Check Your Drinks FIRST!

There has been so many times in the past three months that I have been given FULL calorie drinks when I have asked for Diet. Tea is the biggest one you must watch if you are in the South. I have taken for granted they did it right and then added my Splenda, Sweet & Low or Equal only to have it be super sweet and questioned it. Now Diet Lemonade at Chick Fil A is one that is will give you regular and not diet - the taste to me is really close. I pretty much have stopped with the lemonade there. Sonic sneaks shots of simple syrups into their "special" diet drinks for flavor. I prefer not to drink my little calories away and figure someone out there is the same (cheers :drinker: ).

I have found that most sit down down restaurants do not have a problem with you asking for water and you breaking out a pack of Crystal Light. I ask them first if this is ok. Now go easy on the asking for a bowl of lemons and making your own lemonade w their sweetners - that is just not right:devil: .


  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    Since i started calorie counting in May of this year. I only order water when i go out to eat and i bring along my crytal light packets and pour them into my water. Like you i ask the wait staff if it is ok first. This way i never have to worry about going over my calorie intake with a bevearge.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't like drinking calories unless it's milk or 100% juice. When I go out, I only drink water and usually ask for lemon.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    I don't like drinking calories unless it's milk or 100% juice. When I go out, I only drink water and usually ask for lemon.

    take it from an old waitress ... ur saying diet coke, all 4 of ur friends ordered coke.... UR GETTING COKE!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    There has been so many times in the past three months that I have been given FULL calorie drinks when I have asked for Diet. Tea is the biggest one you must watch if you are in the South. I have taken for granted they did it right and then added my Splenda, Sweet & Low or Equal only to have it be super sweet and questioned it. Now Diet Lemonade at Chick Fil A is one that is will give you regular and not diet - the taste to me is really close. I pretty much have stopped with the lemonade there. Sonic sneaks shots of simple syrups into their "special" diet drinks for flavor. I prefer not to drink my little calories away and figure someone out there is the same (cheers :drinker: ).

    I have found that most sit down down restaurants do not have a problem with you asking for water and you breaking out a pack of Crystal Light. I ask them first if this is ok. Now go easy on the asking for a bowl of lemons and making your own lemonade w their sweetners - that is just not right:devil: .

    If somebody asks for Diet cola or diet lemonade, that is precisely what they should get and if you are sold the full sugared version, that is well out of order.

    This was brought home to me many years ago when I was a barmaid in a pub. A woman came up, ordered a couple of beers and a vodka and diet coke. I however, didn't hear the word "diet" and gave her a normal coke with her vodka. She took one sip and promptly asked me if it was diet, to which I replied "no, is that what you wanted?" - she replied that it wouldn't bother her, but she was diabetic and was not allowed the normal coke.

    To say I was mortified was putting it lightly, she could have seriously ended up in a bad condition because of me. I immediately removed it and gave her the correct one, I was so sorry, but she was great and said no harm done. It was such a good job that she had tasted the difference though!

    Strict laws should be passed re the normal and diet drinks and I think they should be strictly enforced.

    In the pubs round where I live, diet coke is easy to get but diet lemonade is nigh on impossible :(((
  • NicolePayne
    NicolePayne Posts: 9 Member
    I love the idea of taking Crystal Light packets with you to the restaraunt...I have been having the biggest struggle giving up ordering pop ~ even with it being diet. It may sound silly, but I can't enjoy my meal if I am drinking "just water" takes away from the fun of dining out.
  • missjo113
    missjo113 Posts: 52
    What a GREAT idea! Thanks!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I always just order water to save myself the hassle.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I normally just order water with lemon or lime too. But that crystal light is a great idea. Good thing I gave up the sodas almost 3 years ago. That makes my life a little bit easier. Thank goodness. LOL

    Oh, and my dad is diabetic and he never tastes his tea until after he has added the sweetener to it, then he can't tell if he got unsweetened to begin with... and he likes lemons and my mom is allergic to lemons, so she can't even check it for him... LOL. I've told him a million times to taste it first, but he just hasn't listened yet... smh.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member

    take it from an old waitress ... ur saying diet coke, all 4 of ur friends ordered coke.... UR GETTING COKE!

    see I would totally taste the difference, I cant stand regular coke!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I don't like drinking calories unless it's milk or 100% juice. When I go out, I only drink water and usually ask for lemon.

    take it from an old waitress ... ur saying diet coke, all 4 of ur friends ordered coke.... UR GETTING COKE!

    I don't see why. I've been a waitress for 15 years and wouldn't do that. It's not hard to keep track of one diet soda. As a guest, I wouldn't want my server to be lazy and try to make me drink regular instead of diet.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i only waitressed a couple of months im not gonna lie. but i just had a problem carrying them all out and figuring out which glass had which in it lol
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    i only waitressed a couple of months im not gonna lie. but i just had a problem carrying them all out and figuring out which glass had which in it lol

  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Just drink water and you'll never have to wonder! Plus it is cheaper and better for you! :)