Does anyone work in an office that sabotages them?

Im pretty new to this office and it seems like every other day people are bringing in terrible food for us. Granted its delicious its sooooo hard to keep a good diet with this happening plus i dont wanna seem like an *kitten* to my new office u know?


  • bcrofts001
    bcrofts001 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a mechainc, and the guy who works beside me always has boxes of candy and cookies on his bench for every on to eat, he even brings in "goodies" and offers them up at lunch even though he's know I'm trying to loose weight. We always have customers bringing in coffee and doughnuts. I'm like you too, I don't want to be rude, but it's getting easier to say no, and ther're starting to come around.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    oh man, i had this issue this week. a bunch of people came back from vacation and brought chocolate covered almonds, pecan bark, honey toasted pecans, pralines, and taffy...then since one of our other coworkers is leavings soon for maternity leave there was cake AND cupcakes. it sucks, but just turn it down. if they ask you why, just be up front! if you can't/don't want to turn it down, eliminate something else from your diet later in the day so that you still meet your goal.
  • sue2328
    sue2328 Posts: 22 Member
    totally understand - my office always has cakes/biscuits out for everyone to share and to make it even more difficult they are alway at the end of my row of desks so i have to pass them to go to the toilet/printer/speak to a colleague/ get a coffee (where there are always more cakes etc in the kitchen) At Christmas we were getting through a large tin of chocolates every day during December ~- there's only around 20 of us in the office.

    I have finally found the will power to say no , and as the weight comes off and i feel better in myself it gets easier and easier to walk straight on by.

    On a positive note, one of my staff bought in cakes last week for her birthday and knowing i couldn't eat them bought me some nuts as a treat .
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    I work in an office with 5 other guys.

    They all eat incredibly unhealthy lunches every day.

    Today, the 5 of them got this:


    A deep fried chicken/veal sandwich smothered in sugary tomato sauce and cheese.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it gets pretty hard sometimes.

    I am gonna go buy a salad and some chicken :D
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    You could always bring in some fruit or healthy snacks to share. If no one partakes, at least you will have an alternative so it won't seem like you are not participating.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I'm a mechainc, and the guy who works beside me always has boxes of candy and cookies on his bench for every on to eat, he even brings in "goodies" and offers them up at lunch even though he's know I'm trying to loose weight. We always have customers bringing in coffee and doughnuts. I'm like you too, I don't want to be rude, but it's getting easier to say no, and ther're starting to come around.

    haha i couldnt imagin sounds like you kinda got it worse but hey at least you can say no now
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    I work as a nurse, and there are always treats. But you just have to think of the no excuses mentality and know that you are stronger than that crap. Focus on your goals, write them down, repeat, and then your power over the food will be so extreme, you can stare at it for 8 hours straight and not give in.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    oh man, i had this issue this week. a bunch of people came back from vacation and brought chocolate covered almonds, pecan bark, honey toasted pecans, pralines, and taffy...then since one of our other coworkers is leavings soon for maternity leave there was cake AND cupcakes. it sucks, but just turn it down. if they ask you why, just be up front! if you can't/don't want to turn it down, eliminate something else from your diet later in the day so that you still meet your goal.

    good advice thanks!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Yes we are selling yummy candy bars for Relay for life and I just can't resist. Sometimes I feel I need two to curb my crave.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm surrounded by office treats too. The only time I'll "cave" is for a mini Reese cup or Hershey kiss every now and then. Chick in my office brought 2 dozen donuts in last week and sat them on an empty desk next to me and I had to smell the dang things all day. I was not pleased. Good thing I'm a stubborn butt!!!
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I work in a large office that regularly entertains vendors and donors, so there is always food left over from a meeting or an event. GOOD food. TASTY food. Food you want to hide in your desk drawer so no one else can have it. This is why I try to avoid the break room.
  • DeeBrownBaker
    one of my co-workers has started a cupcake business... and she is killing us with samples and left overs from orders... cupcakes of all kinds, brownies, blondies... ugh!!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I think every office (at least almost every) is like that. People bring in food they don't want, don't like, etc cause they know it'll be gone within 15 minutes here. They aren't sabotaging me at all-at least I don't look at it that way. If I want it, and it fits into my day, I'll have it, If I don't, I won't. No one can make me have something just cause they brought it in. It's easy for me here cause I can't handle dairy (although I will eat it if it's either ice cream or no ice cream haha) so if it's something that might have dairy I'll say no. Also, people don't always offer it here, they just bring it in and leave it in the kitchen. No one gets annoyed or upset if they offer me something and I say "no thanks"
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    I'll usually grab something and then say I have to eat it at my cubicle.... I'm very busy, etc. Then I'll throw it away and later on tell whoever made it that it was DEEELISH!

    And who cares if it's wasting food. Peach cobbler sucks and I rescued a few hundred calories from someone.
  • cbeckl
    cbeckl Posts: 79
    I work in an office with 5 other guys.

    They all eat incredibly unhealthy lunches every day.

    Today, the 5 of them got this:


    A deep fried chicken/veal sandwich smothered in sugary tomato sauce and cheese.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it gets pretty hard sometimes.

    I am gonna go buy a salad and some chicken :D

    OMG, my mouth is watering right now looking at that....way to go on turning it down, I'm not sure I would've....:smile:
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I work in an office with 5 other guys.

    They all eat incredibly unhealthy lunches every day.

    Today, the 5 of them got this:


    A deep fried chicken/veal sandwich smothered in sugary tomato sauce and cheese.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it gets pretty hard sometimes.

    I am gonna go buy a salad and some chicken :D

    Eyyy that thing looks amazing and terrible at the same time haha
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    ha i think i would have tried a few bites lol
  • mdraper60
    mdraper60 Posts: 101 Member
    I have this issue all the time!! There are always meetings at my office so big group lunches (pizza, chinese food and the like) get ordered in and the leftovers are sitting in the coffee room everytime I have to walk through to get to the washroom (there is no other route) or if I am going to get my healthy snack from the fridge. I started to bring a lunch bag with cold packs so that I don't even have to go in the fridge to get stuff out so if I go by to the washroom and it is out, I just grab it and quickly put it in the fridge so I don't have to look at it anymore. If people offer me food that I don't want to eat, I just politely say no and if they persist I will explain why. There have been times where I have to take it so they will stop and I just put it in the garbage when they are gone and eat my healthy snack that I have sitting in my office. Sometimes it is really hard but part of being on this journey is learning how to deal with these situations. Good luck to you!!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I understand that it's upsetting when someone does something that makes it harder for you to meet your goals.

    But you have to understand that they are *your* goals, and they are under no obligation to alter their behavior to help you meet them. They aren't trying to sabotage you, and frankly I doubt that you even entered their head when they decided to do it. And nor should you. They were bringing in sweet treats for their co-workers, and expecting everyone to exercise their own judgement as to whether they'd eat it.

    Exercise a little restraint - you can say no politely. If you don't want to be rude, and if you really want a cookie, then take one. Just make it one, log it in your diary, and adjust somewhere else to accommodate it. Keep practicing at it - it gets easier.

    Pursuing some mystical 'perfect' diet where you consume nothing that you perceive as being even the slightest bit bad for you is recipe for a spectacular crash and burn ending in sitting on the couch eating a gallon of ice cream directly from the container.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Im pretty new to this office and it seems like every other day people are bringing in terrible food for us. Granted its delicious its sooooo hard to keep a good diet with this happening plus i dont wanna seem like an *kitten* to my new office u know?

    You aren't an *kitten* if you say no. All you say is "No thanks." and go about your day. It's not like they are trying to shove it down your throat. People for the most part are just sharing goodies so that they won't have to eat them all or, in the case of one place I worked at, they were ordering the cheapest food to feed us. But it's not intentional sabotage on their part and most people are understanding if you don't want any. Only once has someone tried to cajol me into eating something I didn't want and I just walked away. next time they do that, I'm bringing pickled anchovies to work and bugging them to eat them.