Sugar Daily Amount

Hi I have been recommended to have 26g of sugar a day and seem to keep going over this even though I am eating healthy. It seems to be just from the fruit and veg I eat. Is it ok for me to go over slightly? Just feeling disheartened seeing the red negative numbers on my food diary :(


  • lbdeblois
    lbdeblois Posts: 2 Member
    I monitor my sugar intake also, but it is really difficult. I had no idea how much sugar there is in every day food. I found eating the dry roasted edamames were a way to have one of my mid-day snacks without adding any sugar. There are days you will go over, but don't stress. Exercising and watching your overall calorie intake is the key.
  • nlucadamo7784
    nlucadamo7784 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a similar problem. Very few of my sugars are anything other than fruit. I have fruits and or veggies for snacks and try to incorporate 2-4 different fruits somewhere in my day. I would think this kind of sugar wouldn't be as bad as the sugars in a brownie. Does it really make a huge impact if my sugars are mostly from the fruits I'm eating? I have a hard time imagining it's worth the loss of the nutrients I'm getting from eating or juicing the natural and organic fruits in my diet just to reduce my overall sugar intake, but I want to make sure it isn't doing more harm than good to my weight loss and overall health goals.