Who Supports You?

Just curious where do you get most of your support: From family, friends, this website or other?


  • bub_snig
    My sister... she goes to the gym with me and encourages me to eat healthy.

    My fiancé ... he tells me i'm beautiful everyday (even though sometimes I don't believe him)

    MFP peeps... the positivity they provide and the knowledge is priceless

    My best friends ... they are on a very similar journey and we support each other using a group I created called "The shrinking waistline society". We post things to help each other along.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member



  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I support myself. Hopefully there'll be a man to "help" support me in the near future. :wink: :love: :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    My handsome husband, who is the most amazing person I have ever known in my entire life.. and my beautiful children, who leave me notes in my fruit bowl.. telling me "way to go!" and that im making "great choice"(s) mom!

    I have the BEST family ever <3
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    My husband is my best friend and biggest cheerleader! He is very proud of what has been accomplished on my weight loss journey. He also is supportive of my activity here on MFP!!! I have a keeper!
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    My husband, immediate family, close friends & colleagues, my awesome MFPs and my cats. Definitely my cats. All the roaming around and all while I'm trying to work out...!! LOL hehe :bigsmile:
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    My Husband, my best friend and most of all my wonderful daughter!!!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Family doesn't support too much emotionally, although mom does buy low-cal food for us to have and she goes to the gym with me. My bf supports me emotionally and tells me that I look beautiful regardless of what size I am (but I can see he stares a bit more now that I've dropped 30-40 pounds since we met. MFP helps with knowledge and when I need to rant as my family gets upset when I start crying or something. *sigh*
    AXAGEM Posts: 56 Member
    I am self motivated. The best support there is ........ yourself!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    beachbody friends, and a group I belong to on facebook
  • lrlnss
    lrlnss Posts: 29 Member
    Most of my support comes from my husband... he is awesome when it comes to that! <3
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I support me. I don't look to nor expect support from anyone else. They didn't get me fat. This isn't their body or health.
    That being said my brother offers the most audible "support".
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    My enell bra... no more bounce at the gym!:laugh:
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    My family tends to put too much emphasis on "being skinny", so I guess you can say they support me, but it's the wrong kind of support lol.
  • heatherm1212
    heatherm1212 Posts: 4 Member
    The question of support has been on my mind just today. I'm almost half way to my weight loss goal. I still can't believe I've lost this much. I've been hypothyroid for over 10 years and just assumed I couldn't lose the weight even with diet and exercise. I should be feeling good right now. No one at works seems to notice the change. I've lost two dress sizes. I've often wondered if they would notice if I came to work wearing my underwear. I feel bad about relaying my progress to my mother because she can't lose weight and is unable to exercise properly due to a heart condition. I have no one else to share my feelings with. I'm not going to give up the fight and I'm encouraged just to know there are others that are going through the same experience.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My husband is very encouraging and never complains about the time that my fitness pursuits take away from our home life.

    My running partner is great at pushing me to keep going. Most of my friends are very fit, and it's fun to do stuff together.

    However, I support myself. I would never have gotten started if I didn't have the internal drive to so. I wouldn't have kept going this past year and a half if the desire to improve wasn't pushing me to succeed.
  • erinlibke
    erinlibke Posts: 144 Member
    My husband. I would still be just sitting on the couch eating chips if it were just me. He's pushing himself to get back into shape for his 35th birthday in August and I want to support him too. He's good motivation for me and calls me out on my excuses- thats what i need.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    My boyfriend and MFP friends are the most supportive :)