found cardio the worst thing in the world, and I would totally quit before finishing or let up in intensity or just fudge it somehow. Then I had to run all the time in boot camp. I found the cadences we sang made me completely forget everything but continuing to run, and repeating after the Sergeant. Maybe try singing along to music, at least in your head. I still do this today, even when I just doing something tedious that isn't a work out that requires me to keep going; like suturing long lacerations.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Here's the thing...first off, exercise for fitness, use your diet for weight control. This is my little way of saying, make fitness goals for yourself that our outside of your weight loss goals. When you get outside of that little box, a whole new world of fitness opens up to you and you will find exercise that you love to do rather than loath to do. When you're just inside that calorie burn/weight loss box, people tend to just do things because that's what everyone does to "lose weight."

    I am personally loath to do exercise DVD's..treadmill (dreadmill), elliptical, or any other cardio machine. But when I was first getting started and re-introducing myself to fitness, I found myself trying to force the issue. I was talking to a buddy of mine and telling him how much it sucked and I didn't think I'd ever be able to get into it...the he asked me why I was doing it? lose weight right?

    He pointed out that I used to be an athlete once upon a time and I'm a former Marine...once upon a time, I lived for fitness...what was I doing back then . My answer was simple...well, back then I was training...for combat...for football..for sprints in track and jumping events...for swimming, etc. He told me, "hey...why don't you train for those kind of things enjoyed doing them, train like you're doing them...doesn't matter that you're not on a team or whatever."

    So, that's basically what I've been doing and that's how I set my fitness goals...right now I'm training the way I trained as a WR in football and a sprinter in track. This summer I'll probably do more swimming...I did some circuit training type stuff like I did in the Marine Corps back in November/December. I switch it up every 12 weeks or so.

    Just find something you love to do and stop trying to force yourself to do something you loath.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Tip: Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're DONE. You have a choice ... be uncomfortable for 30 minutes a day or be uncomfortable every second, every day for the rest of your life. Decide you WANT IT.

  • 1diggs
    1diggs Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for asking that question I am experiencing the same problem I will take the advice given to you to help me also.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Push through. I find that my mind churns out all kinds of objections for about the first half of my workout, but once I past that halfway point, it's all good. I only stop for sudden sharp pain or bathroom emergency.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I have been trying sooo hard to incorporate exercise into my weight loss, because I don't just want to lose the weight, I want to become fit as well. I have some of the Biggest Loser DVDs and they are a great workout, but my problem is that once I start to really feel the workout burning, my mind tells me that I am too tired , it hurts too much, and I can't continue! It's so frustrating! Anyone have any tips on how to overcome mind games?

    Well, first of all, you don't want to hurt yourself. Maybe your body is sending legitimate signals. I don't know how your DVD program is structured, but if I'm trying to get a little exercise by moving to music I'll set the timer on my phone for 10 minutes. If I feel good, which I often do, I set it for another 10, and sometimes get up to 60 minutes. But if I'm not into it after the first 10 minutes I stop.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    When you find yourself in a position where your really starting to feel the workout burning, your mind tells you that you're too tired , it hurts too much, and I can't continue then you know your truly warmed up and ready to get started getting the hard fought for results that will get you what you want. Losing weight and getting fit requires payment in full by way of blood, sweat and tears so buckle up Dorothy; it looks like you're not in Kansas any more!
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Set up a small goal that you want to achieve. My short term goal is to run a 5K this summer. Don't laugh, 5K seems insurmountable for somebody who has been completely sedentary for a decade like me.

    I got me a C25K app for my iphone, and basically it tells me when to walk and when to run. It's challenging and there were times when I seriously felt that I was about to pass out, but I always pushed on. Well, I haven't passed out (yet), which tells me my body is stronger than it wants me to believe.

    So, keep pushing until you physically can't move it anymore.
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    if you want to get pass this, maybe your body is just not use to it.
    i remember when i first worked out and i did ten minutes of it. and i puked afterwards. then i stopped.
    did it the next day again the same video workout and did 15 mins of it. and puked then stopped (of course i did the cool down since that is very important for your body)
    then the to more days i was able to do the full video which was about 25 mins of it. and i didnt puke. sometimes your body need times to getting use to..

    in other cases, if you just get tired, your body isnt used to the fact that you are working out. you need to just push through it. saying another 5 mins i can do it.
    you are in control of what you want to be done and what you dont want to be done.
    you take control of your mind and tell it. im not gonna listen to you being tired. thats how you will make it through.

    (all these other post above me are right)
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Tip: Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're DONE. You have a choice ... be uncomfortable for 30 minutes a day or be uncomfortable every second, every day for the rest of your life. Decide you WANT IT.

    This!! I get maybe two minutes into my workout and my mind is already looking for a good reason to stop, but the truth is, other than injury, there is NO good reason to stop. I just know that the way I feel about myself is so much better when I finish then if I were to slack off or stop. The feeling of accomplishment is so worth the effort and "pain" of the workout!!!
  • cordulaevelyn
    I have never been a big DVD or gym fan. For me to get calories burned is in the form of walking. Rather than standing in front of a screen or on a machine, I grab the leash and I walk with my dog. I ended up getting a pedometer (a Fitbit One) to be exact and set my goal steps for 10,000 per day as well as trying to climb at least ten floors worth of stairs. By doing so along with watching the calorie intake, I found that my fitness level went up. I make it a point at night after my husband gets home to claim my one hour of exercise for myself and just keep on walking. While out walking, I am trying to find stairs to climb and meet my fitness goal.
    Maybe you just have to find the right kind of exercise that you actually enjoy rather than forcing yourself to do something that your body is not willing to do. I know I could walk forever, but I also came to realize that I will never enjoy jogging or running, as that hurts my knees after a couple of miles. When outside, it is definitely more interesting than in front of a TV, and I get to meet nice people in the process.
    I hope this helps.