Is fast food okay within reason?

irishmassagequeen Posts: 12
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
"As long as I always stay within my recommended sat.fat, calories, and sodium levels" - can I eat a small portion of fast food anytime I want? I wouldn't do it everyday - but in theory I mean, would it make any difference since I stay within the levels provided on here???


  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I think it's okay to have fast food once in a while. I think most people get into trouble when it makes up the bulk of their diet.

    The one thing Ive learned using this site is...I dont have to give up anything, I can have whatever I want in moderation. Im making better choices every day and if I want fast food [sometimes on the weekend], I'll have something smaller or half a serving of the meal and give away the rest to family.

    Last weekend I had a great salad from McDonalds. It was their new Southwest Salad. I had it with grilled chicken and nixed the dressing because the chicken already had glaze on it. It was under 400 calories and I didnt miss the burger and fries.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Pretty sure you won't stay within your saturated fat limit with fast food... that was my first thought. And hardly ever sodium. I'd say be careful... it's good EVERY NOW AND THEN. There are so many chemicals and gross add-ins with fast food that NO, not any time you want.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Kid size Happy Meals! Also, if you plan to go to, say, McDonald's, go online to their nutrition guide and get the info on what meals are better for you. It could end up being your fast-food bible. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!! Good luck!:drinker:
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    In a perfect world we wouldn't ever eat it since it is really not good for our overall health, but in reality sometimes we end up at fast food restaurants. I would watch very carefully the soduim levels in your plan if you do decide to eat at any restaurant.
  • Thanks. That's what I was looking at - fast food nutritional info. I saw a few things that I really like had a TON of sodium and then looked for what is "similar" to satisfy cravings I might get and saw taco bell for instance has some decent choices on their fresco menu and even the crunchy taco isn't all that horrible. I will always plan my meals BEFORE ever reaching the fast food place for sure. That way I know exactly what I can have. I just wasn't sure if it would be okay even staying in my limits. Seems kinda crazy to me that I can have even a small portion of fast food sometimes. lol. I just started this website, and I have to say - this is the first time in my life I feel like I can call this a "lifestyle change" rather than a diet! :) I LOVE IT!
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    In the long run if you allow yourself to eat fast food or imperfectly ONCE IN A WHILE you are going to be more likely to stick to your diet. If someone tried to take away my bi-weekly taco bell I would hurt them. :laugh:
  • "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." - Beverly Sills

    I REALLY loved that quote!!!
  • In the long run if you allow yourself to eat fast food or imperfectly ONCE IN A WHILE you are going to be more likely to stick to your diet. If someone tried to take away my bi-weekly taco bell I would hurt them. :laugh:

    I feel the same way about success! That's why I love this website and how easy it makes it to SEE what I am doing every day. And LMAO about the bi-weekly taco bell thing! :D My boyfriend is a taco bell fanatic too! I made him his own sauce packet pic in photoshop a long time ago! haha :)
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Shish Kebabs are good, it's just grilled meat, however don't eat the whole pitta bread (or get a tortilla if you can) and drop the sauce load the salad as long as it's not dressed. I DJ so I'm often out very late with nothing else open and an hours wait/ride home I do treat myself once a week. It hasn't stopped my weight loss so far and it's something to take out if I do stop losing.

    Never go for the Doner.... that way lies saturated fat hell!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I have it every now and then. Me and my husband also order pizza. It's all about making the healthiest choice you can on the menu. And still only go sparingly. Because it will do a number on your sodium (I never weigh myself the next day, lol) and sometimes on the fat. Personally i can't cut out everything all the time. It hasn't halted my loss. I usually try to get some exercise in, if I plan on going to try and even it out as much as possible. I'm actually planning a Taco Bell night tomorrow. I've fought that craving for 6 months and it's time to hit the gym and then give in!
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    I pick one night a week as fun food night. I pick one of my favorite not so great for you foods and eat a normal to somewhat smaller portion. This makes it so much easier for me to keep going. Plus it makes it kinda nice to spend time with my hubby and actually enjoy a little of the same thing he is eating =) If I'm still hungry then I get a side salad and if we are at McDonalds I love getting their parfaits.
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    I ocassionally get good old Kiwi fish n chips, but without chips. Just a couple of fillets of fish and maybe a few scallops or oysters, and although it's deep fried etc. I feel great after it and have never seen any evidence whatsoever that it affects my health or weight.

    To me it's not an emotional thing, just a decision like any other and not something I'd do often so I have no guilt or anything. It's simply food like any other in the context of an otherwise really healthy diet.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Everything in moderation! I would suggest planning it out first and looking it up... you'd be surprised. The McDonald's "snack" wrap (with one crispy chicken finger and ranch) is just as bad as a Filet o' Fish (and actually has more sat fat!). For me, the fish sandwich is much more filling than the little "snack" wrap!! So it is always good to know what you are getting.

    You can make fairly healthy choices, too. If we need to get fast food, say, if we are on our way somewhere and need to eat before we get there, I'll get a kid's meal with the apples instead of fries.

    I wouldn't suggest eating it everyday, as it isn't exactly good for you. But I do think that you'll be ok if you have it sometimes. Just like you can have pizza sometimes and Chinese food sometimes and dessert sometimes! =)
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    The new little Taco Bell "fresco" chicken soft tacos are actually pretty good and not that terrible for you. I get two of those for supper a couple of times a month. The sodium is more than would be in food that I would cook for myself, but otherwise they aren't too bad, and they satisfy that fast food craving pretty well.
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