
I'm thinking of purchasing Insanity...Does anyone do this and have an opinion on it?


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I love it, I'm just finishing up my rest week and a little nervous about what month 2 will bring! I lost 2lb in month one which isn't much but my body shape really changed, back fat disappeared, bum lifted, stomach shrank and my fitness levels really improved.

    Not sure I'd have paid as much as they charge for it though tbh, I got it from a friend.
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm doing P90X right now and love it... but wanted to try something different so I don't get burn out... I agree with the price... Was thinking of searching on Craigs List... LOL
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    Do your best with it and you will get good results.
    I broke a long plateau in month 1 and finished with with a 20 lb loss.
    You can do it. :)
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I'm planning on P90X after Insanity as I have heard it's a better fat burner.
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome.. And I must comment on a 75 lb loss... Way to go... I lost 55 2 years ago and then did nothing last year so I'm re-committing myself to getting the rest off and reach my goal...
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    I really really like it... But I tend to get burned out when I do the same thing over and over... and that's when I quit... Trying my hardest not to quit this time...
  • hmanley66
    hmanley66 Posts: 57
    We should be friends, I lost 40 lbs 2 years ago and then plateaud. I kept telling myself that maintaining was enough of a success, even though my goal weight is still 30 lbs away.

    I have been thinking about doing insanity as well, I have it and everything, just need to carve out the time. I am a zumba instructor so I feel like I get a lot of cardio as it is :) But last time I did insanity I did lose inches, even though I only did it for 2 weeks. I get burned out doing the same thing too....
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    I'm currently doing ChaLEAN Extreme and the fat is still falling off.
    I mix in some Insanity, too.

    The nearest gym to me costs $60/month.
    So do the DVDs.
    The difference with the DVDs is that I can work out in the privacy of my home when I want.
    I think it is worth it.
    I like the workouts. They are fun to do. They constantly motivate you to improve.
    And I'm very happy with the results
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    I sent you a friend request and wow reading your profile we do sound just alike.. LOL... I was 225 when I first started out and now have 32 lbs to go to reach my goal...
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    Honestly I do better at home because I can do it on my own time... I always find an "excuse" not to go to the gym but I can't justify not doing a quick 30 minute run or popping in a dvd at anytime... The only thing missing are the machines, but I have purchased dumbells and a pull up bar so I feel I can get it done that way...
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Do it! It's by far one of the best workouts I've ever done. It's full of a lot of jumping and squatting though, so if you have bad knees it may not be the best program for you.
  • hmanley66
    hmanley66 Posts: 57
    Accepted :)

    Have you thought that perhaps to break up the boredom of a monotonous workout, that people like us (that get bored and quit) should do insanity every other day rather than every day? It would take 4 months to get through the regiment, but it might be more sustainable that way...what do you think?
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I find because it's not the same workout every day that I don't get bored with Insanity, with the exception of this week, recovery week which I have found dull, dull, dull because it is the same day in day out *yawn*, otherwise it mixes it up enough that I don't get fed up.
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm willing to try anything to keep me going... I'm going to my first Marine ball this year in November so I need to stay motivated.. I would love to have reached my goal weight by then....
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow 82lbs... I'm in such awe of you guys.. That is so awesome.. I do have a little bit of a bad knee but not bad.. I run a lot so my legs are pretty good... I think I'm gonna go for it and get it...
  • hmanley66
    hmanley66 Posts: 57
    My wedding is in September :) Looks like we both have fast-approaching goal dates, and we both have 4 months to finish this in.

    I am teaching like 7 hours in the next 3 days (Zumba and Boot camp classes at the gym), so I think I can start Insanity on Monday the 15th ( you start with the "fitness test"). Then I will go for an every other day approach. My wedding dress comes in July, I would really like to be done by then if everything goes well...

    I am not quite sure how to do this, but I think we should have our food diaries open so we can see each other's food :) that is more than half the battle, right?
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    Food is my total battle... I feel I got the workouts down but when it comes to food I have no control, that is why I joined this site... I'm gonna see how to open the food diary because I like getting new ideas also.... Yes we both do have fast approaching dates and congratulations on your up coming wedding... You can do it... Especially if you stick to what your doing now... :)
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    I am on day 5 of Insanity. From other posts I have read, the transformation is more evidenced in inches rather than the scale. It's lots of cardio and plyo type movements. If you decide to purchase it, just take breaks when you need to. The workouts for month 1 are about 40 minutes long. I feel that is a manageable amount of time. Each workout this week has gone by pretty quickly because you're moving so much. I purchased mine off craigslist. Definitely look around for a lower price. Really what do we have to lose by trying? 60 days in the big picture isn't a long time and the money spent - well, don't go out to eat a time or two and you'll make up the difference.
  • davesurf20
    davesurf20 Posts: 17 Member
    Insanity is AWESOME but killer hard! I have the utmost respect for anyone that can finish it. (I finished it just over a month ago)
  • shanna70
    shanna70 Posts: 12 Member
    I agree... And also the money saved from a gym membership... Thanks for the input... I'm looking into getting it... :smile: