Food addiction

okay i have a huge problem.. i think i have a food addiction. Verything i do /think is connected to food. Everytime i eat i cant stop. Lets say theres a bag of chips at home i eat the whole thing.. i see the scale going up and up...its very scary.
I used to starve myself but then i gained soooooooooo much weight.. i need serious help please!


  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    You have the same problem we all do... its called guilt. Whenver you have guilt associated with food, you suddenly develop this seemingly out of control behaviour.
    We are surrounded by it, and then all the controversial information that goes along with it, eat this, dont eat that, this will kill you, starving yourself on this detox diet is great for you, but no one tells you that when you stop starving yourself you wont be able to stop pigging out!!!
    You get overloaded with information and dont know what to do.
    Start by accepting you feel out of control, then sit down and make a food plan....
    have a look at peoples food diaries, see what they eat, how they manage their day, then make a realistic plan for yourself.
    Start cutting down on fat and sugar, and introduce some whole foods.
    Dont deprive yourself to the point where you know you wont be able to stop pigging out.
    I love to go out dancing etc, I always have a few drinks and I also go out for dinner, etc, I dont pig out anymore... I have learned that the food will always be there,
    No one is going to suddenly make it all disappear and you dont have to eat it all now..... live your life, enjoy yourself, and put food in its place, its fuel, and not something to be used to reward and punish yourself with.
    I'm here if you ever want to chat.... I think most of us have felt helpless around food and felt like we were on a never ending cycle of stuffing and starving.
  • missxzlili
    sorry for the late reply,
    thank you so much for the tips it has helped a bit now already,im working hard on it. do you know how long it takes for it go to ?