resistance bands for weight training?

So far, the only exercise me and the wife are doing is some moderate walking about a mile or so a night. We have only been at this for about 5 days but we want to start mixing some weight training exercise in to the routine. We prefer doing everything at home and I really dont want to have a bunch of free weights laying around. I was considering getting some resistance bands. Does anyone know if these are just as effective as actual weights?


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I use them often for warm up before sports and when exercising at home. They come in different weights by resistance. Very effective. You just have to focus on form. Worth the money in my book.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    The resistance isn't constant on bands like it is with free weights, there will be more resistance (weight) at the top of the lift than at the bottom.
  • Gpowell03
    Gpowell03 Posts: 8 Member
    I personally like actual weights better than bands because i know how much i am lifting at all times and so i can gauge progress better.
    On the other hand dumbbells take up a lot of room and can be expensive. If space is your only issue, and money is not, the adjustable dumbbell sets are pretty cool.
    Even though i like dumbbells more, I use the resistance band, because of the space and money issue.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I use bands instead of weights because of the money, mostly. They seem to work alright for me - and they do come in different levels of resistance. Just be careful, they do wear out over time. I just had to replace mine recently.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I take them with me on vacation since most hotels only have cardio machines in their "fitness centers". I bring my adjustable bands ( and my ab wheel and I get up an hour earlier than anyone else to get a pretty damn good workout. Also bodyweight exercises, i.e. pushups are equipment free.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I do weightlifting in the gym both with a bar and free weights.
    I also do Pilates at home with a resistance band.
    I've noticed that the band gives my muscles a definite work out but works them in a different way than weights.
    I second body weight exercises as well.
    Good luck!
  • jessenicassio
    I use a lot of resistance bands for training and weight loss. All depends on the training I am doing will determine the bands I use. One product i use to lose weight and build endurance that gives you a full body workout is the Mass Suit. I use it for other types of training too. I also use single bands like Thera bands for rehabbing my shoulders. Bands are great for calorie burn because it gives you a positive and negative pull.
  • sdleischner
    sdleischner Posts: 34 Member
    I have tryed all kinds of lifting. Body weight, Free weights resistance bands, and machine weights
    For me, my least favorite, yet most effective is using my own body weight. Dosnt take up space and dosnt cost money. can use your own weight anywhere. when your out on a walk, walk through a park or a play ground and use the monkey bars for pull ups, or benches for step ups. or just simply drop to the ground and do some push ups or sit ups.

    Free weights are my second favorite followed by resistance bands then i found that machines were the least effective and boring.
    Regardless of what you choose to do Your tecnique is key!
  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141
    Bands are perfect for beginners. It will get you use to adding resistance to your training.

    I actually have a pretty good resistance upper body program on my website.

    I use to use them when I started you will see better results with DBS but its just as effective to start with bands.

    Good luck :)
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    They are actually more effective. Lets just pretend you are doing a curl with weights. As you move through the motion you lose resistance as you get to the top of the move. With resistence bands the resistance stays throughout the whole range of motion. Plus with a little practice you can learn to change the resistance by how you stand on the bands. You can spread your feet to make them more difficult or you can create a loop at the bottom and stand on the loop.

    When I do workouts I tend to mix both. I might have a set of curls with a heavy weigt for 10-12 reps and follow it with a resistance band curl for 20-30 reps. The resistance band will wear those muscles out.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I personally hate resistance bands (it would take me twice as long to do a workout JUST to be able to find a comfortable AND equal resistance each time and on each arm). I have a small set of weights that take up VERY little space.

    This set:,+32-lbs.jsp?locale=en

    It has a plastic carrying case that I keep the weights in and it's stored on a shelf (can be stored under a couch or something). Right now they're perfect weights. When you get into the heavy weights it's a bit more space needed.

    Bodyweight exercises are also quite effective so you can do strength training without having to buy weights.