B12 and Fat burning injections??

Has anyone ever done the b12 and fat burning injections?? If so can you please give me some feedback on them. I have read alot about them and heard they are safe and will help you alittle with weight lose. Thank you for your feedback!


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    What exactly are in the "fat burning" injections?
  • nshapemom
    nshapemom Posts: 1
    I don't know anything about fat burning injections but have taken B12 injections due to low levels produced my my body for over a year now. I feel a little bit better with them but have noticed no changes whatsoever in my weight as a result of beginning the shot regimen.
  • TaraArriola
    My brother-in-law did these and he lost the weight; however, he also had to start exercising at the same time. This helped him tone up. A girl at work did the injections without working out and she lost weight; however, she had flab since she didn't work out.
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    So funny! I was just doing a little research on these injections....I think the fat burning part is the "lipotropic" part that is composed of many different things. I am thinking about getting them for the b12 energy part. I have read that some people have had weightloss but most of them take the phen phen...or whatever it is called. I don't have any desire to get the jitters!
    I do however want to have more energy....more energy to burn more calories! =)
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    i recently got a b12 shot, but it was because i was aniemic. I didnt know it and i was feeling extremely fatigued / tired.
    On the weight loss injections, i know someone who worked in a clinic and gave those shots. she told me you still have to keep a diet plan and exercise or the weight will come back double. It doesnt work by itself. On the b12 shot it gave me energy for the couple of days and then it wore off.