How to let go of the scale/#?

I am looking for advice and experience from women who have struggled with body image and seeing a # on the scale and having negative feelings about that?

I am 5'10, currently 163lbs. Very close to my arbitrary goal weight of 160lbs. My lowest adult weight was 155lbs but I have a stomach disorder and that 155lbs was maintained only during a period of time where I was having a lot of trouble eating/digesting and was unable to workout (basically it was not a maintainable "healthy weight").

I'm in size 8 jeans and super excited about that. Eating well. But when I look in the mirror I still see myself in size 12s and 178lbs.

My real goals are to lose more fat and build muscle by lifting heavy, to exercise regularly doing things I enjoy, and to be healthy and full of energy for my family. I know in my rational mind that seeing 160 on a scale is not the "end all". And I know that my pants size and measuring are showing me progress.

I just wonder how you get past caring about the scale number when it's been engrained in you for 20 years that weighing less is "better".

I've been trying to find pictures of athletes like Lindsey Vonn and Gabby Reece, who are tall with athletic bodies that could be attainable if I work hard, and whose weight is also realistic in the real world. It helps a little.

Anyone else willing to share what has worked for them?


  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Eat slightly below your TDEE (10% max), lift heavy, throw out the scale
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    I am also 5'10", working towards getting back to 170lbs, which is a healthy goal for me. I've gone from size 18/20 to size 12 over the last year and a half. I don't weigh very often. I haven't weighed since I started using this website in January (signed up a year or two ago but never actually used it). I view my results from the size loss and the fitness gains. I probably would have weighed recently, but I keep forgetting to buy new batteries for my home school and the one at the gym is broken. I think letting go of that number is a gradual thing, there have been periods in my life when I would weigh myself 4-6 times/day. Try storing your scale somewhere out of site so you aren't tempted to jump on it whenever you see it, make one day a week your weigh in day and only use it then.
  • ellygolightly
    I'm 5'11 and currently weigh close to your "old" self at 171lbs.

    I stopped reading the scales about a month ago when I went to the nutritionist and he said that on a week-week basis our bodies weight varies so much (especially around that time of the month) and if I wanted to keep stressing out over that, I could continue weighing myself. OR I could focus on eating and exercising correctly and weigh myself once a month.

    So that's what I do now. I'm still losing weight and it feels SO GOOD not to hop on a scale or have thoughts of dread so often :)