Does anyone work in an office that sabotages them?



  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I'll usually grab something and then say I have to eat it at my cubicle.... I'm very busy, etc. Then I'll throw it away and later on tell whoever made it that it was DEEELISH!

    And who cares if it's wasting food. Peach cobbler sucks and I rescued a few hundred calories from someone.
    yea thats an amazing idea ill be doing that next time but today a guy brought in home made lumpia his wife is philipino
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I can't say I've ever had anyone at the office hold me down and literally shove food down my throat. So... I guess I don't.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    People bring things in here but I never consider it sabotage. If it looks good I take a tiny piece, if it's not worth the calories to me I ignore it.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I'm surrounded by office treats too. The only time I'll "cave" is for a mini Reese cup or Hershey kiss every now and then. Chick in my office brought 2 dozen donuts in last week and sat them on an empty desk next to me and I had to smell the dang things all day. I was not pleased. Good thing I'm a stubborn butt!!!
    haha nice but for me its always like home made philipino food, or home made cheesecake or well essentially everythings home made haha
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    On another note: isn't it amazing that we live in a society where food is so readily available that we can afford to complain when people try to give it to us?

    Makes me incredibly grateful to have been born in the western world.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    On another note: isn't it amazing that we live in a society where food is so readily available that we can afford to complain when people try to give it to us?

    Makes me incredibly grateful to have been born in the western world.

    Stealing this.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Im pretty new to this office and it seems like every other day people are bringing in terrible food for us. Granted its delicious its sooooo hard to keep a good diet with this happening plus i dont wanna seem like an *kitten* to my new office u know?
    Only sabotaged if you were told it's good for you, ate it and then later found out it was a lie. Buck up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • wifeycrisp
    wifeycrisp Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a teacher and there's potential sabotage ALL OVER! Teacher's lounge, PTA treats in your mailbox, and the students.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    Totally. Every week there is a donut day. Every week there is some sort of potluck. Everybody puts candy on their desks and Halloween? OMG
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    Hear hear!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Only sabotaged if you were told it's good for you, ate it and then later found out it was a lie. Buck up.

  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    Im pretty new to this office and it seems like every other day people are bringing in terrible food for us. Granted its delicious its sooooo hard to keep a good diet with this happening plus i dont wanna seem like an *kitten* to my new office u know?

    You aren't an *kitten* if you say no. All you say is "No thanks." and go about your day. It's not like they are trying to shove it down your throat. People for the most part are just sharing goodies so that they won't have to eat them all or, in the case of one place I worked at, they were ordering the cheapest food to feed us. But it's not intentional sabotage on their part and most people are understanding if you don't want any. Only once has someone tried to cajol me into eating something I didn't want and I just walked away. next time they do that, I'm bringing pickled anchovies to work and bugging them to eat them.

    haha nice and yea if they were just store bought i wouldnt feel bad but since they made it for us i do u know
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    Totally. Every week there is a donut day. Every week there is some sort of potluck. Everybody puts candy on their desks and Halloween? OMG

    hahaim glad its not just me :P
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I'll usually grab something and then say I have to eat it at my cubicle.... I'm very busy, etc. Then I'll throw it away and later on tell whoever made it that it was DEEELISH!

    And who cares if it's wasting food. Peach cobbler sucks and I rescued a few hundred calories from someone.
    Poor starving people care if others waste food. Just sayin'

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    I work in an office with 5 other guys.

    They all eat incredibly unhealthy lunches every day.

    Today, the 5 of them got this:


    A deep fried chicken/veal sandwich smothered in sugary tomato sauce and cheese.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it gets pretty hard sometimes.

    I am gonna go buy a salad and some chicken :D

    OMG...I had no idea such a thing existed!!! I would fall off the "lifestyle change" wagon everytime one of these appeared!!!
  • KoRnKraZy
    KoRnKraZy Posts: 69 Member
    I get offered beer at my office... Probably because I work with a bunch of dudes lol
  • LadyEforReal
    LadyEforReal Posts: 6 Member
    Right Here!!! At the office now..Shhh! They have a potluck when someone gets hired and fired! They have potlucks for holiday that they created! I struggled for a year in this office of the good smelling food and everybody clammering. But I am soo laser focused now. I still participate but I bring a clean healthy dish that I can eat as well, and they ask me for the recipes. You can do this. The key is to stop thinking about dieting, and start thinking about lifestyle change. Omit or substitute one bad food or habit with a good one. Take it one day at a time.
  • ginadaye
    ginadaye Posts: 39 Member
    I'm retired now, a few short months, but this is what I got to the point of doing when something "kept calling" me. Say they bring in a box of donuts and none call my name except for a chocolate one. I pick it up, wrap it in a napkin, walk to the kitchen and shove it into the bottom of the trashcan. Wasteful. Yes, but not on my waist. My hardest thing to pass up was Asiago bagels from Panera's. Sometimes I was lucky and there wouldn't be Asiago . . . then it was easy! But if there was one . . . I'd have half one day and half the next. The other thing that helped me was knowing and hating the fact that all the other women were skinnier (and younger) than me. I'd tell myself that they would be thinking, "Yeah, just want you need . . . " if they saw me into the food. LOL Whatever it takes!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    I understand that it's upsetting when someone does something that makes it harder for you to meet your goals.

    But you have to understand that they are *your* goals, and they are under no obligation to alter their behavior to help you meet them. They aren't trying to sabotage you, and frankly I doubt that you even entered their head when they decided to do it. And nor should you. They were bringing in sweet treats for their co-workers, and expecting everyone to exercise their own judgement as to whether they'd eat it.

    Exercise a little restraint - you can say no politely. If you don't want to be rude, and if you really want a cookie, then take one. Just make it one, log it in your diary, and adjust somewhere else to accommodate it. Keep practicing at it - it gets easier.

    Pursuing some mystical 'perfect' diet where you consume nothing that you perceive as being even the slightest bit bad for you is recipe for a spectacular crash and burn ending in sitting on the couch eating a gallon of ice cream directly from the container.

  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I work in a large office that regularly entertains vendors and donors, so there is always food left over from a meeting or an event. GOOD food. TASTY food. Food you want to hide in your desk drawer so no one else can have it. This is why I try to avoid the break room.

    Ha we dont have a break room so its all put on a desk and im alright i mean they bring in popeys or pizza etc i crave it but i dont eat any but when they make it...i just cant...but i will find the urge to start