Tasty Inexpensive Protein Shakes?

CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
I'm looking to start 30 Day Shred hopefully this weekend and want to get my nutrition up for it. I noticed the one thing I struggle with is getting enough protein which I know is essential. I've tried protein powders in the past (I believe was an off-brand vanilla flavor) my friend gave me a sample and I couldn't stomach it. Are there any on the market that actually taste good that isn't too terribly expensive? I'm going with protein powders because I seem to fail at cooking up chicken. I've tried numerous times but that poor chicken winds up rubbery or dry and lacking flavor. Poor chicken. :sad: Any opinions or advice is welcomed! If anyone peeks at my diary, just know that I do know I haven't been doing great on eating enough but I make up for it on the weekends (which I tend to forget to log).


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    No suggestion for a tasty protein powder, but have you tried poaching your chicken in broth? It helps to keep it moist and you can flavor it as well. I tend to bake or poach a huge lot of chicken breasts on the weekends then refrigerate or freeze them for quick meal prep.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I like the pure protein chocolate powder mix and EAS carb control. :smile:
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I usually just stock up on the cheapest powder I can find. Usually something for sale online.

    My advice, try vanilla cause it's pretty versatile. To make it taste better, try adding low calorie (or calorie free) things like: instant coffee, sweetner, cocoa powder, crystal light packets, baking flavor drops/extracts.

    If it's the TEXTURE that bothers you, try adding things like : fresh fruit, a banana (frozen banana is amazing), crushed ice, milk or almond milk, cottage cheese (blended with protein + sweetner, tastes like dessert/cheesecake to me).

    Otherwise, I throw it in with my morning breakfast (whey in oatmeal, or whey with milk+cereal, protein mixed into yogurt).

    Try a few new things, protein + any combination of water, milk, sugar-free pudding, yogurt, fruit, etc . Freeze them into popsicles.

    There's tons of ways to get around a gross 'whey and water' drink. Some of those are ones that work for me and my gf.

    Don't be afraid to experiment and go beyond a simple drink!
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    GNC total lean always has specials like buy one get one 50% off, i find them to be reasonably priced at around $2/bottle after the savings, they also have powders. the main thing is they are delicious which is important and very low in carbs and sugar (i think only 2g)...highly recommend!! vanilla bean and swiss chocolate are my favorites.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Chicken? Marinade in pickle juice overnight (that's their secret process at Chik - fil - A ). Then cook it on the george foreman grill for around 6 minutes or until it's no longer pink inside. Not overcooking it makes the inside nice and juicy.

    For protein shakes, I think Optimum whey vanilla was a very subtle and realistic vanilla flavor. I sampled it at Costco, where you can get 5 pounds or so for about 57.99 (expensive). I use designer whey chocolate and although it tastes like a protein shake, I like it and it gets the job done. It is about 19.99 for 28, 100 calorie scoops making it about .72 cents per serving. I buy mine when the local grocer publishes 5.00 off coupons, bringing it down to about .54 cents per serving.

    AVOID unflavored soy protein powder except for baking; that stuff tastes like raw flour and almost made me retch.
  • fly_butterfly
    fly_butterfly Posts: 35 Member
    I have used Body Fortress protein powder - vanilla. I dump a scoop in the blender and make my own protein shakes and I don't even taste it. (Or maybe I like it and don't mind the taste!?:drinker: )

    Some of my typical smoothies/shakes I make are...

    spinach, banana, strawberry, greek yogurt, protein powder, ice
    spinach, blueberry, strawberry, greek yogurt, protein powder, ice
    spinach, banana, peanut butter, protein powder, ice
    spinach, strawberry, greek yogurt, protein powder, ice
    spinach.... you get the idea.

    As far as chicken, I throw mine (all 10 chicken breast) on the grill on Sunday.... I then I have enough to get through the week. I also have made small whole chickens in the crock pot/slow cooker. You never can go wrong with a crock pot! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    The shakes I usually make are by Jamba juice (just prepackaged frozen fruit) I wonder if I could mask the flavor of protein powder with frozen banana and w/e fruit I desire to mix in with it. Or if the vanilla flavor would make it taste horrible. Guess it doesn't hurt to give it a try. I'll try the pickle juice technique with the chicken. Sounds interesting! I've made chicken in crock pot but I buy my chicken frozen so I never know how long to cook it. Pan frying is definitely out though... I burn it and over cook it because I'm paranoid of it being too undercooked. lol I'm terrible! I'm usually a really good cook too so it kind of bothers me that I can't take on pan-frying chicken.
  • fly_butterfly
    fly_butterfly Posts: 35 Member
    I buy frozen bags of fruit and separate them in separate individual freezer bags. Easy to just throw the whole thing in the blender in the morning with a couple handfuls of fresh spinach. (I use the cooking spinach to make smoothies/shakes.)

    The banana will definitely mask the protein powder...and I do suggest the vanilla flavor as it blends better than chocolate. (I'm not a chocolate fan.)

    I don't feel frozen chicken in the crock pot is ideal. Let it thaw and then "crock-it" on low for 4 hours. (Don't open the lid.) After the 4 hours...stick it with a thermometer (best kitchen investment.) and it should read at least 165. :flowerforyou:
  • stephcampbell77
    No suggestion for a tasty protein powder, but have you tried poaching your chicken in broth? It helps to keep it moist and you can flavor it as well. I tend to bake or poach a huge lot of chicken breasts on the weekends then refrigerate or freeze them for quick meal prep.

    This is what I do too. Also the Body Fortress (cheapie) Chocolate Whey Protein from Walmart is pretty good. It's the only one I can even smell without gagging, lol.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Mocha Cappuccino and Extreme Milk Chocolate are VERY tasty. I make mine with 8oz milk.
  • bear_28
    bear_28 Posts: 59 Member
    I've only tried 3 brands so far:

    Note: Prices are more expensive since I'm not from the US.

    a. ON Whey Gold (Extreme Milk and Double Rich chocolate) = one of the popular ones, thus more expensive (around $49 for 2 lbs). I LOVE the Extreme Milk one.

    b. Designer Whey Chocolate = tastes good too. I usually mix this with oatmeal. yum. (around $40 for 2 lbs)

    c. Ultimate Nutrition, Wheat Protein Isolate (Chocolate Creme ) = the cheapest so far at $36 fro 3 lbs. Tub says its good for 57 servings at 24g per serving. chalky taste if used with a mixer, so you might need to use a blender.

    In terms of value, I'll go with Ultimate Nutrition. Its cheap, low calorie (100 cal), good protein (20g) and taste not so bad if mixed with almond milk and blended.

    You can add coffee powder, banana, peanut butter or chocolate milk (lowfat) to mask the taste. Hope this helps! :drinker:
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    I drink a chocolate Equate weight loss protein shake every morning for breakfast and I think they're pretty tasty w/10g of protein. You should be able to get a big case for under $10. I also really like Fiber One protein bars, they taste like candy bars with 7g of protein. ;-)
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    I buy the cheap whey protein powder at Wal-Mart. I add adfitional fruit, almond milk. I love it.
  • sorryfrench
    sorryfrench Posts: 163 Member
    Bolthouse Farms makes a DELICIOUS vanilla protein shake